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demo/intro/MenaceCracktroSource.lha |
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(c) 2019 Massimiliano Scarano mscarano@libero.it
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This package contains the source code and data of Menace crack intro
The intro was coded by Massimiliano "AlienTech" Scarano for the Amiga demo group VOID
and presented at Revision 2019, where it was ranked 7th at the "Amiga Intro 64 KB" competition.
Here is the official recording, it is the 1st entry at about 1:30:
This intro shows how to make direct programming of the Commodore Amiga hardware using a mix of C and Assembly.
It is designed like in the late 80s / early 90s.
It consists of the following "old-school" effects:
- sine scroller (blitter)
- color bars (copper)
- MOD music (paula)
The Player Playroutine P6112 assembled with PhxAss V4.40.
Compiled with SAS/C 6.58 and Includes release 40.13 (AmigaOS 3.1).
Source code supplied for educational purpose only.
It should work on any PAL Amiga, with a Motorola 68000 cpu and OCS chipset,
512 KB Chip ram and 512 KB real Fast ram (not the so called slow ram),
and whatever OS (Kickstart + Workbench) version.
Tested OK:
- Amiga Forever 2013 (WinUAE, cycle exact emulation)
- Amiga Forever 7 (WinUAE, cycle exact emulation)
Version history:
- V1.0 20190324, first public release
- The intro should run at constant full frame rate (50 Hz),
the screen is updated every frame.
- Commodore Includes 40.13 were distributed with SAS/C 6.51.
- RAW gfx format consists of all rows of the 1st bitplane, followed by all rows of the 2nd bitplane and so on.
- Build with:
> phxass p61.s
> sc link Menace_cracktro_V1_?_YYYYMMDD.c p61.o
Contents of demo/intro/MenaceCracktroSource.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 2350 2350 100.0% -lh0- 1cbf Apr 9 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont.png
[generic] 867 1568 55.3% -lh5- f0dc Apr 15 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont944x16.iff
[generic] 2250 2250 100.0% -lh0- 0a0a Apr 11 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/BigFont944x16.png
[generic] 701 1888 37.1% -lh5- 1fa1 Apr 15 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/Font944x16x2.raw
[generic] 2490 7210 34.5% -lh5- 7c5d Mar 17 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/Logo320x256x8.ilbm
[generic] 2718 30720 8.8% -lh5- 066e Mar 16 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/Logo320x256x8.raw
[generic] 14625 27444 53.3% -lh5- e53c Feb 27 2004 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/MOD.jarre's zoolook
[generic] 13958 18698 74.6% -lh5- d100 Jan 13 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/DemoData/P61.jarre's zoolook
[generic] 1086 2064 52.6% -lh5- 0110 May 10 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/MenaceCracktroSource.readme
[generic] 10052 34999 28.7% -lh5- 2515 Feb 9 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/Menace_cracktro_V1_0_20190209.c
[generic] 10400 36507 28.5% -lh5- 9dec Mar 16 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/Menace_cracktro_V1_0_20190317.c
[generic] 10388 38194 27.2% -lh5- d3d4 Mar 22 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/Menace_cracktro_V1_0_20190324.c
[generic] 332 631 52.6% -lh5- 0bfa Feb 4 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/p61.h
[generic] 2816 5472 51.5% -lh5- 010e Feb 9 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/p61.o
[generic] 2892 6099 47.4% -lh5- e7ab Feb 9 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/p61.s
[generic] 24207 88376 27.4% -lh5- 8a57 Feb 3 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/P6112-Play.i
[generic] 56 56 100.0% -lh0- c078 Dec 29 1980 Menace_cracktro_V1_0/Source/SCOPTIONS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 17 files 102188 304526 33.6% May 11 20:03
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