Short: CRS00021: "Wrath of the Guild" by phuzzy logik Author: PhuZZy LoGiK Uploader: domin8r galeb etf bg ac yu <dominator/CoRRoSioN> Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic ______/_ .\ /______ | _______/___________ _____________/_ |______ ¬\/ __ ¬\\________ _/_____________/_ -----/______\____________\______/ ¬\\________ _/ ___________ _____ --------- -______- -------/______\______/ ¬\/ __ ¬\\\ / .\ __/_____ -------------/______\____________\\\/ [ CORROSION ] |_______ ¬\ __ _ /_________ ___________ [ music ] |________ \\ / __ ¬\ ___ ¬\ [ section ] -------/______\\ /|___________\______/ \ -------| \/ :-----------------/______\sCf/-T! : $&W#%!¡$%*5795*#7½7iJ4MknIJNR7Eh4(I^UWQW$Tb#%^&#%^7#%&%^37N#$6%y^6J%%$^#$%^#ER CRS00021: "Wrath of the Guild" by Phuzzy Logik BULLSHIT: "The people speak of this new Fremen leader, Muad'Dib..." "Remedy the situation! Restore spice production! Or you will live out your life in a pain amplifier!!!" Quite an ultimatum, huh? But the poor baron didn't live long enough to even attempt to fulfill it... or does this mean he is lucky? Whatever... 'nuff crap... break the beat... $&#%#@$¾!@%!!%(!!@$*#(!BBU!GUB^BU(GJ@)(J@G#^(@#$J@GP(@#%OJY:OIK)KJDL:HWJ$B^W)P [bleeding ignorance and feeding radiation] : World Wide Web: File Transfer Protocol: CoRRoSioN ftp site [] still under development! at this moment, files can be obtained from pub/CoRRoSioN/down directory. filenames for module prods: /pub/CoRRoSioN/down/crs_*.* Papa2 demo ftp site [] - /incoming/papa/crs_*.* Aminet [] - mods/techn/crs_*.* check out also other aminet-sites BBS: HIGH FIVE +358-(0)5-2601265 Finland HQ. sysop: Chronic Electronic Mail: [CoRRoSioN group mail] [DoMiNAToR] [PhuZZy LoGiK] [.A.] $G$Y&&H^&J$(*#WNYWWW^W#I^W^U^W(BU^$UI%UG(&)WISUDOYW(JTY)*W)*^**)()(I)*&O*IJ^RR info file credits: CoRRoSioN asc2 - Scarface; bullshit: Phuzzy Logik/CoRRoSioN