Short:        Harcoretechno track by DJ TRAMP
Uploader:     gary trampz demon co uk
Type:         mods/techn
Architecture: generic

this is a personnel favourite of my dear friend alex.aka geordieboy.
he calls this 'stomping hardcore warped frequency techno track'
I recommend using an amplifyer +sterio equipment as I find that tv's,
Monitors cant handle a lot at once
you really need big speaker cones so if you cant hear them properly,
I suggest saving up 4 some as your miggy is only as good as you let it sound.

     I call my music  FLIP FLOP :)

Please send me your comments at
also you can use snail- mail at
Gary Barrett.
53 Valletort Rd,

*                                                                    *                                                                    *
* This module is copyrighted! You can't spread this archive without  * 
* this text file, and you MAY NOT use this tune to your own profit,  *
* or gain,but please feel free to enjoy & perhaps be inspired to     *
* make some of your own ;)                                           *
*                                                                    *

 ;)   Please respect these wishes as you would want yours to be  ;)
