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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
mv-drago.lha mods/xm 356 269K 1998-12-08 generic icon DL: \"Dragons Legend\" by MyVoice ***** - (readme)
mv-nosmo.lzh mods/xm 467 306K 1998-08-30 generic icon Pop module, by MyVoice - (readme)
mv-space.lha mods/xm 386 245K 1998-12-08 generic icon DL: \"Spacedream\" by MyVoice ***** - (readme)
mv-stone.lzh mods/xm 536 256K 1998-08-30 generic icon Stonecow, a pop module by MyVoice - (readme)
mv-univ.lzh mods/xm 462 400K 1998-08-30 generic icon The universe, a pop module by MyVoice - (readme)
mydefina.lzh mods/xm 374 992K 1999-02-22 generic icon Listen with fasttracker 2 - (readme)
mystical.lha mods/xm 421 156K 1997-06-11 generic icon 10 channel XM module by Jan R. Haugan - (readme)
m__focus.lha mods/xm 395 94K 1995-05-29 generic icon Techno xm by Mild **** - (readme)
naked_reality.lha mods/xm 505 4.1M 1997-01-31 generic icon Massive BMP compo tune intended for CD! - (readme)
naranja.lha mods/xm 375 294K 1995-05-29 generic icon Funk xm by Zodiak ****+ - (readme)
nf_blow.lha mods/xm 417 489K 1995-05-29 generic icon Hardcore xm by Audiokraft **** - (readme)
NickyThock.lha 1.0a mods/xm 817 770K 2018-10-30 generic icon New Mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
NickyTitch.lha 1.20b mods/xm 814 817K 2018-10-26 generic icon New Mod By Pseudaxos - (readme)
nightf.lzh mods/xm 451 230K 2000-01-07 generic icon Nice module made by Goatman - (readme)
Night_And_Day.lha 1 mods/xm 994 7.0M 2011-03-04 generic icon New mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
no5.lha mods/xm 375 402K 1997-01-27 generic icon Hardcore Pseudo-Punk [Niko] - (readme)
nomad.lha mods/xm 544 247K 1997-03-23 generic icon Fast Tracker (XM) mod - (readme)
Not_So_Bad.lha 1.6c mods/xm 1049 3.2M 2018-06-02 generic icon New Mod By Pseudaxos - (readme)
No_escape.lha mods/xm 694 370K 2008-11-03 generic icon New Mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
no_sn.lha mods/xm 393 85K 1995-05-29 generic icon Melodic xm by Benoit Charland **** - (readme)
oblitirt.lha mods/xm 361 419K 1995-12-08 generic icon Trance xm by Obliterator ***** - (readme)
odiusia2.lha mods/xm 376 178K 1995-05-29 generic icon Techno xm by Stema ****+ - (readme)
oldtimes.lha mods/xm 391 207K 1995-05-29 generic icon Melodic xm by Wode ****+ - (readme)
ophelia2.lha mods/xm 353 339K 1996-01-28 generic icon Longer and improved version of Ophelia.xm - (readme)
Oriental_dream.lha mods/xm 796 1.7M 2008-11-03 generic icon New Mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
Over_t_o.lha mods/xm 354 141K 1997-09-17 generic icon Trance dedicated to the memory of Ozir/Hypnotize - (readme)
paraguay.lha mods/xm 572 272K 1995-05-29 generic icon Techno xm by Shaq *** - (readme)
pars-en.lha mods/xm 374 166K 1997-03-16 generic icon Synth-pop module (XM), a first module by Parsifal. - (readme)
pars-str.lha mods/xm 387 435K 1997-03-23 generic icon Progressive synth-rock, by Parsifal. - (readme)
pars-ttr.lha mods/xm 562 265K 1997-03-20 generic icon Slow synth and piano, by Parsifal. - (readme)
pdance.lha mods/xm 455 240K 1998-09-29 generic icon \"The Perfect Dance\" by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Productions - (readme)
peregrin.lha mods/xm 392 174K 1995-05-29 generic icon Synth xm by Black Thunder ****+ - (readme)
piano.lha mods/xm 410 41K 1997-07-03 generic icon XM piano module. - (readme)
piece.lha mods/xm 422 142K 1996-04-09 generic icon Original XM name \"nice piece\" - done by lanse - (readme)
pie_garbage.lha mods/xm 376 97K 1999-10-15 generic icon New xm module by Dj Pie / Lunatic - (readme)
pknk4sol.lha mods/xm 374 259K 1997-01-26 generic icon A Picnic for the Soul - (readme)
plastic.lzh mods/xm 398 45K 1999-03-03 generic icon Dance song by Respiri Piano - (readme)
popori.lha mods/xm 396 495K 1995-05-29 generic icon Techno xm by Satyricon ***+ - (readme)
PowerDance.lha mods/xm 430 758K 1997-09-09 generic icon Dancefloor XM-Module - (readme)
PowerShortage.lha mods/xm 384 14K 1999-03-24 generic icon 4ch XM by Wavemaker/Centolos for Centolos\' winning EP6 PC intro - (readme)
powow.lzh mods/xm 384 217K 1999-03-03 generic icon Breakbeat song by Respiri Piano - (readme)
Prodigys.lha mods/xm 981 6.3M 2009-09-17 generic icon New mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
Prodigys2.lha mods/xm 759 3.3M 2009-11-04 generic icon new mod by Pseudaxos - (readme)
proj1.lha mods/xm 379 136K 1997-03-23 generic icon Fast Tracker (XM) mod - (readme)
Pseudaxos_Xmas_Pack.lha 1 mods/xm 1252 2.6M 2018-12-23 generic icon New mods by Pseudaxos - (readme)
pumpuli.lha mods/xm 388 3K 1995-05-29 generic icon Chip xm by Feather ***+ - (readme)
Rainy.lha mods/xm 778 3.1M 2009-10-03 generic icon Made in 2001 by Pseudaxos - (readme)
Rainy_Sunday.lha mods/xm 849 2.2M 2013-07-30 generic icon New Mod By Pseudaxos on 28/07/2013 - (readme)
raiseyourhands.lha mods/xm 371 556K 1997-01-28 generic icon House [da-Fly] - (readme)
raverain.lha mods/xm 483 391K 1995-05-29 generic icon Jungle xm by Tom ****+ - (readme)
Found 413 matching packages
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