Short: Mipric+Infocom interpr. v3.17 MUI opt. Author: Ruediger Hanke Uploader: schulze phil uni-sb de (Martin Schulze) Type: game/role Architecture: m68k-amigaos System Requirements: -------------------- Minimal configuration: Amiga OS 2.0 or higher, 1 MByte RAM Recommended: Harddisk, more (Fast) RAM, MUI v2.2, MagicWB, 68020+ cpu, min. 640x256 display. Optimal configuration (required to exploit this product to its fullest): Amiga OS 2.1 or higher, 2 MByte+ RAM, harddisk, MUI v2.2, 68020+ cpu, min. 640x256 display, ARexx, Directory Opus 5, MagicWB REGISTERED USERS: You MUST completely re-install the game, either to floppy disk or to harddisk. Please delete all Mipric stuff installed on your harddisk and make sure that there's no MIPRIC: assign. If this assign is made in your user-startup, delete it. Enter also ASSIGN MIPRIC: REMOVE in your shell to make really sure that there's no MIPRIC: drawer. With valid MIPRIC: assign or older system/game files on your harddisk, it might be that the games do not work after the installation process. Check out the documentation for more info about installing. P.S.: Thanks for the many, many, many registrations. I always thought, interactive novels were dead... :-))) WELCOME TO MIPRIC STORY SYSTEM 3 -------------------------------- The Mipric Story System is a system for creating + running classic interactive novels. From version 3.00 on, you can not only play Mipric, but also Infocom V3+4 games. Several special Mipric games are availible as well. MUI turns the MIPRIC Interpreter into the ultimate interpreter for Infocom stories!!! NOTE: This archive just contains the interpreter. You'll also need an interactive novel, either an Infocom type 3 or 4 game, or a Mipric game. Currently availible Mipric games are The Timeless Empire and The Ice Princess. For more information about these games, read the .readme's of those archives (Mipric_TEI.lha and (Mipric_IP.lha). From this release on, the Mipric Story System is split up into several archives to allow disk users to unpack it to disk and to update single parts of the story system. The archives are: Mipric_Basic.lha - The basic package with interpreter and tools. Mipric_<key>_x.lha - These are the Mipric games. <key> stands for the short name of a game. E.g., "TEI" stands for "The Timeless Empire I", while "IP" stands for "The Ice Princess". 'x' is the current release number, so that you can easily identify updates. THIS ARCHIVE CONTAINS --------------------- INTERPRETER: · Capable of running BOTH Mipric and Infocom V3 & 4 games!!! · Two versions: Standard and MUI · Documentation in HotHelp format · HotHelp included in the archive · Hintbooks and MUI requesters even for Infocom games! · Innovative MUI gamesave requester HINTCOMP: · Create your own hintbooks for Infocom games! INFOSHELL: · Database for Infocom and Mipric games · All games organized in genres · Beautiful MUI interface · Displays company, release date, author and short description for each game · Start a game with a simple mouse click!!! · New games can be added via configuration file · Included configuration file contains all Infocom and Mipric games availible!!! Author: Ruediger Hanke An der Marienlinde 10 D-48291 Telgte Deutschland