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dev/basic/B4SDL-Aros-x86.zip |
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AROS x86 port of B4SDL for x86 AROS. If my understnding is correct B4SDL is an SDL port of B4GL (BASIC for Open GL), and as such B4GL code/programs should work. Included are a few examples. To run them just use "b4sdl example.gb".
Address any questions, bug reports, etc. to:
Uploaded using: archives.aros-exec.org
Contents of dev/basic/B4SDL-Aros-x86.zip
Archive: /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//dev/basic/B4SDL-Aros-x86.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 12-22-09 03:41 00000000 b4sdl/
3343340 Defl:N 924753 72% 12-22-09 03:14 0713e082 b4sdl/B4SDL
0 Stored 0 0% 12-22-09 03:40 00000000 b4sdl/DATA/
63916 Defl:N 24909 61% 12-22-09 03:15 4f19771f b4sdl/DATA/terrain1.dat
10351 Defl:N 2102 80% 12-22-09 03:18 e2034e4a b4sdl/FPS.GB
1800 Defl:N 848 53% 12-22-09 03:18 15e0d26b b4sdl/LICENSE.TXT
317 Defl:N 236 26% 12-22-09 03:41 ca044f37 b4sdl/readme.aros.txt
578 Defl:N 325 44% 12-22-09 03:18 f6a02e36 b4sdl/SIMPLE.GB
13654 Defl:N 2203 84% 12-22-09 03:18 9d142d89 b4sdl/SPS.GB
3478 Defl:N 1153 67% 12-22-09 03:18 dc1f9b8e b4sdl/TERRAIN.GB
0 Stored 0 0% 12-22-09 03:41 00000000 b4sdl/TEXTURES/
40384 Defl:N 40347 0% 12-22-09 03:15 d37532b9 b4sdl/TEXTURES/00001.PNG
24774 Defl:N 24659 1% 12-22-09 03:15 cb21dc30 b4sdl/TEXTURES/00003.PNG
40142 Defl:N 40152 0% 12-22-09 03:15 55106646 b4sdl/TEXTURES/00005.PNG
35986 Defl:N 35543 1% 12-22-09 03:15 129ed84c b4sdl/TEXTURES/00007.PNG
119598 Defl:N 119129 0% 12-22-09 03:15 c03b0571 b4sdl/TEXTURES/CEIL01.PNG
71622 Defl:N 71617 0% 12-22-09 03:15 8baefca7 b4sdl/TEXTURES/FLOOR0.PNG
5536 Defl:N 5499 1% 12-22-09 03:15 029eb587 b4sdl/TEXTURES/pavement.png
27136 Defl:N 21161 22% 12-22-09 03:41 4140671a b4sdl/TEXTURES/Thumbs.db
44869 Defl:N 44879 0% 12-22-09 03:15 eec6d464 b4sdl/TEXTURES/WALL01.PNG
-------- ------- --- -------
3847481 1359515 65% 20 files
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