@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _ _ _ __________|___ /_ _ _ _ __ _________ _\ \// |__\ ____ /__| \/_ _\\\ ---.|_/ \\ \/ `--- ///_ \\\\\______|`------|_____\/-je_________///// - wildstyle ------------------------ juice - - totally unreadable debut asciicollection - @END_FILE_ID.DIZ . . : : "big dicks up yo' ass is bad fo' yo' health." : : (or - section 0: foreword) : : before we get this started i'd like to explain a few things about this colly. you're most likely wondering why is this colly so short. : · because i got sick of the style used in this colly, and i didn't want to mix different styles in the same colly. : · because i don't use tons of empty lines, silly texts, and info lines that are bigger than the logos just to make my colly seem larger. : · because i didn't get enough requests. : · because i don't fuckin' care how long my collys are. : the second question you might be asking is why is the style used here so unreadable. : : · because i wanted to make a .wildstyle. colly and wildstyle is .supposed. to be unreadable : · if you don't like it, don't worry. i won't be making any more ascii with this style (unless by special request) because i got sick of it. : · yes i can do readable asciis, and my next colly will probably be readable (well more readable than this for sure). : that's it. for the greets check the last section... : . : . .....:.......................................· : : : :....: : · . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : "i said i don't use loads of empty lines to beef up my colly?! well, i lied." : : <evil grin.> : : · . . .. ... .... ...............................:....· : : :....: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __//__ \__ _\ ______ \_ _/ __\\__ _ / _ _ _\__ juice of phase _ ____/ \___ _ _\__/ \__/\__/ \____ _ / /__ _____\ distortion \\\____/\___ \\\\ _ /\_ _/ _ ___/// /_/__ __ _\ \ presents... _ / \/ \ \_ / / \_/ \_\\\/ \ _ / / (o _(o \\ _/\__ _ ///_ ______/_ ___\__\_ ______/__ ____\\\ \\ _(_ __. /// \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ / / \\___/ //\___ //\_____/ / \_ - --- ----·)» jUIcE «(·---- --- - / \_\ _/ \ __ ____ __ __ __ \/ __ __ ____/ \ _ __\ _ \___/ \____ _ __/ \____/ \____/\________/__\___/ \____ \____/\__\\___ _\__ _ ___////___/\____ _ ___/ \ / ______/\____/ / _/_ / /// \\\\/ \ __ / \/ \/ \\\/ \ \\ /\ \_/ \/ \ /_ ___/ ///_ ___\ ___\__ ___\\//___ ________ ___/_ __\ /__ ______\_ ____\ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - -- --- ----·)» p r E s E n t S «(·---- --- -- - ____ / . \ _/____ _\_ \________/ //_ _ ___ \\ ...a bunch of slashes, backslashes, and understrokes \\\o _\o //_ \__ (also known among scene freaks as a collection of /// (_ . /_/ _/ \ ascii art or an askii colly) called... / \ \____ //___ \___ _ _/ / \__\/_// \_ / \/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _//__\_ ______ \__ _ /__ \__ _ / __ \_ / __ \_ _ __ _/ __ \___/ __\\_ _ ___/ \__\__/ \_ _ / \_ _ ____/ \____/__\__ _ ___\/__/ \_ __/ \____ \___/\_____ /\ \/\\\\/\_ \\\\____/\____ ___////_ \/ _/\ \/\ _ ___/ / __/ /_/ / \ \/ \ _ / \/ \/ \ \__ _ _\ __/\_/ / \\\/ \ /___ /\__ __\ _ ____/_ _____////___ _______ ____\\\\__ ______ ____/__ ___/ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - -- --- ----·)» wIld stYlE «(·---- --- -- - for the unenlightened: wildstyle art is SuPPoSeD to be unreadable, so don't whine! after all, this is what the subtitles are here for... (i haven't yet found out how to lip-sync an ascii collection.) __ /\_\ \/ ____ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ ____/ __/\ \_\/ "the ways of my mind are strange. the meanings escape me, but the thoughts remain." (or - section 1: miscellaneous logos) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \_ __/ // __//__ \/ \__ _ //__\\__/ __ \__/ __ \\_ _//__ _\ ____ / _ \ \ / / _ _ ____/ \__/\_______/ \____/ \____/ \____ / \_ _\__//_ __\ _____/ \/_ \\____/\___ \ ______ _____/\____ _ ___//\\/\_ \\ ___ _ \ \_/`° `¤\__// _ / _/ _ \_/ \ \/ \/ \/ \\\/ \ _ _ \/ \/ \_._/_ ///__ __/ \_ _\___/_ ______\__ ________ ___///____ __/\__ _ / / , \ \/__ \/__ \/ \/____ \/__ ____\/ \\ \ \ _ ____/ \____/__\__ _ _/\______\ _ \____/__\_\__/__/\__/\_ _ \ \)__ (_/ \\\____/\____ ___//// __ _____ _\__ _ _____ _ __ _ \ _ \ \\ _ \ _ / \/ \/ \ \_ / \/ \/ /// \\ \/_ / \/ \\\ \ \ \ \ ///___ _______ __//\\_ _____/_ ___\ ___\_ ____\_\_ _____/_\ \/ \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ - -- --- ----·)» phAsE dIstOrtIOn «(·---- --- -- - "ya gotsta be down wit' yo hood team." _ _ _ _ _ _// \__ _ _ __/__\_ _ \\__ _ _//__ \__/ __\\__ _ _ __/\_______ _ ___/ \___/\________/ \____/ \___ _ \\\_/\_ ____////____ __/ \ ____/\_______ __/// / \\_ \_ _ / \ \ \\ / \/ \/ \ \ /\\_ _______////_ ______\_ _\ /_ ______/_ _____//\ \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - -- --- ----·)» gAnjA «(·---- --- -- - "roll, roll, roll a joint, pass it down the line, take a toke, hold your smoke, blow your fuckin' mind!" _ _ __ \_ __/ _ _ _ _ __ - \_ \ / __/ / _ _ _ _ ` \__\ //_/ = - _ \ \ / / _ _ _ __/ \ / __ \__ _ /_ `- ~\ _\ ______/ \/_ _ ___/\_/\____/ \___ _ =( \__O_. )- - ( \ /_`°¦@ \___/ \\\___ / ____ __/// \_/°'`°\/ . \ (_/\ `--' )= _ / /_ \/ \ \ _ _ \__-_/ _ - - \\(-_/\___//uGh. ///_ ______/_ ______\\\ \/¯_ ~ ¯\/_·swoOsh.· ¦¯\_____/\ _ __/\_\/____ \_\/ \__/\_ _ / / \___)· -» = + )= - * · >*blAm.(___\ \\\_/\_ ____/ _¯ /\_ _/// \_) ) · : __¦\______/ / \\_ \_/ / \_/ \_ /_\____/_\ . - -_\_:__ > /\\__ ______/\__\_ ______//\ ¯ \|__ \ ¯ \¯ ·______/ \/-jE! \/ _|\__/ ¯¯¯ - --`---'--- -- - - -- ------ -- - - ---·)» mAgIc «(·--- - "abracatabla." bZz. · . __________ . _ _ /_/ _ _ ¯¯\_ · . _//__ \_ __/\_ _ __/\_ _ __/__\\__ _ / _ _ _ _ \\ woOf. _ ___/ \_____/\_______/\_______/ \___ _ //· \o__\o__.\· \ wOof. \\\___/\____ __ ___ __ ______/\___/// /// \ _/ __\_\\. \___ _ _ / _/ \/ \/ \/ \/ __/__ _ \_____/ \ _ \/ /// __/ ///___ /\__ ________\__ _____\_ __/ / /// / /· \ \__ /¯ ¯ · \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! /// \____/\ \_ . · / \\ \ -- --- ----·)» wOOf «(·---- --- -- "dog eat dog. (?)" ________ _/ . . . .