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Short:gcc/g++ 3.3.1 i686 aros
Author:Krzysztof Smiechowicz
Uploader:deadwood wp pl (Krzysztof Smiechowicz)
Download:dev/gcc/ - View contents

Package based on gnu:

Patch for aros can be found in AROS source package:

Patch author: Fabio Alemagna

Package built on Kubuntu 7.10 with:
i686-aros-gcc crosscompiler from Joachim 'Zerohero' Birging

Package author: Krzysztof 'DeadwooD' Smiechowicz
Package version: V1


How to install gcc/g++ 3.3.1 i686-aros

1. Working installation of AROS
2. SYS:Development drawer containing AROS includes and libs

How to setup gcc/g++:

1. Extract the contents of this package

2. Copy the contents of this package to SYS:Development

   bin will 'overwrite' SYS:Development/bin
   include will 'overwrite SYS:Development/include
   lib will 'overwrite' SYS:Development/lib

3. Add following lines to SYS:S/Startup-Sequence

   Assign GCC: SYS:Development
   Assign USR: GCC:
   Assign LIB: GCC:lib
   path GCC:bin add

4. Reboot AROS

5. Open shell, type:

   gcc --version
   g++ --version

   If you received version information, the package is correctly installed.

6. Have fun and develop various applications with C/C++

Uploaded using:

