Short:        Image showing/processing utility for MorphOS.
Author:       Michal 'kiero' Wozniak (
Uploader:     aminet aminet net
Type:         gfx/show
Version:      0.8.5
Replaces:     gfx/show/ShowGirls.lha
Architecture: ppc-morphos

	This is yet another image viewer. You may ask: why? Well, i was using ShowPPC
	as my image viewer, but since it has some problems and is not developed
	anymore, i started to look for new viewer. There are some nice, but i wanted
	to have some simple image manipulation options (don't want to launch ImageFX
	to just resize image), and there were nothing as good as ShowPPC. So here it

	...It combines some options from various image viewers like MiniShowPicture,
	ShowPPC and some others. Some of the features:

    - Easy browsing of directories (with mouse and keyboard)
    - Lots of supported file formats thanks to Datatypes system
    - Nice MagicUserInterface GUI
    - Image processing options like resizing, color balance, smoothing,
      sharpening, cropping, glowwing, noise reduction etc.
    - Saving of images in JPEG (with preview), PNG or IFF
    - Loading/displaying images with alpha channel
    - Scaling image display to fit in the window (user controlable)
    - Scrolling/zooming of big images
    - Optional bilinear filtering of the displayed image
    - Drag&drop of files/directories to be displayed
    - DOS notifications support (refreshing  of list  of files  when new
      files are copied in/ removed)
    - Thumbnailes generator (with templates)
    - Lossless JPEG transformations (for photos from digital camera
      from example)
    - Automatic rotation of images taken from digital cameras (if
      camera provides needed informations).
    - 2 directory browsing methods. Using "simple" list or list of
      thumbnails (miniature of image)
    - Thumbnails browser optimized for viewing pictures taken with digicam
	  (very fast thumbnail creation)
    - Opus Magellan-like quick search function
    - Simple file management functions like copy, move, rename, delete
    - Text inserting function (using TTengine by Grzegorz Graszewski)
    - Color picker
    - ARexx interface
    - 3D View for more eyecandy
    - Displaying of EXIF information stored in images.

	This is a fourth release. Read included documentation to learn about
	details and options.


		Michal 'kiero' Wozniak