Short:        Bugfix: GIF-viewer for the Picasso-II
Uploader:     rhiestan iiic ethz ch
Type:         gfx/show
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


			     ShowGIF V2.1a


			    March 12, 1995

		Copyright (c) 1994/95 by Roman Hiestand

Copyright notice

The program ShowGIF and its documentation  are written and copyrighted by
Roman Hiestand. They may be distributed freely providing the following
restrictions are satisfied:

- Distributors may not charge more than the cost of a diskette used in
  the distribution of this program.

- Distributors may only distribute the unmodified copy of the original
  program, along with it's documentation, and copyright notices intact.

- Commercial  distribution  is  only  possible with written permission
  from the author.


This program and its documentation is provided "as is". No warranties are made
with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance or operation of this
software and information. You are using this program at your own risk. The
author is not liable for any damages that may have been caused by using this

Notes on the version 2.1a

Version 2.1a fixes a very nasty bug which crashes the machine when run from
WB by its own icon (not as default tool). It took me quite a while to find
it. The bug was in since V1.2, and nobody (until 3 weeks ago) told me about !
I'm really sorry about it, but I don't use the program from Workbench, so
I didn't find the bug, even though I should have tested the program.
This version has been tested thoroughly and should be (at least on my
machine) bug-free.
But please, please: in case you encounter an error, drop me an e-mail !
You help all the other users too.


ShowGIF is, as the name says, a GIF viewer for the Picasso-II graphics board
of VillageTronic.
The program can be started from CLI or Workbench with one or more file
names/icons. If the program cannot load an image (because you didn't submit
a filename or the file doesn't exist), a file requester pops up.


From CLI: ShowGIF Image [...]


 FILES/M: One or more filenames to be viewed
          If no filenames are given or the files weren't GIFs, a
	  file-requester pops up.
 BUF/N:   Specify the FileBufferSize in KB, like BUF 100
 DELAY/N: Specifies the delay in seconds after showing the
	  picture. If none is given, the program waits for
	  a key or a mousebutton.
	  Remember: during this delay, the program can't be
	  stopped !
 NOCENTER:Normally, a picture is centered on the screen. If you
	  don't want this behaviour, set NOCENTER.
 VERBOSE: Display name and resolution of the image and the screen.
 ALL:	  Search all subdirectories for the specified pattern.
	  (see also Pattern matching below)


 ShowGIF BUF=5 SYS:Images/Globe.gif

 ShowGIF DF0:Pictures/Mercedes.gif DF0:Pictures/Family.GIF BUF 10 DELAY 5

From Workbench:
 - Default Tool: Specify ShowGIF as the default tool of an image
 - Multiple selection: With the shift-key pressed, select an image and
   double-click on ShowGIF's icon.

 The arguments DELAY, NOCENTER and VERBOSE can also be accessed from WB
 via ToolTypes.


- fully programmed in assembler
- uses a file buffer (50 KB by default)
- CLI or WB start
- very system-friendly
- (nearly) pure
- can be aborted at anytime (except during a crash ... :-) )
  (with Ctrl-C, since V2.1 also with Escape)
- no 'light' background (since V1.1)
- file requester (since V1.2)
- FileBufSize can be specified (since V1.3)
- supports entire GIF87a standard (local color maps, interlaced images,
	multiple images, since V1.5)
- supports partly GIF89a standard (comment/plain text extension)
- Parameters via WB/ToolTypes (since V1.8)
- Pattern matching (since V2.0)
- NoDrop feature (since V2.1, see below)


Kick 2.0 and vilintuisup.library version > 2.0.


	1.0	-	first public release

	1.1	-	added support for interlaced images
			now fills background with darkest color

	1.2	-	file requester added

	1.3	-	now checks for Ctrl-C (requested by Markus Illenseer)
			corrected a bug in GetCode
			added CLI-option BUF

	1.4	-	Multiple images supported
			Output window for workbench
			Faster ~10 %

	1.5	-	Doesn't quit anymore if GIF-revision is >89a
			Supports Local color table
			Correctly processes (skips) GIF89a extension blocks
			CLI-option DELAY
			some small optimisations

	1.6	-	Now supports some GIF89a extensions
			even faster !

	1.7	-	Slightly faster (~10%) and shorter

	1.8	-	Added Center-behaviour, NOCENTER option
			VERBOSE option
			added ToolTypes parsing

	2.0	-	Pattern matching (this is worth skipping 1.9 :-)

	2.1	-	Added NoDrop behaviour (requested a long time ago by
			Christian A. Weber and Henning Sauer)
			Escape now quits the program like Ctrl-C

	2.1a	-	Fixed a very nasty bug (reported by M. Suelmann)
			Another assembler (SNMA) used


I can be reached at

Roman Hiestand
Luziaweg 15
CH-8807 Freienbach

Fax: CH-055/48 26 37
