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demo/intro/DreamWeb-Simulacrum.zip |
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A500 gfx exec in 4K
hires lace overscan
vectorized by JOK
coded by BLACKWINE
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[ DECRUNCH 2117 ]
Contents of demo/intro/DreamWeb-Simulacrum.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/intro/DreamWeb-Simulacrum.zip
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ftp.scene.org - 'elektronik free art' since 11 March 1996
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
4092 Stored 4092 0% 2017-06-05 21:09 79cebb7c simulacrum.exe
64982 Defl:N 64442 1% 2017-06-06 11:39 a040589f simulacrum.png
139 Defl:N 125 10% 2017-06-06 11:42 e4ac1b53 simulacrum.txt
3369 Defl:N 1287 62% 2017-06-06 13:27 cdc3e155 scene.org.txt
-------- ------- --- -------
72582 69946 4% 4 files
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