Contents of dev/gcc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//dev/gcc/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 12:33  00000000  SDK/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 04:47  00000000  SDK/bin/
17061278  Defl:N  6041632  65%  03-01-08 23:20  c2a19403  SDK/bin/cc1
  597043  Defl:N   188137  69%  03-01-08 23:21  af45eb2a  SDK/bin/gcc
20307928  Defl:N  7323133  64%  03-01-08 23:21  08f7314b  SDK/bin/cc1plus
 7492469  Defl:N  2704457  64%  03-02-08 00:22  4f6e705a  SDK/bin/as
 5378110  Defl:N  1889947  65%  03-02-08 00:21  c2e37396  SDK/bin/strip
 3437396  Defl:N  1218875  65%  03-02-08 04:44  9db80044  SDK/bin/collect-aros
 5716334  Defl:N  1975776  65%  03-02-08 00:22  29573faf  SDK/bin/ld
     126  Defl:N      113  10%  03-02-08 04:48  e897a670  SDK/bin/main.cpp
     117  Defl:N      101  14%  03-02-08 04:47  826bf79a  SDK/bin/main.c
  600211  Defl:N   189782  68%  03-01-08 23:21  bf7bac14  SDK/bin/g++
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 03:18  00000000  SDK/include/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 03:18  00000000  SDK/include/c++/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 03:18  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 02:40  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/
    4729  Defl:N     1605  66%  01-03-02 11:02  5d3b041b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/algo.h
    3417  Defl:N     1294  62%  01-02-02 04:16  6c8fc5c3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/algobase.h
    2344  Defl:N     1105  53%  10-18-02 13:52  066be549  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/alloc.h
    1861  Defl:N      928  50%  08-13-01 18:24  6aa658ec  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/backward_warning.h
    2723  Defl:N     1110  59%  01-04-02 13:27  b55f05ee  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/bvector.h
    1696  Defl:N      844  50%  01-04-02 13:27  303bc834  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/complex.h
    3904  Defl:N     1695  57%  06-27-01 10:09  e84a5d16  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/defalloc.h
    2765  Defl:N     1123  59%  01-04-02 13:27  4023e35b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/deque.h
    1799  Defl:N      864  52%  01-04-02 13:27  22a524dc  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/fstream.h
    4411  Defl:N     1464  67%  01-03-02 11:02  1ff440ee  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/function.h
    2854  Defl:N     1143  60%  03-18-02 02:47  276f3e30  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/hash_map.h
    2814  Defl:N     1118  60%  03-18-02 02:47  6cdd6376  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/hash_set.h
    2971  Defl:N     1210  59%  03-18-02 02:47  41c377a2  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/hashtable.h
    2825  Defl:N     1139  60%  06-27-01 10:09  3df5e70c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/heap.h
    2286  Defl:N     1023  55%  01-04-02 13:27  12ce416b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/iomanip.h
    1899  Defl:N      900  53%  01-04-02 13:27  a61cdbcd  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/iostream.h
    1551  Defl:N      793  49%  04-05-01 23:08  96b11880  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/istream.h
    5034  Defl:N     1251  75%  01-04-02 13:27  2bd61f29  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/iterator.h
    2765  Defl:N     1125  59%  01-04-02 13:27  e38579e8  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/list.h
    2737  Defl:N     1116  59%  01-04-02 13:27  7d310140  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/map.h
    2757  Defl:N     1123  59%  01-04-02 13:27  4a70b0b6  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/multimap.h
    2757  Defl:N     1123  59%  01-04-02 13:27  16154653  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/multiset.h
    1607  Defl:N      806  50%  04-05-01 23:08  8b35680a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/new.h
    1547  Defl:N      792  49%  04-05-01 23:08  45966d98  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/ostream.h
    2785  Defl:N     1135  59%  06-27-01 10:09  9a8c7496  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/pair.h
    1584  Defl:N      813  49%  01-04-02 13:27  8bf277a8  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/queue.h
    2328  Defl:N     1116  52%  03-18-02 02:47  498c6c0d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/rope.h
    2737  Defl:N     1115  59%  01-04-02 13:27  66e8011e  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/set.h
    2191  Defl:N     1077  51%  03-18-02 02:47  729b2505  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/slist.h
    2805  Defl:N     1134  60%  01-04-02 13:27  e9a6df3c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/stack.h
    1545  Defl:N      791  49%  04-05-01 23:08  72de8cec  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/stream.h
    1573  Defl:N      805  49%  01-04-02 13:27  1bf4079d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/streambuf.h
    5671  Defl:N     1975  65%  07-24-02 17:04  0ebc5196  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/strstream
    3023  Defl:N     1219  60%  02-22-02 13:23  4d3b96a5  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/tempbuf.h
    2151  Defl:N     1066  50%  01-04-02 09:02  ab50bf48  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/tree.h
    2772  Defl:N     1127  59%  01-04-02 13:27  1d50b28a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/vector.h
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 02:47  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/
   14427  Defl:N     4311  70%  05-01-03 18:08  0bb02829  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/basic_ios.h
    7313  Defl:N     2483  66%  05-01-03 18:08  c4416650  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/basic_ios.tcc
   33857  Defl:N     6778  80%  06-06-03 10:20  72514b8a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/basic_string.h
