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- B R I N G S Y O U: _-__-___/
Starquake Cracktro:---- - - - - -- - -
Yragael decided to flex his Amiga muscles once more and
wrote this nice little cracktro for Scoopex, for the release of
Starquake, the Atari ST game hack brought to the Amiga.
He then decided to enlist the help of some of his rock star
friends, Curt Cool/Depth provided the acoustics, and Alien^PDX
provided the visuals (and at short notice!).
Originally had a better logo over the rotozoom, but the A500 was
struggling to maintain a constant 50hz framerate, so a lesser logo
was used, but the great work of Alien to turn out the titlescreen
in super quick time due to the original graphics artist being unable
to complete his graphics in time, I thank you good sir, you
performed miracles :)
Thanks to the advice of Photon and Stingray, this cracktro is pretty
much as compatible across Amigas as its physically possible to get
and should run on anything.
See you in the next release.... oh yes, there will be more! :)
Galahad of Scoopex
Contents of demo/intro/scxstarquake.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/intro/scxstarquake.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ----
125528 Defl:X 58938 53% 2018-11-16 18:21 e1399627 scxstarquake
-------- ------- --- -------
125528 58938 53% 1 file
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