84782 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
534 143 73.2% 06-Oct-80 10:59:46 .fastdir
268 116 56.7% 06-Oct-80 11:00:48 c/.fastdir
564 446 20.9% 25-Dec-80 00:54:58 c/Echo
61236 58052 5.1% 25-Dec-80 04:08:48 c/loader
648 435 32.8% 25-Dec-80 03:44:08 c/nodrive
1788 1025 42.6% 25-Dec-80 00:54:56 c/NoFast
2324 1447 37.7% 25-Dec-80 00:54:50 c/Run
2836 1912 32.5% 25-Dec-80 00:54:52 c/Speeder
1372 938 31.6% 25-Dec-80 00:55:10 c/Wait
54184 53158 1.8% 25-Dec-80 06:56:34 deathparty
232 159 31.4% 25-Dec-80 00:55:14 devs/system-configuration
113256 111117 1.8% 25-Dec-80 06:33:48 dragon
115084 112667 2.1% 25-Dec-80 00:56:58 dragon2
38980 38107 2.2% 25-Dec-80 00:57:14 humanrace4
1848 1114 39.7% 25-Dec-80 00:55:16 l/Disk-Validator
76456 75013 1.8% 20-Jan-88 05:06:18 ric1
72116 70558 2.1% 20-Jan-88 04:27:22 ric3
39188 38642 1.3% 25-Dec-80 06:57:50 rictheme1
68712 66253 3.5% 25-Dec-80 06:16:22 robmedley
230 100 56.5% 06-Oct-80 11:00:04 s/.fastdir
5936 4661 21.4% 25-Dec-80 00:55:34 s/chaine2.pic
720 124 82.7% 25-Dec-80 06:45:56 s/files.sys
9036 8211 9.1% 24-Dec-80 23:40:12 s/font.pic
9176 7958 13.2% 25-Dec-80 00:55:42 s/loading.pic
8192 2899 64.6% 25-Dec-80 06:57:42 s/scroll.txt
44 44 0.0% 25-Dec-80 03:44:56 s/Startup-Sequence
92176 90706 1.5% 25-Dec-80 07:13:56 sandy
34360 33172 3.4% 25-Dec-80 06:06:18 war
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
811496 779177 3.9% 18-Sep-94 08:11:04 28 files
Contents of demo/funet/Live4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 143 534 26.8% -lh5- f542 Oct 6 1980 .fastdir
[generic] 116 268 43.3% -lh5- a1ed Oct 6 1980 c/.fastdir
[generic] 446 564 79.1% -lh5- 25b6 Dec 25 1980 c/Echo
[generic] 58052 61236 94.8% -lh5- 11da Dec 25 1980 c/loader
[generic] 435 648 67.1% -lh5- f6c1 Dec 25 1980 c/nodrive
[generic] 1025 1788 57.3% -lh5- 4a3e Dec 25 1980 c/NoFast
[generic] 1447 2324 62.3% -lh5- 8a29 Dec 25 1980 c/Run
[generic] 1912 2836 67.4% -lh5- 3df0 Dec 25 1980 c/Speeder
[generic] 938 1372 68.4% -lh5- 94ec Dec 25 1980 c/Wait
[generic] 53158 54184 98.1% -lh5- a29c Dec 25 1980 deathparty
[generic] 159 232 68.5% -lh5- b19e Dec 25 1980 devs/system-configuration
[generic] 111117 113256 98.1% -lh5- effd Dec 25 1980 dragon
[generic] 112667 115084 97.9% -lh5- 625e Dec 25 1980 dragon2
[generic] 38107 38980 97.8% -lh5- 3f64 Dec 25 1980 humanrace4
[generic] 1114 1848 60.3% -lh5- eacb Dec 25 1980 l/Disk-Validator
[generic] 75013 76456 98.1% -lh5- 6fbd Jan 20 1988 ric1
[generic] 70558 72116 97.8% -lh5- 4ea9 Jan 20 1988 ric3
[generic] 38642 39188 98.6% -lh5- 1f3a Dec 25 1980 rictheme1
[generic] 66253 68712 96.4% -lh5- 59be Dec 25 1980 robmedley
[generic] 100 230 43.5% -lh5- e4d0 Oct 6 1980 s/.fastdir
[generic] 4661 5936 78.5% -lh5- 0de5 Dec 25 1980 s/chaine2.pic
[generic] 124 720 17.2% -lh5- 5367 Dec 25 1980 s/files.sys
[generic] 8211 9036 90.9% -lh5- a649 Dec 24 1980 s/font.pic
[generic] 7958 9176 86.7% -lh5- 08ab Dec 25 1980 s/loading.pic
[generic] 2899 8192 35.4% -lh5- 756e Dec 25 1980 s/scroll.txt
[generic] 44 44 100.0% -lh0- 7d29 Dec 25 1980 s/Startup-Sequence
[generic] 90706 92176 98.4% -lh5- 0966 Dec 25 1980 sandy
[generic] 33172 34360 96.5% -lh5- a0a7 Dec 25 1980 war
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 28 files 779177 811496 96.0% Sep 18 1994
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