Short:        A Disk Catalogger with a CanDo GUI
Author: (James T. Steichen)
Uploader:     jsteic1957 aol com (The Author)
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      V1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

DiskLibrarian V1.0 is a compiled CanDo deck that allows the user to make
a catalog (database) of all files on his/her floppy disk collection.
It will also catalog hard-disks & CD-Roms (or anything else that has
a Volume name that AmigaDOS can find).

               James T. Steichen, Copyright (c) 1997-2000.

There is an included program (DiskDirTree) that was written by Mike W. 
Meyer - DiskDirTree actually performs the task of reading a disk & 
out-putting the filenames in a format that DiskLibrarian can read.

DiskDirTree is a program written by Mike W. Meyer 
(TreeTest, Copyright (C) 1989) that's been renamed to DiskDirTree.

   DiskLibrarian uses DeckBrowser which is Copyrighted (c) by InovaTronics.
   I've included a copy of it with my distribution.  It should be placed
   in the command path where the Amiga OS can find it (example: 'C:')

   68020 or better microprocessor.

   AmigaDOS 3.5+    

   Hard disk (around 700K of space, so you could place it on a Floppy).