84782 packages online
dev/basic/RenderDevBas.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Using Render library from HBasic |
Author: | Dámaso D. Estévez |
Uploader: | correoamidde-aminet000 yahoo es (Dámaso D Estévez) |
Type: | dev/basic |
Version: | 40.4.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2003-08-03 |
Requires: | (Hisoft|Maxon) Basic, renderlib.lha |
Download: | dev/basic/RenderDevBas.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/basic/RenderDevBas.readme |
Downloads: | 1284 |
Este mini-paquete es sólo para programadores que deseen utilizar la
biblioteca "render.library" 40.x de © TEK neoscientists en sus programas
escritos con Hisoft/Maxon Basic. Para más información consulte la
documentación incluida en el paquete `renderlib.lha' disponible en:
¡Use este paquete con cuidado! Asegúrese de que los ficheros relevantes
están firmados correctamente con PGP. Si descubre algún error, por favor,
infórmeme para intentar corregirlo... pero no espere respuesta (suelo
estar muy ocupado). Tal como exige el paquete de la biblioteca incluyo la
siguiente advertencia (traducida): "este producto incluye elementos
logiciales desarrollados por TEK neoscientists".
Página español dedicada al Amiga
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
This mini-package is only for programmers what they want use the
"render.library" 40.x de © TEK neoscientists with your programs created
with Hisoft/Maxon Basic. For more information about their use, read the
documentation included in `renderlib.lha' package available at:
Use this package with care! Check what the relevant files are signed ok
with PGP. If you detect error(s)... inform me, please, but don't await a
reply (habitually, I'm very busy). As the render library package asks, I
include the following statement: "this product includes software developed
by TEK neoscientists".
AmiSpaTra - http://www.xente.mundo-r.com/amispatra/
Contents of dev/basic/RenderDevBas.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1856 2802 66.2% -lh1- cb90 Jul 27 2003 BH.info
[generic] 2799 9066 30.9% -lh1- 66f3 Jul 27 2003 BH/render.bc
[generic] 359 415 86.5% -lh1- 5953 Jul 27 2003 BH/render.bc.asc
[generic] 1363 5311 25.7% -lh1- 683d Jul 27 2003 BH/render.bh
[generic] 358 415 86.3% -lh1- 77d2 Jul 27 2003 BH/render.bh.asc
[generic] 1858 2802 66.3% -lh1- 9178 Jul 27 2003 BMAP.info
[generic] 505 1001 50.4% -lh1- 3e06 Jul 27 2003 BMAP/render.bmap
[generic] 359 415 86.5% -lh1- 26e3 Jul 27 2003 BMAP/render.bmap.asc
[generic] 1044 2167 48.2% -lh1- 547e Jul 27 2003 RenderDevBas.readme
[generic] 358 415 86.3% -lh1- 854c Jul 27 2003 RenderDevBas.readme.asc
[generic] 1353 2695 50.2% -lh1- a1b3 Jul 27 2003 RenderDevBas.readme.info
[generic] 19230 30620 62.8% -lh1- 7d41 Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon
[generic] 358 415 86.3% -lh1- dedb Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon.asc
[generic] 2658 6955 38.2% -lh1- 7aee Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon.bas
[generic] 360 415 86.7% -lh1- 785f Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon.bas.asc
[generic] 2701 4676 57.8% -lh1- b2cf Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon.bas.info
[generic] 1604 2488 64.5% -lh1- 4bac Jul 27 2003 ShowMiniSysDiskIcon.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 39123 73073 53.5% Aug 3 2003
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