Short: CRS00042: "wronskian" by phuzzy logik Author: .phuzzy logik/corrosion <> Uploader: dominator/corrosion <domin8r galeb etf bg ac yu> Type: mods/techn Architecture: generic ._______:______: :______ :____________: ___: :__________:/\ :____. : . | _. |-|_ /-|_ / _. |/ _|__: _/ _. | \| : | |____; \| | / /. / /. \| |___ / | \| : \ | .|| \ ______; _\____|__\____|______;/_____/|___; _____| \_____;|. <---:_______\----------------------------------zS!/sTYLe--/_______\-------> $&W#%!¡$%*5795*#7½7iJ4MknIJNR7Eh4(I^UWQW$Tb#%^&#%^7#%&%^37N#$6%y^6J%%$^#$%^#ER CRS00042: "wronskian" by phuzzy logik not much to comment on this. the track lies there for some time, then comes the moment when you're just sitting with your mate and listening to some random selected artworks. suddenly you just bump into track that unexplainably fits in the moment and hey, why not releasing it? so here it is, for some of you to find your own moments with it. hardcore fans, prefferably... $&#%#@$¾!@%!!%(!!@$*#(!BBU!GUB^BU(GJ@)(J@G#^(@#$J@GP(@#%OJY:OIK)KJDL:HWJ$B^W)P worldwide anarchy distribution centers: www: CoRRoSioN Web Center [] music/modules page or releases/CRS#? page ftp: Aminet [] - mods/techn/crs_*.* Papa2 demo ftp site [] - /incoming/papa/crs_*.* --- check out also other aminet-sites --- bbs: HIGH FIVE +358-(0)5-2601265 CRS Finland HQ. SysOp: Chronic/Zenon ANOTHER LIFE +381-(0)11-8723-237 SysOp: Freak/Mad Virgin e-mail: [DoMiNAToR] [PhuZZy LoGiK] [.aSARHAd.] $G$Y&&H^&J$(*#WNYWWW^W#I^W^U^W(BU^$UI%UG(&)WISUDOYW(JTY)*W)*^**)()(I)*&O*IJ^RR