84782 packages online
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Short: | Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06 |
Author: | achim.stegemann onlinehome.de (Achim Stegemann) |
Uploader: | achim stegemann onlinehome de (Achim Stegemann) |
Type: | game/board |
Version: | 2.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2003-06-08 |
Download: | game/board/AmiChess.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/board/AmiChess.readme |
Downloads: | 7251 |
Requires: OS 3.5
MUI 3.8
MUI NList classes (get it from dev/mui)
AmiChess is a new chess program for the Amiga.
The chess engine is based on the latest GNUChess version.
Due to the GNU license, the archive contains the full source code.
What the program can do:
* Read/Write of chess files in PGN and EPD-format.
* You can play against the computer, let the computer play against
itself or use the program as supervisor.
* Usage and creation of an opening book. Several levels available
for book usage.
* Chess strength variable by settings of time (move per time) or
search depth.
* Undo and remove function.
* Let the computer show its best variation when thinking.
* Change the board design "on the fly".
* Choose between a dozens skins, boards and resolutions for most common screens.
* Solve chess problems (with restrictions).
* Localization, currently in English and German.
Things that are missing or restricted.
* No pondering (thinking while human thinks).
How to install the opening book:
The opening book is not included in this archive, because it is
about 10 MB of size! If you like to install an opening book,
simply follow these steps:
* Download ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/chess/book_1.00.pgn.gz
* Unpack the file with gzip, UnArc or any other unpacker
that can handle gzip-packed files.
* Start AmiChess. Select "Menu/Game/Book/Add ..." and select
the unpacked book file.
* Wait for about 30 mins to 2 hrs for compilation to finish.
Ignore any error messages while compiling the book.
* After successful compilation you should find the file "book.dat"
in your program folder.
Developer information:
* Binary requires at least an 68020 CPU (68k)
or PPC603/040 (WarpOS)
* The program has been compiled with StormC V4 in GCC mode.
Some notes:
* I am not able to include pondering in AmiChess, as I am not familar
with the chess engine. If you have any idea on how to improve the
program, simply let me know.
* When saving a game (PGN) or a position (EPD), the program will add
the current game to your selected file, if the file already exists.
Unfortunately, the program will load only the first game in a file that
contains several games. If you like to continue a game, it is recommended
to save the game in a new file or delete the old game before!
I hope to change this behaviour in future releases.
* Hint function is sometimes crashing the program. I don't know why.
Best you don't use it. Use "Show thinking" instead for computer variation.
* Program requires a Workbench resolution of at least 800x600.
* You MUST NOT use sound.datatype V41 from Stephan Rupprecht. This
datatype can cause lock-ups when playing sound samples!
V2.0: * ADDED: Took over same parts of GNUChess V5.06. Too bad, I cannot implement all
features of that new versions.
* ADDED: Board size comes in three different flavours. Small (640x480), medium (800x600)
and large (>1024x768). Can be changed during game.
* ADDED: Pieces for small screens.
* ADDED: Editable board. Let AmiChess solve chess problems!
* FIXED: Toggle menu items now Can be accessed with hotkey.
V1.2: * FIXED: Some more bugs in book creating functions. Now it really works creating an opening book!
* Cleaned up the source code to remove more warnings during compilation.
V1.1: * Code has been recompiled with StormC V4.
* Improved PPC version a lot. Can calculate twice as much positions as previous version.
V1.0: * FIXED: Some bugs. Thanks to Georg Steger from AROS.
* ADDED: asyncio.library support for faster loading of opening book.
* ADDED: PPC-WarpOS version available!
* ADDED: Evaluation window to evaluate material score of a position.
* ADDED: Statistics window that shows you information about the calculation speed.
* ADDED: Many different sets for pieces and chess boards.
Old "Skin" folder has been renamed to "Pieces".
* ADDED: Chess sounds including voice support (can be disabled).
* ADDED: Piece selection when promoting pawn.
* FIXED: Changed source code to GNUChess 5.05 which contains some minor fixes.
* FIXED: Opening book couldn't be created, when file "book.dat" didn't exist before.
* ADDED: Can be opened on any public screen with the PUBSCREEN option, either as a DOS argument
or as a tooltype in the program's icon.
* FIXED: Game window didn't open on WBs smaller than 1024 pixels.
* FIXED: Color of "side to move" only changed in supervisor mode.
* ADDED: To solve above problem, smaller skins for screens of 800x600 pixels are available.
