84782 packages online
demo/funet/GreatestHits9.lha |
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
5081 2252 55.6% 25-Dec-80 11:07:28 C/ATG.list
5576 5142 7.7% 25-Dec-80 10:36:42 C/Border
9064 3839 57.6% 25-Dec-80 10:36:46 C/cls
1536 921 40.0% 25-Dec-80 09:46:02 C/NewTopaz
19648 18686 4.8% 25-Dec-80 09:46:52 C/PPlay
10412 6166 40.7% 25-Dec-80 10:36:50 C/ppmore2
768 401 47.7% 25-Dec-80 10:19:28 C/Quackfont
6692 3208 52.0% 25-Dec-80 10:36:56 C/Setmap
1380 944 31.5% 25-Dec-80 10:37:16 C/type
1164 715 38.5% 25-Dec-80 09:57:42 DEVS/Keymaps/STATIC_BOOGIE
232 94 59.4% 25-Dec-80 09:59:30 DEVS/system-configuration
1848 1114 39.7% 25-Dec-80 09:47:00 L/Disk-Validator
1504 1114 25.9% 25-Dec-80 09:58:00 LIBS/explode.library
2604 1967 24.4% 25-Dec-80 09:53:54 LIBS/powerpacker.library
98008 96127 1.9% 25-Dec-80 10:07:50 mod.3DDemoTune(MF)
123772 120403 2.7% 25-Dec-80 10:04:40 mod.GlobalTrash3
60988 59580 2.3% 25-Dec-80 09:54:04 mod.HAZEYWAVES
151984 148840 2.0% 25-Dec-80 10:01:54 mod.Overload
102368 100554 1.7% 25-Dec-80 09:59:28 mod.TheReturnOfYeti
2606 650 75.0% 25-Dec-80 09:58:00 S/Menu
72 71 1.3% 28-Feb-94 20:42:28 S/Startup-sequence
1948 896 54.0% 10-Feb-89 02:26:28 SlimiestSlammer
: A Hellraisers Lightning-Text production!!
1497 558 62.7% 10-Feb-89 02:25:36 SlimySlammer
30132 28616 5.0% 25-Dec-80 09:53:46 what?
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
640884 602858 5.9% 18-Sep-94 08:11:04 24 files
Contents of demo/funet/GreatestHits9.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2252 5081 44.3% -lh5- 09ae Dec 25 1980 C/ATG.list
[generic] 5142 5576 92.2% -lh5- ae5f Dec 25 1980 C/Border
[generic] 3839 9064 42.4% -lh5- 1e16 Dec 25 1980 C/cls
[generic] 921 1536 60.0% -lh5- dcd2 Dec 25 1980 C/NewTopaz
[generic] 18686 19648 95.1% -lh5- c445 Dec 25 1980 C/PPlay
[generic] 6166 10412 59.2% -lh5- e002 Dec 25 1980 C/ppmore2
[generic] 401 768 52.2% -lh5- cd11 Dec 25 1980 C/Quackfont
[generic] 3208 6692 47.9% -lh5- 5779 Dec 25 1980 C/Setmap
[generic] 944 1380 68.4% -lh5- 72f1 Dec 25 1980 C/type
[generic] 715 1164 61.4% -lh5- 01af Dec 25 1980 DEVS/Keymaps/STATIC_BOOGIE
[generic] 94 232 40.5% -lh5- a87e Dec 25 1980 DEVS/system-configuration
[generic] 1114 1848 60.3% -lh5- eacb Dec 25 1980 L/Disk-Validator
[generic] 1114 1504 74.1% -lh5- 5a91 Dec 25 1980 LIBS/explode.library
[generic] 1967 2604 75.5% -lh5- 1151 Dec 25 1980 LIBS/powerpacker.library
[generic] 96127 98008 98.1% -lh5- 2694 Dec 25 1980 mod.3DDemoTune(MF)
[generic] 120403 123772 97.3% -lh5- 644e Dec 25 1980 mod.GlobalTrash3
[generic] 59580 60988 97.7% -lh5- 161a Dec 25 1980 mod.HAZEYWAVES
[generic] 148840 151984 97.9% -lh5- 7d7d Dec 25 1980 mod.Overload
[generic] 100554 102368 98.2% -lh5- 9940 Dec 25 1980 mod.TheReturnOfYeti
[generic] 650 2606 24.9% -lh5- 99f5 Dec 25 1980 S/Menu
[generic] 71 72 98.6% -lh5- 1178 Feb 28 1994 S/Startup-sequence
[generic] 896 1948 46.0% -lh5- 08a0 Feb 10 1989 SlimiestSlammer
[generic] 558 1497 37.3% -lh5- 7a17 Feb 10 1989 SlimySlammer
[generic] 28616 30132 95.0% -lh5- d0ac Dec 25 1980 what?
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 602858 640884 94.1% Sep 18 1994
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