Short:        One of the old tunes by eVRIMSSON
Author: (Evrim Sen)
Uploader:     evrimsson teucom xnc com (Evrim Sen)
Type:         mods/misc
Architecture: generic

This module is one of the old ones. Very very very...old =;^)
But it wasn't released that far. It was composed for the WOC
festival '92 but it didn't took place. Take an ear to some other
new releases...
Contact me for any reason:

          .___        /(______ . ___  /\       ________._____.
   _______| __|______/____   /_:| _ \/  \_____ \    __/|____ |__________
  _\ __  /| \____   / \   __/  ||  \  _  |  _/_ \_____ |  |  _______   /
 /   ___/ /   |/   /   \  \_|  ||   \/   |\__  \|.  |  |  |  |    /   /
/________/|   /   /____/\___/  ||   |:   |  |    |  |  |  |  |   /   /
          |______/          |__||   ||   |_______|  ___|_____|  /___/
                                |___||___|      !___|        |_/eVR!
                                    e-mAiL: eVRIMSSON@Teucom.Xnc.Com