\_ _ _ _ _ /. . . . . . \ _ ____/\__/ __ \__ _/ __\_ _ ___//__\\___ _ ___/______________\___ _ ____/\___/ \_ _ / \_ _ ____/ \___ \\\ \ . . . . . . . . . / \\\_ __ __/\ \/\\\\/\_ \\\\____/\____\ \_ \__________________/ _ / \/ \_/ / \ \/ \ _ / \/ \/ \\ _ _/ ______ _ ______ \_ ///__ ______\__ ___/_ _____////___ ____/¯/// \\ \ (_) > (_)/ // ___\/_________\/____\/____ _ ___\/___//¯_ /\\ \___/ ·\___/ //\ \ _\/_________\/____\/___ _ ____\/___//\\\ _/ / \ _/ \\_ / \ \_ \\\/ __ ____\/ __ \/ _ _ __ \/ __ __ / / \_/ \_ _/ \\¤/ \ \ \\_ _ __\ \____ _/\_______/\__/ \_\/ _/ / / \ \____/ ·/¯. \ \_\_\\\___ _ ___// __ ___ __ _/\ \/\ / / / /\ ° _ _____/ / \ \ \ / /// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ / \ _/ / / \_ _/ \ \ \ \\_ /_ ___\ ___\__ _____\__ _____\__ __/ / / / / . \______/ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \/-jE!\/ \/ \/ - -- --- ----·)» Old skOOl «(·---- --- -- - "like hell." __ _ \ _/ tUrn thAt Off 'n gO tO = \_\ __/ = \____ _ _ _ _ bEd! _/ - - \_ _/ ./\.. ... \_ _ (_ / ______) ___ __/ \__ __: /__/`-°`-°\ \ _ __/\__ _ / = \_\ ¤ _) /_ _\ \\\_ _/// /:_ __ _ /_ \\_ o_/_ _ ___\/___/\___ __ / /_/ ¯ \ ///_ \/ __ __\\// / / . .\ _ _\ __/ \/ \ _··. \ _ ___) __)\ \\\_ ___ _____///__:__ ___/ __ \/ \/ __ : /_ _ ___/\_/\____/ \____/\_/\____/ \___:_ / \\\___ / ____ ____ / ____ __//// _ / /_ \/ \ \/ /_ \/ \ \ _ - ///_ ______/_ _____/_ ______/_ ______\\\ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! - -- --- ----·)» yO' mAmA «(·---- --- -- - "yo' mama's so ugly she could make an onion cry." __ /\_\ \/ ____ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ ____/ __/\ \_\/ "what you see is what you get." (or - section 2: special requests) _ _ _ _ ___ _.··· ·· · _ ___/ __ \__ _ _ _ _/ __ \_/ _\ ___: \___ _ __ _ _____/ \_________ _ _/ \__/\___\ \____ _ / ///__ __/\_ __ __ \\\ /\_ _____ _ ___/// / _ __ \ / \/ \ \_ / \_/ \/ /// \ __ ___\_ __/\_ _____/__ _/\_ _____/_ ___\ ___\\/ -hC!\_\/_/\_\/ \/ \/ \/ :\/-jE! `-------- ---- --- -- - : · \/ · ·· ··· - -- --- ----·)» vOUck! «(·---- --- -- - (.name logo - requested by vouck.) · ·· ··· ····/\··········. __ __/ \__ __ : _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __\ _ __/\__ _ /_ : _ _/ \_ /\_ _ _ __/ __ \__/ __ __\ ____ \ ____\\\_ _///___\__:_ ___/\_/\____/\______ _ ___/ \____/ \_____\ \___\__/\_ \/ _/ \___ \\___ / __ __ __ \\\\___/\____ _ ______ _ ___/__\ \/\/\/ /\ __// _ / /_ \/ \/ \ \_ / \/ \/ \\\/ \/ /// \/ _/ / / \ \ \ \ ///_ _______\_ _____/__ _/___ _______ ____/_ ___\ ___\_\__ ___/__ _/____//\ \/-jE! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ : - -- --- ----·)» mOUsEkIllA «(·---- --- -- - (.name logo - requested by mousekilla.) · ·· ··· . _ _ _ _ . ··· ·· · _ _ .·_ _ __ \__ _ _ _/_ ___ __ __·.___ ___ _ ___/ __ \/.· \__/ \_\ \_________/ \/ __ ·._____ \__ __ _ _ _____/ \__/¯¯\____/\__ _ (`-°.`-°) _ _/\__/ \_::\___//\__ __ _ ///___ __/\__ _ ___/ \_ _ _\__--'/_ __ __ _/\ \/\___/ \___ __ _ _ __ \ / \\\/ \ \\ _/_ ~~~ _\_ \/ \/ / \ \ \\ -pHD\_ __/_____ ____\ __\ \_/---=---\_/_ ______\__ __/__/ __\ / \/ ::\/-jE!