   38586  Defl:N     7745  80%  04-28-03 14:48  c8d314d9  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/basic_string.tcc
   30462  Defl:N     4762  84%  06-21-02 20:03  45a4470b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/boost_concept_check.h
    7812  Defl:N     1976  75%  07-15-03 11:00  c4bb1ed0  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/char_traits.h
   10165  Defl:N     2099  79%  01-23-03 09:19  d695ea42  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/codecvt.h
    3671  Defl:N     1512  59%  04-14-03 23:22  0b4fb79a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/concept_check.h
    5993  Defl:N     1975  67%  01-16-02 11:57  ec58e055  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/cpp_type_traits.h
   24932  Defl:N     4323  83%  08-09-02 09:51  729ff087  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/deque.tcc
    3540  Defl:N     1474  58%  11-20-02 23:06  e2ce56b8  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/fpos.h
   15649  Defl:N     4477  71%  05-01-03 11:30  a7f6ccc4  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/fstream.tcc
    2423  Defl:N      969  60%  03-04-01 13:34  18572ff6  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/functexcept.h
    4115  Defl:N     1538  63%  01-16-02 11:57  bd684c8d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/gslice.h
    6068  Defl:N     1721  72%  08-04-02 19:09  68fcc61d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/gslice_array.h
    6374  Defl:N     1796  72%  08-04-02 19:09  47787af2  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/indirect_array.h
   25313  Defl:N     6244  75%  07-07-03 21:56  9aa8bdd1  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/ios_base.h
   34572  Defl:N     4188  88%  06-07-03 13:50  5cbbe69b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/istream.tcc
   11230  Defl:N     2651  76%  08-09-02 09:51  2f98326c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/list.tcc
   10740  Defl:N     3464  68%  07-07-03 21:56  ce1607f4  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/locale_classes.h
   58297  Defl:N    10200  83%  07-07-03 21:56  92c96efd  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/locale_facets.h
   86998  Defl:N    17511  80%  07-17-03 03:12  e82fe449  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/locale_facets.tcc
    5416  Defl:N     1567  71%  01-22-03 09:39  11f1af00  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/localefwd.h
    5922  Defl:N     1739  71%  08-04-02 19:09  be22f50e  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/mask_array.h
   20935  Defl:N     3032  86%  06-07-03 13:50  16a3ac1d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/ostream.tcc
   17666  Defl:N     5038  72%  01-04-02 13:27  29dfd051  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/pthread_allocimpl.h
    4915  Defl:N     1592  68%  11-02-01 09:38  fa0a6702  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stream_iterator.h
    7532  Defl:N     2243  70%  05-17-03 01:15  f58b04b4  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/streambuf.tcc
    7036  Defl:N     2043  71%  12-09-02 23:32  2d8b8fc3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/slice_array.h
    7532  Defl:N     2156  71%  11-01-02 09:30  2c1248bd  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/sstream.tcc
  146278  Defl:N    16638  89%  04-17-02 19:55  a27acb24  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_algo.h
   28677  Defl:N     5226  82%  01-04-02 13:27  3a4da5c2  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_algobase.h
   32508  Defl:N     8042  75%  05-20-03 15:19  6fed5bf1  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_alloc.h
   23753  Defl:N     5125  78%  11-13-02 14:15  cde3292c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_bvector.h
    5104  Defl:N     1772  65%  03-27-02 13:41  3b2730a3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_construct.h
   55032  Defl:N    11873  78%  11-20-02 23:06  7482735f  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_deque.h
   26819  Defl:N     5578  79%  01-06-02 01:14  ee460b24  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_function.h
   11201  Defl:N     2101  81%  11-02-01 09:38  6d1c64cb  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_heap.h
   25462  Defl:N     4949  81%  06-06-03 10:20  bcae8730  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_iterator.h
    6499  Defl:N     1986  69%  08-09-02 09:51  8e7dc715  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h
    6758  Defl:N     2216  67%  11-20-02 23:06  a98a640d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h
   37717  Defl:N     8337  78%  09-10-02 16:19  a809c5f4  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_list.h
   25990  Defl:N     5974  77%  08-23-02 09:52  8cc08a2d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_map.h
   25323  Defl:N     5494  78%  08-23-02 09:52  d3c56c6b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_multimap.h
   10129  Defl:N     2426  76%  12-06-01 12:29  74560a83  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_multiset.h
    7784  Defl:N     1746  78%  01-03-02 11:02  9859dbff  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_numeric.h
    5785  Defl:N     2046  65%  05-21-02 14:09  0d549e6a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_pair.h
    2407  Defl:N     1155  52%  11-02-01 09:38  e9f2d191  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_pthread_alloc.h
   15498  Defl:N     3940  75%  08-09-02 09:51  1c0a9c91  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_queue.h
    3737  Defl:N     1445  61%  12-19-01 13:57  7fd12305  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_raw_storage_iter.h
    4676  Defl:N     1658  65%  03-27-02 13:41  633c5be3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_relops.h
   10005  Defl:N     2476  75%  12-06-01 12:29  f92871ac  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_set.h
