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You need the GFX- and Sound-Files still. They are available at:
Note, that this is only a quick port, without any optimizations done.
I did not look, if this demo uses too much Contextswitches or such.
I did not even implement sound yet.
You need:
- rtgmaster.library V34+
- WarpOS
- the GFX+Sound files of the demo
- A PPC Board :)
- A GFX Board
The demo runs both on Screen and on Workbench, but due to a bug (???) in
the latest CyberGraphX versions, it does not list 24 Bit Modes any longer
in the rtgmaster Requester for CyberGraphX. This works with Picasso96,
though. So you probably need an old CyberGraphX version (where it still
worked) or Picasso96 to run this demo.
Workbench Window Mode should work with new CyberGraphX Versions too.
And yes, i already reported this to the CyberGraphX authors.
I included all source changes to the original sources.
Steffen Haeuser
Contents of demo/mega/mega4PPC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1755 7875 22.3% -lh5- fae0 May 6 1998 g_null.c
[generic] 147 261 56.3% -lh5- a087 May 6 1998 i_null.c
[generic] 36676 99000 37.0% -lh5- 599e May 6 1998 megademo
[generic] 637 1106 57.6% -lh5- 8c3a May 6 1998 megaPPC.readme
[generic] 698 1248 55.9% -lh5- a9b3 Apr 28 1998 read_source.txt
[generic] 820 1470 55.8% -lh5- 06a2 Apr 26 1998 mdiv2rdm.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 40733 110960 36.7% May 6 1998
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