\/ \/ \___|___/ \/ \/ \/ \/ :: `--' `--' :: ·:.... ... .. . . .. ... ....:· - -- --- ----·)» vEntOlIn «(·---- --- -- - (.bbs logo - requested by neemo.) __ _ .··· · · d. i. v. e. r. s. e. · · ···. _ __ __\ : __ ____ ________ ____ __ __ : /__ _) _:/ \_ _\__/__/\____/ _____/\_\ _ \_____/ \___/ \_:_ (_ \ _ _\\\/\_ \\ _______ _/ _____//__ _\_______/\__ _ ///_ _ / \ \/ \/ / //_______/ / /// \/ \/ \/\\\\/ / \_ _ __ _____/\__ _\ /_\ \ /_ ___\ ___\__ _____\__ ___ _ _/ :\/-jE! \/ \_______\/ \/ \/ . \/ \/: ·... . . . . ...· - -- --- ----·)» dIvErsE «(·---- --- -- - (.group logo - requested by neemo.) | /\ _ _¦ |_ ___ _ _ · \ _ ___/ __: ¦ ____\_ _/ __ \__/ /\ ·_ __ _ _____/ \_ _ :_\ _ \____/__\____/ \___ / ///__ __/\_ _\\___ _\____ _______ __/ _ __ \ / / /// \\ \/ _ \ \ -jE!\ /: /_ ___\ ___\_ ___/ \ _ _ \ / ¦ :\/ \/ \/ / \ \ \/ _| ¦_ _ · ¯ ¯ ¯¯ · / : | . \/ · : . - -- --- ----·)» vIrtA «(·---- --- -- - (.group logo - requested by neemo.) /\ __ _ _ · \ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ \ ____ \__/ /\ · \_ \ ____ / __ \__/ __ ____ \_\ ____ / __ __\ \____/_ \_ /\__ __\__/__/ \____/__\-j:::::. _\ _ \____\__/__ __ \/____ _ ___/////// \_ ____ ____/\____ __:::· .:::__ _\__ _________\/ / /// \ / \\ / \ \/ \/ \ \:::::::· /// \/ \ /_ ___\ ___\ /_____\ / ____\_ _______ __:::. .: ___\ ___\ ____\ \/ \/ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ ·:::::! \/ \/ \/-jE! ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯ - -- --- ----·)» kAnIstErI «(·---- --- -- - (.group logo - requested by neemo.) ____ ___ __ _ s h e l t e r _ __ ___ ____ _) __ __ __ __ __ ____ (_ _\ ___/ \___/\_______/ \__/ \_ _ __/__\____/ \_____\ _ \___ /_ \____/\____ \ ____ _ ___/\ \/\\\\_ _____ _ ______ _\____/ _ / \/ \/ _ \/ \\\/ \_/ / \_/ \ \_/ \\\/ \/ /// \ _ //___ ___\_ _\___/___ ____/___ ___/_____ ___\__ ____/_ ___\ ___\\ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! - -- --- ----·)» shEltEr «(·---- --- -- - (.group logo - requested by vouck!.) _ __ _ /· _ _ _ _ ·\ _ _ _ _ _ _/ __ \/ \__ _ __· \_ _ _/ __ \_ / __ \_ _ _/ ·_/ __ \_/ __ \__ _ _ _/ \__/\__________/\________/__\____/ \________/\___/__\___/ \__ _ \\__/\_ __ __ __/ \ / _____ _ _\ / \_ ______/\___// / \_/ \ \/ \ \\ /\ \_/ \\\/ \ // / \_/ \/ \ \_ _____/\_ ___/_ __\ /__ ______\__ ____/\ /__ _\_ _____\_ ___/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! - -- --- ----·)» cOntEnts «(·---- --- -- - (.logo - requested by vouck!.) _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __//__ \_ __ _/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ _/ \\_ __ _ _ ___/ \___/ \___/ \_____/__\__ _ _/\_____ _ \\\___/\_____/\__ _ ___/ ___//// __ __/// / _/ \/ \/\\\\/ \\ \_ / \/ \ /_ ___//___ _____\__ ___\__ __//\\_ _____//\ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/-jE! - -- --- ----·)» psEtO «(·---- --- -- - (.sig file - reqested by pseto.) __ /\_\ \/ ____ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ ____/ __/\ \_\/ "dizzy. i'm so