    9185  Defl:N     2856  69%  08-09-02 09:51  e4a5907d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_stack.h
    4958  Defl:N     1917  61%  03-27-02 13:41  d39227f6  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_tempbuf.h
    8335  Defl:N     2925  65%  10-12-02 23:35  b80e3ff5  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_threads.h
   43833  Defl:N     7770  82%  11-22-02 10:53  f8e69bfc  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_tree.h
    9587  Defl:N     2393  75%  04-30-02 19:17  8b7f9a60  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_uninitialized.h
   35714  Defl:N     7579  79%  11-16-02 09:16  ffa09419  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stl_vector.h
    6585  Defl:N     2049  69%  03-04-03 20:40  02260764  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/streambuf_iterator.h
    2238  Defl:N     1059  53%  11-01-02 09:30  ae26bd0d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/stringfwd.h
   12198  Defl:N     2589  79%  04-15-02 19:29  a25802ae  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/type_traits.h
   21162  Defl:N     4097  81%  08-02-02 16:08  ebd52b76  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/valarray_array.h
    4576  Defl:N     1336  71%  01-16-02 11:57  d180a371  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/valarray_array.tcc
   38729  Defl:N     5578  86%  02-03-03 02:27  e655fc7e  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/valarray_meta.h
    1840  Defl:N      930  50%  01-04-02 13:27  0c64ed84  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/cmath.tcc
   14626  Defl:N     3072  79%  11-16-02 09:16  21008b27  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/bits/vector.tcc
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 02:49  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/
    2394  Defl:N     1088  55%  04-30-02 12:04  9e28c2d1  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/enc_filebuf.h
   13833  Defl:N     3781  73%  01-28-02 14:13  32afca02  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/functional
   17320  Defl:N     3056  82%  07-01-02 23:17  b4b476a3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/hash_map
   16712  Defl:N     2917  83%  07-01-02 23:17  a3322825  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/hash_set
    4365  Defl:N     1633  63%  07-01-02 23:17  c408abac  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/iterator
    6418  Defl:N     2243  65%  01-28-02 14:13  ba7dd2cb  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/memory
    4972  Defl:N     1805  64%  07-01-02 23:17  7f30c859  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/numeric
    3615  Defl:N     1447  60%  07-01-02 23:17  4eef89b8  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/rb_tree
    2583  Defl:N     1198  54%  01-28-02 14:13  f566771d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/rope
   46548  Defl:N    11330  76%  01-28-02 14:13  ce272df5  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/ropeimpl.h
   29897  Defl:N     6284  79%  07-01-02 23:17  0808ee6e  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/slist
    5803  Defl:N     1961  66%  03-31-03 10:52  376c4cfe  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/stdio_filebuf.h
    4287  Defl:N     1474  66%  01-28-02 14:13  58cd010d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/stl_hash_fun.h
   31588  Defl:N     6042  81%  07-03-02 17:28  17b686d5  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/stl_hashtable.h
   91610  Defl:N    17253  81%  09-16-02 18:56  c54bcc32  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ext/stl_rope.h
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-01-08 23:21  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 02:55  00000000  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/
   35915  Defl:N     6405  82%  03-01-08 23:21  9b4a08ab  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/c++config.h
    3697  Defl:N     1495  60%  03-01-08 23:21  44d9d1a9  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/gthr.h
    5571  Defl:N     1629  71%  03-01-08 23:21  9a868b84  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/gthr-single.h
   12444  Defl:N     3085  75%  03-01-08 23:21  c8cc5b71  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/gthr-posix.h
    5571  Defl:N     1629  71%  03-01-08 23:21  9a868b84  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/gthr-default.h
    2223  Defl:N     1017  54%  03-01-08 14:34  87183d5c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/ctype_base.h
    2342  Defl:N      989  58%  03-01-08 14:34  dd8fedbe  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/ctype_inline.h
    2659  Defl:N     1071  60%  03-01-08 14:34  80e54a1c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/ctype_noninline.h
    1602  Defl:N      807  50%  03-01-08 14:34  c4726508  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/os_defines.h
    2129  Defl:N     1023  52%  06-02-03 11:48  a07b28d0  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/atomicity.h
    3223  Defl:N     1378  57%  05-01-03 11:30  e423b420  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/basic_file.h
    3432  Defl:N     1302  62%  04-15-02 17:45  14a2e437  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/c++io.h
    2793  Defl:N     1336  52%  04-24-03 08:12  4b4b99c3  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/c++locale.h
    1498  Defl:N      753  50%  09-05-02 00:46  12ac1d38  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/i686-aros/bits/c++locale_internal.h
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    2492  Defl:N     1139  54%  04-30-02 12:50  e16acecc  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/cctype
    2038  Defl:N     1016  50%  03-26-02 20:29  5bf5ef88  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/cerrno
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    1770  Defl:N      874  51%  03-22-02 19:18  bdee1e40  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ciso646
