Short:        Omega, a rogue-like game. Optional gfx.
Author:       Laurence R. Brothers, Erik Max Francis, et. al.
Uploader:     davidk monis co uk
Type:         game/role
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Omega is a complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration. Unlike
other such games, there are a number of ways to "win", depending on
various actions taken during play. The ways you can get your name
on the hiscore board include becoming the highest ranked head of a
guild, sect, college, etc., as well as gaining the most points
figured from possessions and experience.

This Amiga port can optionally use the graphics from Amiga Angband,
or the traditional ascii character display. Kickstart 2.04 and at
least 2 megabytes of memory are required.