Short: Superecho presets 1 of 7 Author: Sonictronica about Kevin Kelm Uploader: Sonictronica <manolo_k_ yahoo com> Type: mus/misc Requires: mus/misc/SuperEcho.lha Architecture: generic 1 of 7 Superecho Image disk with 7 presets of Superecho audio live effect. No screen is necessary, good for music studio or live. Each preset correspond to a state capture via Action Replay MKIII, if you want to change the preset, you have to reset. It's slowly but efficient. A lot of years ago i discovered Kevin Kelm's Superecho, seems funny, but when i start to understand the relations between numbers and musical intervals a new instrument was created. Superecho Image disk of an autoexecutable floppy with 7 presets of Superecho audio live effect generators via paralell digitizer. No screen is necessary, good for music studio or live, just pressing a function key. Each preset is a state capture via Action Replay MKIII, if you want to change the preset, you have to reset. It's slowly but efficient.