@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ             _ _ _
  __________|___ /_   _ _ _ __   _________
 _\           \//  |__\ ____ /__|       \/_
_\\\    ---.|_/        \\ \/    `---    ///_
- wildstyle ------------------------ juice -
- totally unreadable debut asciicollection -



            :  "big dicks up yo' ass is bad fo' yo' health."
            :           (or - section 0: foreword)
before we get this started i'd like to explain a few things about this
colly. you're most likely wondering why is this colly so short.
· because i got sick of the style used in this colly, and i didn't want to
  mix different styles in the same colly.
· because i don't use tons of empty lines, silly texts, and info lines that
  are bigger than the logos just to make my colly seem larger.
· because i didn't get enough requests.
· because i don't fuckin' care how long my collys are.
the second question you might be asking is why is the style used here so
unreadable. :
· because i wanted to make a .wildstyle. colly and wildstyle is .supposed.
  to be unreadable
· if you don't like it, don't worry. i won't be making any more ascii with
  this style (unless by special request) because i got sick of it.
· yes i can do readable asciis, and my next colly will probably be readable
  (well more readable than this for sure).
that's it. for the greets check the last section...
            :                                      .
            :                                         .
       :    :                                       :
       :....:                                       :
     ·  .                                           :
      "i said i don't use loads of empty lines to beef up my colly?!
                              well, i lied."        :
                               <evil grin.>         :
                                                    :   ·  .
 .    ..   ...  .... ...............................:....·
                                                    :    :

      _        __ _  _ _      _  _            _  __
 _ __//__ \__ _\ ______ \_  _/ __\\__ _     / _ _ _\__      juice of phase
_ ____/  \___ _ _\__/  \__/\__/  \____ _ /   /__ _____\      distortion
\\\____/\___ \\\\ _  /\_   _/ _   ___///   /_/__  __  _\   \  presents...
 _ /    \/ \  \_ /  /   \_/ \_\\\/  \ _  / / (o _(o    \\ _/\__ _
///_ ______/_ ___\__\_ ______/__ ____\\\   \\ _(_ __. ///
    \/-jE!   \/       \/        \/       / / \\___/   //\___
                                            //\_____/ /     \_
  -  --- ----·)» jUIcE «(·---- ---  -  /      \_\ _/          \
     __      ____     __           __      __   \/           __     __
____/  \ _ __\ _ \___/  \____ _ __/  \____/  \____/\________/__\___/  \____
\____/\__\\___ _\__  _   ___////___/\____ _   ___/  \     /   ______/\____/
 /     _/_ /  ///   \\\\/  \ __ / \/  \/  \\\/  \   \\   /\    \_/ \/   \
/_ ___/ ///_ ___\ ___\__ ___\\//___ ________ ___/_ __\  /__ ______\_ ____\
  \/        \/   \/     \/-jE!    \/        \/    \/  \/   \/       \/

          -   --  --- ----·)» p r E s E n t S «(·---- ---  --   -
        / .  \
      _/____ _\_
     //_ _ ___ \\    ...a bunch of slashes, backslashes, and understrokes
     \\\o _\o  //_ \__ (also known among scene freaks as a collection of
    ///  (_ .  /_/ _/ \ ascii art or an askii colly) called...
    / \ \____ //___    \___ _
 _/ /  \__\/_//    \_
/         \/         \
    _         _ _          _       _       _   _           _  _     _  _
_ _//__\_ ______ \__ _ /__  \__ _ / __ \_ / __  \_ _ __  _/ __ \___/ __\\_ _
 ___/  \__\__/  \_   _ /  \_ _ ____/  \____/__\__ _ ___\/__/  \_  __/  \____
 \___/\_____  /\  \/\\\\/\_ \\\\____/\____   ___////_  \/  _/\  \/\ _   ___/
  /     __/  /_/  /  \   \/  \ _ / \/  \/ \   \__ _ _\  __/\_/  /   \\\/  \
 /___ /\__ __\ _ ____/_ _____////___ _______ ____\\\\__ ______ ____/__ ___/
    \/   \/     \/     \/-jE!      \/      \/         \/     \/       \/

             -   --  --- ----·)» wIld stYlE «(·---- ---  --   -

 for the unenlightened: wildstyle art is SuPPoSeD to be unreadable, so don't

           after all, this is what the subtitles are here for...
      (i haven't yet found out how to lip-sync an ascii collection.)

                                   \/ ____ ___  __   _
                     _   __  ___ ____/

       "the ways of my mind are strange. the meanings escape me, but
                           the thoughts remain."

                   (or - section 1: miscellaneous logos)

             _ _     _              _  _    _  _        _     _    _   _ __
 \_       __/ //  __//__ \/  \__ _ //__\\__/ __ \__/ __ \\_ _//__ _\ ____ /
 _ \ \ / / _  _  ____/  \__/\_______/  \____/  \____/  \____  /  \_ _\__//_
__\  _____/ \/_ \\____/\___  \ ______   _____/\____ _   ___//\\/\_ \\ ___ _
\ \_/`° `¤\__// _ /     _/   _  \_/  \   \/ \/  \/  \\\/  \ _ _ \/  \/
     \_._/_    ///__ __/ \_ _\___/_ ______\__ ________ ___///____ __/\__ _
  / / ,    \       \/__    \/__    \/       \/____    \/__  ____\/
   \\     \ \ _ ____/  \____/__\__ _ _/\______\ _ \____/__\_\__/__/\__/\_ _
 \   \)__ (_/ \\\____/\____   ___//// __  _____ _\__ _   _____ _  __  _ \ _
   \ \\  _  \   _ / \/  \/ \   \_  /   \/  \/  ///   \\   \/_  /   \/  \\\
  \    \  \  \ ///___ _______ __//\\_ _____/_ ___\ ___\_ ____\_\_ _____/_\
                    \/      \/-jE!   \/      \/   \/   \/        \/    \/ \

         -   --  --- ----·)» phAsE dIstOrtIOn «(·---- ---  --   -

                  "ya gotsta be down wit' yo hood team."

               _                      _        _          _
           _ _// \__ _    _ __/__\_ _ \\__ _ _//__ \__/ __\\__ _
           _ __/\_______ _ ___/  \___/\________/  \____/  \___ _
           \\\_/\_ ____////____   __/  \    ____/\_______  __///
              /    \\_ \_ _ /  \   \   \\   /    \/ \/   \  \
            /\\_ _______////_ ______\_ _\  /_ ______/_ _____//\
                \/-jE!       \/       \/ \/  \/       \/

               -   --  --- ----·)» gAnjA «(·---- ---  --   -

                        "roll, roll, roll a joint,
                          pass it down the line,
                       take a toke, hold your smoke,
                         blow your fuckin' mind!"

                                _ _
                               __  \_   __/ _  _
  _      _  __                 - \_  \ /  __/  /      _   _    _  _
 ` \__\ //_/ =              -   _  \ \ / / _ _   _ __/     \  / __ \__ _
   /_  `- ~\                    _\  ______/ \/_  _ ___/\_/\____/  \___ _
 =(  \__O_. )-             -   ( \ /_`°¦@ \___/  \\\___ /   ____   __///
   \_/°'`°\/          .         \ (_/\ `--' )=    _ /  /_   \/  \   \ _
   _ \__-_/ _             -   - \\(-_/\___//uGh. ///_ ______/_ ______\\\
   \/¯_ ~ ¯\/_·swoOsh.·           ¦¯\_____/\  _ __/\_\/____ \_\/  \__/\_ _
   / /    \___)· -» = + )= - * · >*blAm.(___\ \\\_/\_ ____/  _¯ /\_   _///
   \_)     )  ·       :         __¦\______/      /    \\_ \_/  /   \_/ \_
   /_\____/_\         .    -  -_\_:__     >    /\\__ ______/\__\_ ______//\
   ¯ \|__ \ ¯                  \¯ ·______/         \/-jE!        \/
     _|\__/                     ¯¯¯
 - --`---'--- --  -         -  -- ------ -- -   -  ---·)» mAgIc «(·---  -


    bZz. ·    .
      __________      .               _                             _
   /_/   _ _  ¯¯\_  ·  .            _//__ \_ __/\_ _  __/\_ _  __/__\\__ _
   /      _ _ _ _ \\     woOf.   _ ___/  \_____/\_______/\_______/  \___ _
 //·      \o__\o__.\·  \  wOof.  \\\___/\____  __  ___  __  ______/\___///
///    \  _/    __\_\\. \___ _    _ /      _/   \/  \/   \/  \/    __/__ _
 \_____/  \  _  \/ /// __/       ///___ /\__ ________\__ _____\_ __/ / ///
/ /·       \  \__ /¯    ¯  ·          \/   \/          \/       \/-jE!
///         \____/\ \_  .    ·
/                  \\ \             --  --- ----·)» wOOf «(·---- ---  --

                            "dog eat dog. (?)"

              _/ . . . .\_                 _  _                  _  _
             /. . . . . . \     _ ____/\__/ __ \__ _/ __\_ _ ___//__\\___ _
         ___/______________\___ _ ____/\___/  \_   _ /  \_ _ ____/  \___ \\\
         \ . . . . . . . . .  / \\\_  __  __/\  \/\\\\/\_ \\\\____/\____\ \_
          \__________________/   _ /   \/  \_/  /  \   \/  \ _ / \/  \/ \\ _
         _/ ______ _  ______ \_ ///__ ______\__ ___/_ _____////___ ____/¯///
         \\ \  (_)    > (_)/ //  ___\/_________\/____\/____ _ ___\/___//¯_
         /\\ \___/   ·\___/ //\  \ _\/_________\/____\/___ _ ____\/___//\\\
       _/ / \  _/     \\_  / \ \_ \\\/ __  ____\/ __ \/  _ _ __  \/ __  __
      / / \_/  \_      _/ \\¤/ \ \ \\_ _ __\   \____ _/\_______/\__/  \_\/
    _/ / /  \    \____/   ·/¯. \  \_\_\\\___ _  ___// __  ___  __  _/\  \/\
   /   /  / /\ ° _ _____/ / \     \ \    /  ///   \/   \/  \/   \/  \/  /  \
 _/  /  /     \_        _/ \    \ \ \\_ /_ ___\ ___\__ _____\__ _____\__ __/
/  /  /    / .  \______/   \ \  \   \  \  \/   \/-jE!\/       \/        \/

             -   --  --- ----·)» Old skOOl «(·---- ---  --   -

                                "like hell."

                    _ \     _/     tUrn thAt Off 'n gO tO
                   = \_\ __/  =  \____ _  _     _  _  bEd!
                    _/ - -  \_   _/    ./\.. ...    \_ _
                   (_ / ______)  ___ __/  \__ __:
                    /__/`-°`-°\  \  _ __/\__ _  /
                  =  \_\ ¤ _) /_ _\ \\\_  _/// /:_ __ _
                    /_ \\_ o_/_    _ ___\/___/\___ __ /
                    /_/    ¯   \  ///_  \/  __  __\\//
                   /  /    .   .\  _ _\  __/ \/  \ _··.
                   \  _  ___) __)\ \\\_ ___ _____///__:__
                  ___/         __      \/  \/   __    : /_
                _ ___/\_/\____/  \____/\_/\____/  \___:_ /
                \\\___ /   ____   ____  /   ____   __////
                 _ /  /_   \/  \   \/  /_   \/  \   \ _   -
                ///_ ______/_ _____/_ ______/_ ______\\\
                    \/       \/      \/       \/-jE!

             -   --  --- ----·)» yO' mAmA «(·---- ---  --   -

             "yo' mama's so ugly she could make an onion cry."

                                   \/ ____ ___  __   _
                     _   __  ___ ____/

                      "what you see is what you get."

                    (or - section 2: special requests)

                     _  _             _  _     ___ _.··· ··  ·
               _ ___/ __ \__ _  _ _ _/ __ \_/ _\ ___: \___ _ __
              _ _____/  \_________ _ _/  \__/\___\   \____ _  /
             ///__  __/\_  __  __ \\\  /\_   _____ _  ___/// /
              _ __  \   /   \/  \  \_ /   \_/ \/  ///   \ __
               ___\_ __/\_ _____/__ _/\_ _____/_ ___\ ___\\/
              -hC!\_\/_/\_\/      \/    \/      \/  :\/-jE!
                    `-------- ----  ---   --    -   : ·
                       \/                  ·  ·· ···
              -   --  --- ----·)» vOUck! «(·---- ---  --   -

                    (.name logo - requested by vouck.)

                                            ·    ··  ··· ····/\··········.
                                                       __ __/  \__ __    :
      _  _                  _       _ _    ___ __  _ __\ _ __/\__ _ /_   :
 _ _/     \_  /\_ _    _ __/ __ \__/ __  __\ ____  \ ____\\\_  _///___\__:_
  ___/\_/\____/\______ _ ___/  \____/  \_____\   \___\__/\_  \/  _/   \___
 \\___ /   __  __  __ \\\\___/\____ _   ______ _  ___/__\  \/\/\/  /\  __//
 _ /  /_   \/   \/  \  \_ / \/  \/  \\\/  \/  ///   \/ _/  / /  \  \ \  \
///_ _______\_ _____/__ _/___ _______ ____/_ ___\ ___\_\__ ___/__ _/____//\
    \/-jE!    \/      \/    \/       \/     \/   \/       \/    \/       :

            -   --  --- ----·)» mOUsEkIllA «(·---- ---  --   -

                  (.name logo - requested by mousekilla.)

       ·  ·· ··· .           _ _           _ _          . ··· ··  ·
           _  _  .·_     _   __ \__ _ _  _/_ ___  __ __·.___ ___
     _ ___/ __ \/.·  \__/  \_\  \_________/     \/ __  ·._____  \__ __ _
    _ _____/  \__/¯¯\____/\__  _ (`-°.`-°) _ _/\__/  \_::\___//\__ __ _
   ///___ __/\__ _   ___/  \_ _  _\__--'/_ __ __  _/\  \/\___/  \___  __ _
    _ __  \   /  \\\/  \   \\  _/_   ~~~ _\_   \/  \/  /  \  \  \\
    -pHD\_ __/_____ ____\ __\  \_/---=---\_/_ ______\__ __/__/ __\  /
          \/     ::\/-jE!\/  \/  \___|___/   \/        \/     \/  \/
                 ::              `--' `--'             ::
                 ·:.... ...  ..   .    .   ..  ... ....:·

             -   --  --- ----·)» vEntOlIn «(·---- ---  --   -

                     (.bbs logo - requested by neemo.)

     __ _ .··· ·  ·  d.   i.   v.   e.   r.   s.   e.  ·  · ···. _ __
   __\    : __    ____         ________  ____       __     __  :    /__
  _)     _:/  \_ _\__/__/\____/  _____/\_\ _ \_____/  \___/  \_:_     (_
  \   _ _\\\/\_ \\ _______  _/  _____//__  _\_______/\__  _   ///_ _   /
   \         \/  \/      / //_______/  /  ///   \/ \/  \/\\\\/        /
    \_ _ __ _____/\__ _\  /_\       \ /_ ___\ ___\__ _____\__ ___ _ _/
          :\/-jE!       \/   \_______\/ \/   \/   . \/       \/:
          ·... .  .                                    .  . ...·

              -   --  --- ----·)» dIvErsE «(·---- ---  --   -

                    (.group logo - requested by neemo.)

                          |                        /\
                       _ _¦    |_ ___     _  _    ·  \
                 _ ___/ __:    ¦ ____\_ _/ __ \__/ /\ ·_ __
                _ _____/  \_ _ :_\ _ \____/__\____/  \___ /
               ///__  __/\_ _\\___ _\____   _______   __/
                _ __  \   /    /  ///   \\   \/ _  \   \
                -jE!\    /:   /_ ___\ ___\_ ___/        \
                 _ _ \  / ¦    :\/   \/   \/  /          \
                    \ \/ _|    ¦_  _         ·     ¯  ¯ ¯¯
                     ·  / :    |            .
                      \/  ·    :

               -   --  --- ----·)» vIrtA «(·---- ---  --   -

                    (.group logo - requested by neemo.)

   __ _   _    ·  \  __   __ _    _ __    _ _  _      _ _   _  _    __ _
   \  ____ \__/ /\ ·   \_ \ ____ / __ \__/ __           ____ \_\ ____  /
 __ __\   \____/_ \_ /\__ __\__/__/  \____/__\-j:::::. _\ _ \____\__/__ __
 \/____ _  ___///////  \_ ____ ____/\____   __:::· .:::__ _\__ _________\/
    /  ///   \     /   \\   /   \ \/  \/ \   \:::::::·   ///   \/    \
   /_ ___\ ___\   /_____\  / ____\_ _______ __:::.   .: ___\ ___\ ____\
     \/   \/          \  \/ \/     \/     \/   ·:::::! \/   \/   \/-jE!
           ¯¯ ¯    ¯ ¯¯

             -   --  --- ----·)» kAnIstErI «(·---- ---  --   -

                    (.group logo - requested by neemo.)

     ____ ___  __   _       s  h  e  l  t  e  r      _   __  ___ ____
    _)    __              __    __          __      __      ____    (_
   _\ ___/  \___/\_______/  \__/  \_   _ __/__\____/  \_____\ _ \___ /_
     \____/\____  \ ____ _   ___/\  \/\\\\_  _____ _   ______ _\____/
     _ / \/  \/   _  \/  \\\/  \_/  /  \_/ \  \_/  \\\/  \/  ///   \ _
     //___ ___\_ _\___/___ ____/___ ___/_____ ___\__ ____/_ ___\ ___\\
         \/     \/        \/       \/       \/      \/     \/   \/-jE!

              -   --  --- ----·)» shEltEr «(·---- ---  --   -

                   (.group logo - requested by vouck!.)

     _ __  _           /·        _  _    _  _        ·\   _  _   _  _
 _ _/ __ \/  \__ _  __·  \_ _  _/ __ \_ / __ \_  _ _/  ·_/ __ \_/ __ \__ _
  _ _/  \__/\__________/\________/__\____/  \________/\___/__\___/  \__ _
  \\__/\_   __  __  __/  \     /   _____ _   _\     /  \_   ______/\___//
     /   \_/ \   \/  \   \\   /\    \_/  \\\/  \   //   /    \_/ \/   \
     \_ _____/\_  ___/_ __\  /__ ______\__ ____/\  /__ _\_ _____\_ ___/
       \/       \/     \/  \/   \/        \/     \/  \/   \/       \/-jE!

             -   --  --- ----·)» cOntEnts «(·---- ---  --   -

                      (.logo - requested by vouck!.)

                  _  _    __    _  _     _          _
             _ __//__ \_  __  _/ __ \_ _/ __ \_ _/  \\_ __ _
             _ ___/  \___/  \___/  \_____/__\__ _ _/\_____ _
             \\\___/\_____/\__  _   ___/   ___//// __  __///
                /     _/ \/  \/\\\\/  \\    \_  /   \/  \
               /_ ___//___ _____\__ ___\__ __//\\_ _____//\
                 \/       \/       \/    \/       \/-jE!

