Short:        Id3ren is a ID3 tag editor
Author: (Christophe Bothamy)
Uploader:     christopher nelling de (Christopher Nelling)
Type:         mus/misc
Architecture: ppc-morphos

MorphOS Port by Christopher Nelling

id3ren is used to rename batches of mp3 files by reading the ID3 tag at the end of the file which contains the song name, artist, album, year, and a comment.
The secondary function of id3ren is a tagger, which can create, modify, or remove ID3 tags. The id3 fields can be set on the command line, entered interactively, or "guessed" from the path and the fi


id3ren can :

be used to rename you mp3
be used to edit and tag your mp3
be used to see the id3 tags
get information from the filename to tag the files
create directories when renaming
support idv1.1 tags
copy tags from another mp3