Short:        Fibonacci (de)compression for 8SVX, V1.3
Author: (Wilhelm Noeker)
Uploader:     wnoeker t-online de (Wilhelm Noeker)
Type:         mus/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

"wavepak" is a Fibonacci-Delta / Exponential-Delta encoder / decoder for
IFF 8SVX samples.  Both are efficient, but lossy, compression techniques:
They are fast and achieve a guaranteed compression ratio of 50 %, but at
the cost of some 'quantization' noise.

Exponential Delta differs from the well-known Fibonacci Delta compression 
only by the compression table that it uses.  I believe it results in less
distortion than FDC.  It is not an official standard (yet?), comments are

New since V1.2: found out how to make C use bigger file buffers
    (should be *really* faster now ;-)

New since V1.1: better I/O buffering (should be faster now), 
    fixed a bug concerning hexdump of IFF chunks

New since V1.0: built-in command summary, version string,
    no more progress indicator unless in "verbose" mode

"wavepak" is Freeware, C source is included.