* First public release
Contents of game/board/AmiChess.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4654 6569 70.8% -lh5- a77f Apr 23 2003 AmiChess.info
[generic] 3478 7780 44.7% -lh5- 2c81 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess.dok
[generic] 1646 1872 87.9% -lh5- fe9e Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess.dok.info
[generic] 2321 4931 47.1% -lh5- 7334 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess.readme
[generic] 1667 1888 88.3% -lh5- 548f Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess.readme.info
[generic] 84711 169308 50.0% -lh5- 7a06 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess68k
[generic] 2861 5367 53.3% -lh5- 4439 Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/AmiChess68k.info
[generic] 125947 277956 45.3% -lh5- 6318 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/AmiChessWOS
[generic] 2861 5367 53.3% -lh5- 1b93 Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/AmiChessWOS.info
[generic] 4040 4826 83.7% -lh5- f278 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Crystal/Dark
[generic] 4142 4826 85.8% -lh5- ab58 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Crystal/Light
[generic] 8798 11114 79.2% -lh5- 3c6b Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Default/Dark
[generic] 6984 10808 64.6% -lh5- bba2 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Default/Light
[generic] 108571 124650 87.1% -lh5- 534e Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Fire/Dark
[generic] 116591 130778 89.2% -lh5- 9508 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Fire/Light
[generic] 3417 3988 85.7% -lh5- 5d29 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Ice/Dark
[generic] 3419 3990 85.7% -lh5- f583 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Ice/Light
[generic] 3593 4068 88.3% -lh5- 0586 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/MarbleBrown/Dark
[generic] 3482 4066 85.6% -lh5- 0ce2 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/MarbleBrown/Light
[generic] 56439 173530 32.5% -lh5- d8ef Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/MarbleGrey/Dark
[generic] 56039 170478 32.9% -lh5- d3ae Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/MarbleGrey/Light
[generic] 2800 4286 65.3% -lh5- 7323 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Metal/Dark
[generic] 3418 4420 77.3% -lh5- 415b Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Metal/Light
[generic] 53855 165958 32.5% -lh5- 4be5 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Plasma/Dark
[generic] 55068 169878 32.4% -lh5- f3fc Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Plasma/Light
[generic] 4629 6050 76.5% -lh5- a60d Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Redwood/Dark
[generic] 4671 6042 77.3% -lh5- 7fdc Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Redwood/Light
[generic] 186373 196428 94.9% -lh5- c671 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Water/Dark
[generic] 152731 172668 88.5% -lh5- e029 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Water/Light
[generic] 55723 111406 50.0% -lh5- 01a5 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Wood1/Dark
[generic] 133167 154704 86.1% -lh5- c59e Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Wood1/Light
[generic] 99674 105632 94.4% -lh5- 20bc Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Wood2/Dark
[generic] 32400 34516 93.9% -lh5- 7f56 Nov 15 2002 AmiChess/Boards/Wood2/Light
[generic] 1210 2558 47.3% -lh5- 139e Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Catalogs/Deutsch/AmiChess.catalog
[generic] 22463 39388 57.0% -lh5- 3ef5 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Alpha
[generic] 18423 31808 57.9% -lh5- 110e Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Arlley
[generic] 16086 32700 49.2% -lh5- 246e Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Chap
[generic] 3507 9334 37.6% -lh5- 4625 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Default
[generic] 29952 40572 73.8% -lh5- ebaa Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Jumbo
[generic] 21795 34440 63.3% -lh5- eeb8 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Original
[generic] 28211 40938 68.9% -lh5- a27d Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Rastapov
[generic] 18744 35652 52.6% -lh5- 495d Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Staunton
[generic] 31269 43792 71.4% -lh5- abbf Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/1024/Tashka
[generic] 12738 17744 71.8% -lh5- 8afe Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Alpha
[generic] 9652 15606 61.8% -lh5- 4288 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Arlley
[generic] 9615 16610 57.9% -lh5- ac47 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Chap
[generic] 2295 4314 53.2% -lh5- cbdb Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Default
[generic] 13644 18414 74.1% -lh5- a0de Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Jumbo
[generic] 10418 16862 61.8% -lh5- e605 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Original
[generic] 13369 19194 69.7% -lh5- 952e Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Rastapov
[generic] 11151 17710 63.0% -lh5- f181 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Staunton
[generic] 14630 19312 75.8% -lh5- 8d51 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/640/Tashka
[generic] 18738 25536 73.4% -lh5- 22ce Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Alpha
[generic] 12848 21622 59.4% -lh5- c8e3 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Arlley
[generic] 14682 23166 63.4% -lh5- ad28 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Chap
[generic] 2952 6166 47.9% -lh5- 9ad9 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Default
