Short:        pics & texts from AT press event speakings
Author:       misc (compilation: jonny - milliways +49 6831 703370)
Uploader:     jony0000 hermes rz uni-sb de
Type:         docs/misc
Version:      30.05.95
Architecture: generic


these are the complete scans of the press event of
commodore/amiga frankfurt, 30th of may 1995

brought to you by

jonny - milliways +49 6831 703370

first read the item 1timeplan.iff and
then follow the timing list by entering the speakers
dir in order to speak times.

each dir contents a picture of the speaker (if available)
as jpeg picture,
an `curriculum vitae` (*c_v.iff) and
the speech of the reader (iff).

in the main dir are 2 .iff with short explanations of the speakers
and 1 .iff with te conclusion of mr. schmitt

each .iff is in the with of 720 pixels, so it can be read with any
normal amiga and an iff-viewer.

also at the main dir are 2 jpeg pictures of the new a4000t design

scanning, compilation and contact: