Short:        WorldFactBook 1993 texinfo version
Author:       Gutenberg Project, Texinfo version Gerhard Leibrock
Uploader:     leibrock fsinfo cs uni-sb de (Gerhard Leibrock)
Type:         docs/misc
Architecture: generic


Texinfo Worldfactbook

These texinfo files contain information about all known countries in 1993.
The information is divided in sections:
        Geography               People
        Government              Economy
        Communications          Defense Forces

wfact.readme	- This file
wfact.whatis	- Shows which file is used for which country
		  Just try "grep 2 wfact.whatis" and you will get to know
		  which country hides behind "2.main" and "".
<1..n>.main	- Menu entries for a specific country
<1..n>.data	- Data for the menu entries
wfact.main	- This file can be seen as the root file.
		  It has references to ALL other texinfo files.	- References to all country-files.
wfact.script	- Amiga Shell script to generate amigaguide versions
		  using makeinfo.


	Gerhard Leibrock
	Neuhaeuselerstr. 12
	66459 Kirkel, Germany

Look out for the amigaguide package, which contains the amigaguide version
generated out of this texinfo sources.