               -   --  --- ----·)» psEtO «(·---- ---  --   -

                     (.sig file - reqested by pseto.)

                                   \/ ____ ___  __   _
                     _   __  ___ ____/

                "dizzy. i'm so dizzy, my head is spinning."

                 (or - section 3: group file_id.diz logos)

 these do not all conform to the style of this collection, so maybe you'll
                    even be able to read some of them.

               _ ___/\_________/\__________/\_______  _   .
               \\\_______  ¯¯\_    ¯/ ¯¯\_______  ¯¯\_\\tm
               ·  /     /    ·/    /    ·/     /    ·/__  ·
               : /     ______/         //     /    ///\_\ :
               ¦/    //    /     /    //     /    // \/_/ ¦
               |\_ __/     \_ __/\____/\_ ________/-jE/pHD|
                p H A S E · d I S T O R T I O N · presents
               .----------name of the production----------.
               `--extra comments and release information--'

                   (phd - bigger version. my favourite.)

                     __             __
               _ ___/  \___/\____ _/  \_ _tm.------ ---- -.
               \\\___/\____  \ __\\_/\_ \\\ ¦ .p.H.A.S.E. :
                  /     _/   _  \_   \/  \  : dISTORTION! ¦
                 /_ ___/ \_ _\___/_ _____//\· .preZents!. |
               .---\/-jE!--\/------\/-------'             :
               `-·)» nAME oF pRODUCT (oR sOMETHING..) «(·-'

         (phase distortion - shorter version. requested by pirat.)

               .._.__.________|__    |-je!__. ._____.__._..
               ·| |  |    _     /    :     _|_|__   |  | |·
               :| |  |   /    _/     |   _/   : /   |  | |:
               ¦¦ ¦  ¦  /__:_/|          \    _/    ¦  ¦ ¦¦
               |: :  :     |  |______:    \         :  : :|
               |. .  ._____|presents:|_____\ _______.  . .|
               |module name author playtime info and other|
               |information and comments about the release|

                            (another phd diz.)

                            _ _ _
                 __________|___ /_   _ _ _ __   _________
                _\           \//  |__\ ____ /__|       \/_
               _\\\    ---.|_/        \\ \/    `---    ///_
               - name of production ------- time - author -
               - extra comments and release information.. -

                              (and another.)

                 _________.___________. _ ______________
               : \  __\__ | __/ __\__ |__  ___/ __\_  __\_:
               ¦_/\__ \/\    \_ \__/\ : \_  \__ \__/\ \__/¦
               |\_______/_¦___/__ __/____/____/__ __/_|-jE|
                -  -  -- -¤- --( ..pRODUCTION nAME.. ) --

               jE!/\__/\__/\__/\  /\  /\__/\__/\__®       ·
               : /   / / / __/_ \/  \/   / __/ __/oVeRDoSE:
               ¦/ / / / / __/   / / / / /\  / __/aRe PRouD¦
               / __/ __/ __/ / / __/ __/ __/ __/To PReSeNT|

                    (overdose - requested by mad max.)

        feel free to send me reqz to my e-mail: nfox@jagor.srce.hr
                     or catch me on the phdhrhq hell:



pirat/phd...........................................ambient ain't jungle :)
neemo/phd............................................thanks for da requests
vouck/phd?..................................................cool styles man
celsius.................................trash that pc don't be a sellout :)
tst/pulse....................................c64 rulez, we gonna kick butt!
mousekilla/pulse.........coding at 4 am intoxicated with caffeine in a cold
                                                            garage rulez :)
airon/phd......................................comeon make some new choons!
mad max/overdose............................your board is getting better :)
diablo................................................................hi :)
beavis....................................how about some reqz for ya board?

and also all the others i know, but can't remember now at 4 am...

                               "that's it."