Short:        dA JoRMaS: HäpyCarva #72
Author: (dA JoRMaS)
Uploader:     vesuri jormas com (Vesuri/dA JoRMaS)
Type:         demo/sound
Requires:     An Amiga with 1 megabyte of memory
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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                                HäpyCarva #72      /
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HäpyCarva #72 does not support gfx cards. It always runs in a PAL screenmode.

: Code                        Vesuri :: Modulename              26 Letters :
: Graphics                    Vesuri :: Modulelength                368866 :
: Music                       Vesuri :: Playtime                     3"34' :
: Style                     Hardcore :: BPM                            215 :

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