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- What is this ?
These are my 1438 monitor settings. I have been able to remove
the borders in DblNTSC,DblPal,Euro36 and Super72. And reduced
them in Euro72 and Multiscan.
- How did I do it ?
I have done this by using MonEd and by "hacking" the overscan.prefs
file. Using the overscan prefs program cannot help in changing these
modes. To change them one can use MonEd and/or a HexEditor to edit
the Overscan.Prefs file. Note that the overscan prefs program would
only destroy the settings.
- * Installation *
Important ! Make sure that you make backups on your old files before
installing !
Copy the files in the Monitors/ drawer to your sys:devs/monitors/ drawer.
Copy the files in the Sys/ drawer to your Envarc:sys/ drawer.
And reboot your computer.
- Problems.
If the display comes up strange, try to get a commodity with
support for BorderBlank.
- Such as MCP1.10 or Yak211.
Disclaimer !! :
These file may be spread and used by anyone. But
I take no responsibility for loss in hardware or data.
These settings works for me without problems, but this
doesn't mean that they would on other's monitors.
Bjorn Hagstrom 1996-03-03
- What you get
With these files you can get the following resolutions :
Mode : DblNTSC (Hires NoFlicker
Res. : 768 * 453
Freq. : 38.56 Khz , 60Hz
Mode : DblPal (Hires NoFlicker)
Res. : 768 * 550
Freq. : 27.589 khz , 47 Hz
Mode : Euro36 (SuperHires Laced)
Res. : 1324*400
Freq. : 15.768 khz , 73 Hz
Mode : Euro72 (Productivity)
Res. : 704*581
Freq. : 29.136 khz , 48 Hz
Comment : Still gives about 2cm borders. But this was the best
I could make out of it.
Mode : Multiscan (Productivity)
Res. : 705*598
Freq. : 29.856 khz , 48 Hz
Comment : Gives the same borders as Euro72.
Mode : Super72 (SuperHires)
Res. : 912*300
Freq. : 23.217 khz , 71 Hz
Bjorn Hagtrom
Contents of driver/moni/orgin1438s.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 178 356 50.0% -lh5- a241 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/A2024.info
[generic] 237 456 52.0% -lh5- 9091 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/DblNTSC.info
[generic] 237 456 52.0% -lh5- e362 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/DblPAL.info
[generic] 176 356 49.4% -lh5- 0a0d Mar 3 1996 Monitors/Euro36.info
[generic] 244 456 53.5% -lh5- 1d3c Mar 3 1996 Monitors/Euro72.info
[generic] 209 435 48.0% -lh5- ad20 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/Multiscan.info
[generic] 179 356 50.3% -lh5- 5df0 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/NTSC.info
[generic] 174 356 48.9% -lh5- 3ab9 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/PAL.info
[generic] 178 356 50.0% -lh5- 8d97 Mar 3 1996 Monitors/Super72.info
[generic] 171 356 48.0% -lh5- 6ffd Mar 3 1996 Monitors/VGAOnly.info
[generic] 1092 2475 44.1% -lh5- cdb3 Mar 3 1996 Orgin1438_1.0.Readme
[generic] 206 378 54.5% -lh5- 6f8c Mar 3 1996 Sys/Overscan.Prefs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 3281 6792 48.3% Mar 7 1996
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