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This demo is Public Domain and may freely be spread around
the globe. This file must be spread along with the demo.
The author can NOT be held responsible for any damage
caused to your system when executing the demo
(There shouldn't be, mind you..)
I would decribe this as a short journey through weird and colourful
places (it's a demo, you know ..). More prosaically it's a collection
of routines it just happens I spent a lot of time on, having actually
a lot of fun coding, optimizing (neverending process this one: as soon
as you think you're done, somebody achieves three times that, with a
twice as fast piece of code..), finding suitable colours and gradients
and fades and stuff like that (did I say fun ?!?).
I started coding this in early 1993 on an unexpanded A500 (How comes I
finished only in 1996?). Only roughly half of what I've created since
then you can find in this 9-part demo. Not everything is so up to date
as one would like: no AGA nor Gouraud nor tmap (but something similar
is in part 7) but the overall effect is good, colours everywhere, and
smoothness and, I guess, some sort of "carnival" atmosphere.
Just 1 Mb, completely free. As this is rarely the case when you have
only one, I'd say 2 Mb will do for sure.
Tested on: A500 A3000 A1200 '030/50Mhz Fast Ram
It *Might* be necessary to disable ICache on 040+ in order to make the
demo work properly (should not crash anyway) as two parts use
self-modifying code (they work fine on my 030)
Some of the files are imploded to fit in one floppy. The trade-off is
that loading is a bit slower and some parts require up to 100K more
memory. If that's a problem, you can deplode this files with any
utility supporting Imploder.
Design, Graphics, Code ___ Luca Elia
Startup Code _____________ Fabio Ciucci (Randy/Ram Jam) *
Music Code: ______________ Player 6.1A by Jarno Paananen
Music ____________________ 3d-Paradise by Scorpik/Absolute! **
* I hope he doesn't mind for my use of his code (I messed it up too)
** Hopefully Scorpik too won't be upset.
Part 6 is a little tribute to * dEpEcHe mOdE * : the rose in the logo
is from a DM mods disk (I've forgotten the author. Sorry ..)
There had to be also a part dedicated to * tHe cUre * ..
Spending some words on the name "RamJam" of this demo is due : it has
nothing to do with the homonymous italian group. Instead, it's
reminiscent of "The Ram Jam Corporation" (game developers on the
Spectrum!), and I didn't know of the existence of Ram Jam in Italy
(I'm an outsider of the scene) , other than after the drawing of most
of the gfx. I do apologize for the use of their name so extensively in
a demo which has nothing to do with them.
Here's my address:
Luca Elia
Via F. Bottazzi 70
80126 Naples
".. Full many a gem of purest ray serene
the dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear .."
Thomas Gray
Contents of demo/euro/RJ.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 72450 157340 46.0% -lh5- 5f81 Nov 24 1996 Bmap
[generic] 9560 9988 95.7% -lh5- bcb7 Dec 18 1996 Depeche
[generic] 6877 7280 94.5% -lh5- 8222 Nov 23 1996 DotsCube
[generic] 12618 13352 94.5% -lh5- 9b4a Nov 23 1996 ExpCube
[generic] 90319 93560 96.5% -lh5- a4b3 Dec 26 1996 Intro
[generic] 33128 34172 96.9% -lh5- a920 Nov 23 1996 MagicPlanes
[generic] 10 10 100.0% -lh0- c875 May 25 1997 RamJam
[generic] 94149 99332 94.8% -lh5- eeb3 Dec 27 1996 RamJam.exe
[generic] 906 4478 20.2% -lh5- 8872 May 25 1997 RamJam.info
[generic] 1834 3847 47.7% -lh5- a611 May 25 1997 RJ.readme
[generic] 488 1172 41.6% -lh5- e599 May 25 1997 RJ.readme.info
[generic] 49726 63736 78.0% -lh5- 9208 Nov 23 1996 Rotator
[generic] 13611 14140 96.3% -lh5- 7df8 Nov 23 1996 RotDots
[generic] 406 756 53.7% -lh5- 0ae9 May 25 1997 S.info
[generic] 139123 144752 96.1% -lh5- b185 Nov 23 1996 TheEnd
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 525205 647915 81.1% Jun 13 1997
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