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demo/intro/MWI-X-Perience.lha |
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: -[ m a w i ]- : lm!
x - p e r i e n c e
another release from MAd WIzards with all codework by Starlight this time
just for Spoletium 1998 intro competition
today`s features are:
- paletterotation kind a tunnel (nice colours) =)
- kinda different electrons distortion with that same cool colours =)
- of course everything will be blurred sometimes.
it`s only 4kb ong but it`s worth of watch we hope.
we recommend you to watch it on ant 040 based amiga system.
it dn`t need audio, so it sholud work on amiga clones.
decrunched version for all of you is included for those 040/060 users
who doesn`t like crunchmania. it`s crunched with "library mode", so you
need an crm.library to watch it.
M a w i - W e L i k e T o S c o r e
for staying tuned try our net-accessed members:
- acid - graphician use toxik@friko3.onet.pl
- aln! - coder aln@ii.uni.wroc.pl
- azzaro - swapper, packmaker [hq] zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
- belos - editor use c0manch3@friko.onet.pl
- def - coder, trader floppy@friko2.onet.pl
- enter - coder random22@friko.onet.pl
- jacko - graphician jacko@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
- mcr - swapper, editor [phq] mcr@I-LO.tarnow.pl
- protas - musician protas2@friko2.onet.pl
- pzyhall - musician use toxik@friko3.onet.pl
- starlight - coder vookafc@sun1.wil.pk.edu.pl
- van ghorne - musician vanghorne@polbox.com
- yoyo - editor yoyo@silesia.top.pl
- zig - coder wgajos@ask.for.more.pl
visit Yoyo`s homepage. also html version of STREFA MROKU available at:
support "excess" magazine with your hottest articles/news/messages at:
excess@kki.net.pl or zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
greetings to all our friends on known and don`t known groups -
we like you all =)
[c] 1998
Contents of demo/intro/MWI-X-Perience.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 253 586 43.2% -lh5- 3704 Mar 12 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 3829 6968 55.0% -lh5- d22a Mar 12 1998 MWI-X_Perience/MWI-X-perience.decrunched
[generic] 4074 4092 99.6% -lh5- 6ce6 Mar 12 1998 MWI-X_Perience/MWI-X-perience.exe
[generic] 1257 3120 40.3% -lh5- 3b47 Mar 12 1998 MWI-X_Perience/MWI-X-perience.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 9413 14766 63.7% Apr 5 1998
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