Short:        HD-Loader for Speed/Sim Productions
Author: (cybfree)
Uploader:     cyberpingui free fr (cybfree)
Type:         demo/track
Version:      1.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet

exact floppy timing fix

HD Installer and Loader for the 4 disks trackmo 'Speed' by
Sim Prod. AGA support, but no speed fix for 68020+
need to watch this demo from HardDisk :
- OCS 512 kb Chip + 512 kb Fake fast + 4 Mb Fast
- ECS 1 Mb Chip + 4 Mb Fast
- AGA 2 Mb Chip + 4 Mb Fast

use the install-script to copy the disks to HardDrive.