84782 packages online
dev/basic/ID3TagDevBas.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Using ID3Tag library from Hisoft Basic |
Author: | Dámaso D. Estévez, AmiSpaTra |
Uploader: | correoamidde-aminet000 yahoo es (Dámaso D. Estévez) |
Type: | dev/basic |
Version: | 5.6.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2011-08-27 |
Requires: | (Hisoft|Maxon) Basic, util/libs/id3tag_lib.lha |
Download: | dev/basic/ID3TagDevBas.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/basic/ID3TagDevBas.readme |
Downloads: | 982 |
Este mini-paquete es sólo para programadores que deseen utilizar la
biblioteca "id3tag.library" de © David Mevius en sus programas escritos con
Hisoft/Maxon Basic. Para más información consulte la documentación para
desarrolladores en:
Cambios más importantes respecto a la versión anterior
* El ejemplo corrige algunos errorcillos menores, añade alguna mejora y se
ha reescrito según un estilo más estructurado :). Descargue el programa
ID3TagLibGUI del Sr. Mevius para para añadir/borrar/modificar la
información ID3 de sus ficheros MPEG de:
¡Use este paquete con cuidado! Asegúrese de que los ficheros relevantes
están firmados correctamente con PGP. Si descubre algún error, por favor,
infórmeme para intentar corregirlo... pero no espere respuesta (suelo
estar muy ocupado). Las condiciones de distribución son las mismas que
para mis paquetes SpaTra.
Página español dedicada al Amiga (noticias, traducciones...)
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
En Facebook
This mini-package is only for programmers what they want use the
"id3tag.library" by © David Mevius with your programs created with Hisoft
Basic/Maxon Basic. For more information about their use, read the
developper's documentation at:
Main changes from previous release
* The example fixes some minor errors, enhace a little their features and
I've rewrote the code using an structured style. You can download
ID3TagLibGUI by Mr Mevius for to add/delete/edit the ID3-Tag info from:
Use this package with care! Check what the relevant files are signed ok
with PGP. If you detect error(s)... inform me, please, but don't await a
reply (habitually, I'm very busy). The distribution conditions are the
same what for SpaTra packages available at Aminet.
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
My Facebook profile - http://www.facebook.com/amispatra/
Contents of dev/basic/ID3TagDevBas.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 1868 2811 66.5% -lh1- 3043 Aug 25 00:00 BH.info
[unknown] 3061 13480 22.7% -lh1- c31b Aug 25 00:00 bh/id3tag.bc
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- e909 Aug 25 00:00 bh/id3tag.bc.sig
[unknown] 1163 3600 32.3% -lh1- 713f Aug 25 00:00 bh/id3tag.bh
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- a2b2 Aug 25 00:00 bh/id3tag.bh.sig
[unknown] 1873 2811 66.6% -lh1- 8e70 Aug 25 00:00 BMAP.info
[unknown] 187 364 51.4% -lh1- dcdb Aug 25 00:00 bmap/id3tag.bmap
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- e607 Aug 25 00:00 bmap/id3tag.bmap.sig
[unknown] 1343 2762 48.6% -lh1- 5bac Aug 25 00:00 ID3TagDevBas.readme
[unknown] 2571 4784 53.7% -lh1- 36fb Aug 25 00:00 ID3TagDevBas.readme.info
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 76af Aug 25 00:00 ID3TagDevBas.readme.sig
[unknown] 18018 27852 64.7% -lh1- ac15 Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo
[unknown] 3344 9691 34.5% -lh1- 1c0a Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo.bas
[unknown] 655 1077 60.8% -lh1- 1238 Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo.bas.info
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- fae4 Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo.bas.sig
[unknown] 1607 2496 64.4% -lh1- d063 Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo.info
[unknown] 152 152 100.0% -lh0- 0faa Aug 25 00:00 ID3Tag_ShowBasicInfo.sig
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 36602 72640 50.4% Aug 26 21:21
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