    1968  Defl:N      984  50%  03-26-02 20:29  2c439667  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/climits
    2165  Defl:N     1059  51%  03-26-02 20:29  28cc9d72  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/clocale
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    2209  Defl:N     1089  51%  03-26-02 20:29  d8655a5f  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/csetjmp
    2115  Defl:N     1046  51%  03-26-02 20:29  a3b4baba  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/csignal
    2087  Defl:N     1041  50%  03-26-02 20:29  705b3b8b  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/cstdarg
    1991  Defl:N      999  50%  03-26-02 20:29  50943470  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/cstddef
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    3389  Defl:N     1323  61%  03-26-02 20:29  298f71c4  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/cstring
    2401  Defl:N     1108  54%  03-26-02 20:29  92b8ed87  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ctime
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    1730  Defl:N      865  50%  02-15-01 16:44  32290040  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/exception_defines.h
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    2382  Defl:N     1155  52%  01-28-02 14:13  42cfd663  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/functional
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    3041  Defl:N     1387  54%  11-20-02 23:06  6f77a30d  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream
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    3112  Defl:N     1241  60%  01-28-02 14:13  1bed7b3a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/iterator
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    3036  Defl:N     1225  60%  06-12-02 15:07  ee65607a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/list
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    2901  Defl:N     1184  59%  01-28-02 14:13  72692f06  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/map
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    3804  Defl:N     1548  59%  07-26-02 13:12  9f79cd54  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/new
    2964  Defl:N     1210  59%  01-28-02 14:13  7cd13a10  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/numeric
   18353  Defl:N     4979  73%  03-08-03 18:00  8d7dc934  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/ostream
    3213  Defl:N     1266  61%  06-28-02 18:10  2631c071  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/queue
    2901  Defl:N     1185  59%  01-28-02 14:13  7e0c8fb5  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/set
   20575  Defl:N     4073  80%  02-25-03 04:39  4830d4be  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/sstream
    3040  Defl:N     1228  60%  06-28-02 18:10  cd08d699  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/stack
    4590  Defl:N     1648  64%  01-28-02 14:13  339669a2  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/stdexcept
   32039  Defl:N     8470  74%  04-28-03 08:40  8677390c  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/streambuf
    2239  Defl:N     1100  51%  01-28-02 14:13  aea25c36  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/string
    5331  Defl:N     2149  60%  07-19-02 23:26  a2cb794f  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/typeinfo
    2920  Defl:N     1195  59%  01-28-02 14:13  0822725e  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/utility
   23392  Defl:N     4321  82%  08-02-02 16:08  6168791a  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/valarray
    3076  Defl:N     1232  60%  06-12-02 15:07  22ae0095  SDK/include/c++/3.3.1/vector
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 03:19  00000000  SDK/lib/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 00:48  00000000  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-01-08 23:53  00000000  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-01-08 23:53  00000000  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/
       0  Stored        0   0%  03-02-08 03:02  00000000  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/
   12695  Defl:N     3782  70%  03-01-08 23:21  afaaf5bd  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/stddef.h
    5372  Defl:N     1870  65%  03-01-08 23:21  f6890c1c  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/float.h
    1440  Defl:N      754  48%  03-01-08 23:21  d7329a42  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/iso646.h
    3470  Defl:N      943  73%  03-01-08 23:21  57c40ee3  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/limits.h
   16848  Defl:N     2850  83%  03-01-08 23:21  8cb6e61b  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/mmintrin.h
     750  Defl:N      418  44%  03-01-08 23:21  592a9a7f  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/README
    4325  Defl:N     1686  61%  03-01-08 23:21  81b0448c  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/stdarg.h
    1612  Defl:N      824  49%  03-01-08 23:21  0be1f56d  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/stdbool.h
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     139  Defl:N      111  20%  03-01-08 23:21  8063e634  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/varargs.h
   62211  Defl:N     8593  86%  03-01-08 23:21  5fee5ba7  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/xmmintrin.h
     330  Defl:N      210  36%  03-01-08 14:40  cfd686dd  SDK/lib/gcc-lib/i686-aros/3.3.1/include/syslimits.h
 5257388  Defl:N  1622968  69%  03-01-08 23:22  c8a5800d  SDK/lib/libstdc++.a
 1819388  Defl:N   658629  64%  03-01-08 23:21  e8fc7bac  SDK/lib/libgcc.a
     759  Defl:N      403  47%  03-03-08 10:59  8ec6ddcd  SDK/INSTALL
     372  Defl:N      259  30%  03-03-08 10:58  669282d1  SDK/VERSION
--------          -------  ---                            -------
69910589         24341121  65%                            226 files
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