84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
pro2fast11.lha mus/misc 553 55K 1996-03-14 m68k-amigaos icon Pro2Fast v1.1 - Create 32 channels modules - (readme)
Pro14bitbet.lha mus/misc 693 4K 1998-02-13 m68k-amigaos icon Play 14bits-samples in protracker etc. - (readme)
Pro-Wizard_220.lha 2.20 mus/misc 2102 817K 1995-08-22 m68k-amigaos icon Convert Protracker-Packers back to Protracker - (readme)
PrefixMMD.lha mus/misc 668 3K 1999-02-08 m68k-amigaos icon V1.0, Prefix OctaMED mods with MMD?.* - (readme)
PPitch12.lha 1.2 mus/misc 543 57K 1996-10-28 m68k-amigaos icon State of the art instrument tuning tool. - (readme)
PokeyNoise.lha mus/misc 585 80K 1998-10-06 m68k-amigaos icon A new music format - PN-PokeyNoise. - (readme)
PokeyNoise-SAP.lha mus/misc 747 159K 2011-06-06 m68k-amigaos icon A music format - PN-PokeyNoise. - (readme)
PLSTsearch10.lha 1.0 mus/misc 548 7K 1997-11-10 m68k-amigaos icon A search-tool for Protracker\'s PLST files - (readme)
play_handler_s.lzh mus/misc 621 29K 1999-01-11 m68k-amigaos icon Plays audio samples as DOS-Device - (readme)
Playmed.lha 3 (Dec 25th 1999) mus/misc 539 25K 2000-01-08 m68k-amigaos icon Randomly plays MED-modules of all type - (readme)
playmate.lha 0.1 mus/misc 772 130K 2006-02-23 ppc-amigaos icon General purpose instrument tuner & metronome - (readme)
PlayHD.lha 1.1029 mus/misc 705 382K 1998-11-11 m68k-amigaos icon AHI-based harddisk-recording program - (readme)
play-handler.lha mus/misc 556 8K 1995-01-26 m68k-amigaos icon Something like /dev/audio for sparks. - (readme)
phatbeat-os4.lha 1.1 mus/misc 719 867K 2008-02-06 ppc-amigaos icon A BPM Counter - (readme)
PerverterV1.41.lha mus/misc 736 14K 1994-09-29 m68k-amigaos icon Converts exotic mods to MOD - (readme)
Pegase_src.lha 1.8g mus/misc 806 175K 2002-10-27 generic icon VHQ MPEG audio encoder (Source code) - (readme)
Pegase_Port.lha 1.4 mus/misc 693 3K 2005-03-23 generic icon Portuguese locale Catalog for Pegase v1.4 - (readme)
PegaseItaCat.lha 1.2 mus/misc 735 12K 2020-04-04 generic icon Italian catalog for Pegase v1.8 - (readme)
Pegase.lha 1.8g mus/misc 1002 202K 2000-10-02 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-warpup icon VHQ MPEG audio encoder (68k/PPC) - (readme)
pealitpro2.lha mus/misc 682 243K 1998-10-07 m68k-amigaos icon Advanced Bell Ringing Simulator - (readme)
PcSID2PlaySID.lha mus/misc 688 4K 1995-11-15 m68k-amigaos icon PcSID player format sids to Playsid conv - (readme)
PasajeTerror.lha mus/misc 577 1.2M 1999-04-13 m68k-amigaos icon Sound Effects control using Scala400MM - (readme)
P6112.lha 610.12 mus/misc 2004 338K 2015-01-16 m68k-amigaos icon The Player playroutine, E1x/E2x fix. - (readme)
P6108.lha mus/misc 1412 58K 2010-04-07 m68k-amigaos icon The Player, a converter/replayer - (readme)
p6107.lha 6.1A 610.7 mus/misc 819 46K 2010-03-14 m68k-amigaos icon The Player, a converter/replayer (Fix) - (readme)
p6106.lha mus/misc 2507 61K 2004-08-06 m68k-amigaos icon Bugfix for \"The Player 6.1A\" - (readme)
p6104.lha mus/misc 2085 60K 1998-06-20 m68k-amigaos icon *** Fix: Player 6.1A is now bugfree! - (readme)
p6103.lha mus/misc 1831 60K 1998-05-07 m68k-amigaos icon *** Fix: Player 6.1A now works on A4060! - (readme)
P6102.lha mus/misc 1924 72K 1995-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon Converter and replay for PT modules - (readme)
oscilloscope.lha mus/misc 1185 7K 1991-12-19 m68k-amigaos icon Oscilloscope for use with sampler - (readme)
Optim8svx.lha 0.5 (30.09.2002) mus/misc 642 8K 2002-10-13 m68k-amigaos icon Strips ANNO/NAME by zeeball (+asm source) - (readme)
Optim19.lha mus/misc 882 10K 1997-10-08 m68k-amigaos icon ProTracker/NoiseTracker module optimizer - (readme)
OpStealth_rip.lha mus/misc 830 7K 2000-05-12 m68k-amigaos icon Rip your own Operation Stealth music! - (readme)
opmod520.lha 5.20 mus/misc 636 54K 2020-05-28 m68k-amigaos icon Module optimizer (shareware, 1994) - (readme)
OMED_Sizes.lha 1.0 mus/misc 623 3K 1996-10-28 generic icon ARexx script for OctaMED v6 and above. - (readme)
OMED_Info.lha 1.1 mus/misc 623 5K 1996-10-28 generic icon ARexx script for OctaMED v6 and above. - (readme)
omed_dub.lha 1.1 mus/misc 585 4K 1996-10-28 generic icon ARexx script for OctaMED v6 and above. - (readme)
omed_19.lha 1.0 mus/misc 606 3K 1996-10-28 generic icon ARexx script for OctaMED v6 and above. - (readme)
ogmtools-1.4.1.tar.bz2 1.4.1 mus/misc 493 211K 2006-02-02 generic icon source archive of ogmtools 1.4.1 - (readme)
ogmtools-1.4.1-morphos.lha 1.4.1 mus/misc 1172 845K 2006-02-02 ppc-morphos icon Tools for OGG media streams - (readme)
offset.lha 1.12 mus/misc 599 29K 1999-01-17 m68k-amigaos icon Remove a DC offset from a Studio16 sample - (readme)
OctV5_Tut4.lha mus/misc 735 254K 1996-04-21 generic icon Disk three in the OctaMED V5 Tutorial series - (readme)
OctV5_Tut3.lha mus/misc 768 696K 1996-04-17 generic icon Disk three in the OctaMED V5 Tutorial series - (readme)
OctV5_Tut2.lha mus/misc 728 786K 1996-04-17 generic icon Disk two in the OctaMED V5 Tutorial series - (readme)
OctV5_Tut1.lha mus/misc 794 141K 1996-04-17 generic icon The full OctaMED V5 Tutorial in .Guide format - (readme)
octarexx.lha mus/misc 657 10K 1997-11-23 generic icon 3 useful Octamed SoundStudio Arexx scripts - (readme)
octahigh.lha mus/misc 637 1K 1998-10-07 generic icon Two arexx-scripts for octamed. - (readme)
octaflip.lha mus/misc 758 4K 1998-10-08 generic icon 6 arexx-scripts for octamed. - (readme)
NSM_transpose.lha 0.74.131298 mus/misc 714 7K 1999-02-24 m68k-amigaos icon Various transposing-functions for octamed - (readme)
NSM_tnw042.lha 0.42 mus/misc 653 58K 1999-08-09 m68k-amigaos icon Tracknameswindow plug-in for Octamed. - (readme)
Found 485 matching packages
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