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(c) 2018 Massimiliano Scarano mscarano@libero.it
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Coded by Massimiliano "AlienTech" Scarano for the Amiga demo group VOID.
This demo shows how to make direct programming of the Commodore Amiga hardware using C language.
It is designed like in the early 90s.
It consists of the following "old-school" effects:
- sine scroller (blitter)
- 2D stars (hardware sprites)
- MOD music (paula)
The Player Playroutine P6112 assembled with PhxAss V4.40.
Compiled with SAS/C 6.58 and Includes release 40.13 (AmigaOS 3.1).
Source code supplied for educational purpose only.
Both .exe and .adf supplied.
It should work on any PAL Amiga, with a Motorola 68000 cpu and OCS chipset,
and whatever OS (Kickstart + Workbench) version.
Tested OK:
- Amiga Forever 2013 (WinUAE)
- Minimig V1.1 OCS, 68SEC000 / 7.09 MHz (Normal), 512 KB Chip, 0 KB Fast, Kickstart 1.3
- Minimig V1.1 OCS, 68SEC000 / 7.09 MHz (Normal), 512 KB Chip, 512 KB Fast, Kickstart 1.3
- Minimig V1.1 ECS, 68SEC000 / 49.63 MHz (Turbo), 1 MB Chip, 512 KB Fast, Kickstart 1.3
Version history:
- V1.0 20180225, first public release
- My Minimig configuration:
Bootloader BYQ100413
FPGA core FSB150520
ARM Firmware AYQ100818
- The demo should run at constant full frame rate (50 Hz),
the screen is updated every frame.
- Commodore Includes 40.13 were distributed with SAS/C 6.51.
- RAW gfx format consists of all rows of the 1st bitplane, followed by all rows of the 2nd bitplane and so on.
- Build with:
> phxass p61.s
> sc link HelloVOID_V1_?_YYYYMMDD.c p61.o
- Run the following on a very fast Amiga to enjoy a 1 pixel sine scroller:
> HelloVOID.exe turbo
Many thanks to Esau for his music.
Contents of demo/intro/HelloVOID.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 3206 10264 31.2% -lh5- 370b Dec 24 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/AlienTech8dec.iff
[generic] 2350 2350 100.0% -lh0- 1cbf Apr 9 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont.png
[generic] 867 1568 55.3% -lh5- f0dc Apr 15 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont944x16.iff
[generic] 2250 2250 100.0% -lh0- 0a0a Apr 11 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont944x16.png
[generic] 701 1888 37.1% -lh5- 1fa1 Apr 15 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/Font944x16x2.raw
[generic] 2041 5584 36.6% -lh5- d555 Jan 21 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/Logo320x256x8.ilbm
[generic] 2081 30720 6.8% -lh5- 7979 Feb 17 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/Logo320x256x8.raw
[generic] 188826 304200 62.1% -lh5- e36d Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/DemoData/P61.Dolphins-Dreamquest-by-Esau
[generic] 392609 901120 43.6% -lh5- 93c9 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/HelloVOID.adf
[generic] 15937 26880 59.3% -lh5- 37c4 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/HelloVOID.exe
[generic] 1035 2058 50.3% -lh5- 84f4 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/HelloVOID.readme
[generic] 10162 36077 28.2% -lh5- 9358 Feb 17 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/HelloVOID_V1_0_20180217.c
[generic] 10372 36572 28.4% -lh5- 6493 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/HelloVOID_V1_0_20180225.c
[generic] 332 631 52.6% -lh5- 0bfa Feb 4 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/p61.h
[generic] 3112 5988 52.0% -lh5- c2a3 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/p61.o
[generic] 2891 6100 47.4% -lh5- d2b1 Feb 25 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/p61.s
[generic] 24207 88376 27.4% -lh5- 8a57 Feb 3 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/P6112-Play.i
[generic] 50 50 100.0% -lh0- 0ecb Feb 10 1980 HelloVOID_V1_0/Source/SCOPTIONS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 18 files 663029 1462676 45.3% Apr 2 21:51
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