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" .. still doing the Haujobb "
- ping timeout.
[ a · w · a · k · e · n · i · n · g ]
.code : darken (nilsson@fiifo.u-psud.fr)
.gfx : owl (timowl@sip.fi)
.music : muffler (konsta.mikkonen@mbnet.fi)
Released at Abduction 1997, Oulu, Finland.
Made the 1st place in the 64k intro-competition.
This intro was released in order to end the
rather long silence of Haujobb. Future should
show more signs of life in form of productions
on both amiga and pc.
This intro should run on every AGA Amiga with
4mb Fastmem, but 68030+ is recommended for
maximum performance.
Keep your eyes open for more haujobbing in
the very future.
- darken & owl.
Tested on following configurations:
68020/14/4mb sloooooooow, but works
68030/50/8mb nice; develop. machine
68060/50/16mb :)))))
Errors in chip memory allocation are not tested
radial distortions
DK3D engine
plasma printf
100% free of "wir hupen sie pupen"
and more...
Haujobb is looking for new members (code,gfx,music)
write an email to jazz@haujobb.dinet.de and don't
forget to attach an example of your work.
Latest changes in the memberlist:
- muffler joined! from NahKolor.
- kenny joined! as a double from Paragon (PC)
- fuzzel joined! from Masque (PC)
-[haujobb memberlist]--------------- - - ----(o5/97)-- -- -
dreamer coder
fastjack coder
fuzzel coder
darken coder <france>
kenny coder <finland>
unborn coder <france>
dust graphician
wave graphician
peachy graphician
owl gfx,design <finland>
jazz musician,editor
muffler musician <finland>
howie l^amour mailtrader
noodle mailtrader
mash supernumerary
shawn superfluous
wildthing system guard
melkor supplier
xxx superintendend
h a u j o b b · n i n e t e e n n i n e t y s e v e n
Contents of demo/intro/hjb-awak.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 59485 64812 91.8% -lh5- 7593 Jun 6 1997 Awakening.exe
[generic] 1258 2659 47.3% -lh5- 5c35 Jun 8 1997 awakening.readme
[generic] 260 431 60.3% -lh5- d953 Jun 8 1997 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 61003 67902 89.8% Jun 8 1997
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