dizzy, my head is spinning." (or - section 3: group file_id.diz logos) these do not all conform to the style of this collection, so maybe you'll even be able to read some of them. _ ___/\_________/\__________/\_______ _ . \\\_______ ¯¯\_ ¯/ ¯¯\_______ ¯¯\_\\tm · / / ·/ / ·/ / ·/__ · : / ______/ // / ///\_\ : ¦/ // / / // / // \/_/ ¦ |\_ __/ \_ __/\____/\_ ________/-jE/pHD| `==\/=========\/==========\/===============' p H A S E · d I S T O R T I O N · presents .----------name of the production----------. `--extra comments and release information--' (phd - bigger version. my favourite.) __ __ _ ___/ \___/\____ _/ \_ _tm.------ ---- -. \\\___/\____ \ __\\_/\_ \\\ ¦ .p.H.A.S.E. : / _/ _ \_ \/ \ : dISTORTION! ¦ /_ ___/ \_ _\___/_ _____//\· .preZents!. | .---\/-jE!--\/------\/-------' : `-·)» nAME oF pRODUCT (oR sOMETHING..) «(·-' (phase distortion - shorter version. requested by pirat.) .______. .._.__.________|__ |-je!__. ._____.__._.. ·| | | _ / : _|_|__ | | |· :| | | / _/ | _/ : / | | |: ¦¦ ¦ ¦ /__:_/| \ _/ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ |: : : | |______: \ : : :| |. . ._____|presents:|_____\ _______. . .| |module name author playtime info and other| |information and comments about the release| `------------------------------------------' (another phd diz.) _ _ _ __________|___ /_ _ _ _ __ _________ _\ \// |__\ ____ /__| \/_ _\\\ ---.|_/ \\ \/ `--- ///_ \\\\\______|`------|_____\/-je_________///// - name of production ------- time - author - - extra comments and release information.. - (and another.) _________.___________. _ ______________ : \ __\__ | __/ __\__ |__ ___/ __\_ __\_: ¦_/\__ \/\ \_ \__/\ : \_ \__ \__/\ \__/¦ |\_______/_¦___/__ __/____/____/__ __/_|-jE| `=.sHELTER.:======\/======\/======\/=======' - - -- -¤- --( ..pRODUCTION nAME.. ) -- · (shelter.) jE!/\__/\__/\__/\ /\ /\__/\__/\__® · : / / / / __/_ \/ \/ / __/ __/oVeRDoSE: ¦/ / / / / __/ / / / / /\ / __/aRe PRouD¦ / __/ __/ __/ / / __/ __/ __/ __/To PReSeNT| \/==\/==\/==\/\/\/==\/==\/==\/=============' (overdose - requested by mad max.) feel free to send me reqz to my e-mail: nfox@jagor.srce.hr or catch me on the phdhrhq hell: +385-(0)1-568438 (greetz.) pirat/phd...........................................ambient ain't jungle :) neemo/phd............................................thanks for da requests vouck/phd?..................................................cool styles man celsius.................................trash that pc don't be a sellout :) tst/pulse....................................c64 rulez, we gonna kick butt! mousekilla/pulse.........coding at 4 am intoxicated with caffeine in a cold garage rulez :) airon/phd......................................comeon make some new choons! mad max/overdose............................your board is getting better :) diablo................................................................hi :) beavis....................................how about some reqz for ya board? and also all the others i know, but can't remember now at 4 am... "that's it."