[generic] 19635 26622 73.8% -lh5- 4091 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Jumbo
[generic] 14362 23410 61.3% -lh5- 1760 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Original
[generic] 18368 26950 68.2% -lh5- 50fd Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Rastapov
[generic] 16152 24634 65.6% -lh5- 90e5 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Staunton
[generic] 20065 28096 71.4% -lh5- 5509 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/Pieces/800/Tashka
[generic] 775 2268 34.2% -lh5- 66f5 Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/Promote/Bishop
[generic] 870 2356 36.9% -lh5- 0390 Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/Promote/Knight
[generic] 920 2338 39.3% -lh5- a38d Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/Promote/Queen
[generic] 625 2244 27.9% -lh5- e383 Jan 29 2003 AmiChess/Promote/Rook
[generic] 4281 24420 17.5% -lh5- 6e02 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/1
[generic] 5547 21348 26.0% -lh5- cf58 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/2
[generic] 5293 25444 20.8% -lh5- 2523 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/3
[generic] 5573 22116 25.2% -lh5- 00fe Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/4
[generic] 6877 25444 27.0% -lh5- 4acc Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/5
[generic] 9094 29028 31.3% -lh5- 9fd3 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/6
[generic] 7577 26468 28.6% -lh5- 2d95 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/7
[generic] 5525 21092 26.2% -lh5- 6587 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/8
[generic] 5123 23140 22.1% -lh5- 4961 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/a
[generic] 4502 21604 20.8% -lh5- d24a Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/b
[generic] 5948 28004 21.2% -lh5- 1e97 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Bishop
[generic] 7116 22884 31.1% -lh5- e91d Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/c
[generic] 1107 2562 43.2% -lh5- 8888 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Castling
[generic] 4818 21094 22.8% -lh5- d138 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Check
[generic] 11194 25698 43.6% -lh5- 5f57 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Chess
[generic] 4457 22116 20.2% -lh5- 732f Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/d
[generic] 5010 23140 21.7% -lh5- 50f6 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Draw
[generic] 4074 22116 18.4% -lh5- 0f66 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/e
[generic] 9432 16124 58.5% -lh5- f308 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/End
[generic] 4885 21348 22.9% -lh5- 4ee2 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/f
[generic] 6065 23140 26.2% -lh5- 23c4 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/g
[generic] 7284 25188 28.9% -lh5- bb2e Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/h
[generic] 1707 4170 40.9% -lh5- ffe0 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Hit
[generic] 5283 22628 23.3% -lh5- 8857 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/King
[generic] 4912 23142 21.2% -lh5- b8fb Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Knight
[generic] 5202 25956 20.0% -lh5- e3b5 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Mate
[generic] 11101 43364 25.6% -lh5- b204 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/O-O
[generic] 8934 37340 23.9% -lh5- bd92 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/O-O-O
[generic] 4519 24164 18.7% -lh5- d08a Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Pawn
[generic] 5503 25188 21.8% -lh5- b9c7 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Queen
[generic] 4009 24164 16.6% -lh5- 03c1 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Rook
[generic] 10965 41060 26.7% -lh5- 8616 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Stalemate
[generic] 7127 27748 25.7% -lh5- e8e8 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Takes
[generic] 404 706 57.2% -lh5- 4675 Nov 21 2002 AmiChess/Sounds/Tap
[generic] 1194 6122 19.5% -lh5- 8ab8 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/AmiChess_68k.¶
[generic] 959 4497 21.3% -lh5- d097 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/AmiChess_PPC.¶
[generic] 1107 6919 16.0% -lh5- 58d9 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/AmiChess_WOS.¶
[generic] 2518 12340 20.4% -lh5- ef7b Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/atak.c
[generic] 2697 9198 29.3% -lh5- 6222 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/book.c
[generic] 699 1249 56.0% -lh5- b944 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/book.h
[generic] 4403 8332 52.8% -lh5- a99b Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/buildcatalog
[generic] 2016 5389 37.4% -lh5- 85eb Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/buildcatalog.c
[generic] 594 1650 36.0% -lh5- 419e Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/buildcatalog.¶
[generic] 1434 3832 37.4% -lh5- 0d63 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/catalog.c
[generic] 498 1541 32.3% -lh5- cd90 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/catalog.h
[generic] 4908 15538 31.6% -lh5- 54e3 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/common.h
[generic] 989 3530 28.0% -lh5- 993c Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/config.h
[generic] 1606 5792 27.7% -lh5- 9914 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/epd.c
[generic] 10940 42875 25.5% -lh5- a928 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/eval.c
[generic] 1255 2997 41.9% -lh5- eea2 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/eval.h
[generic] 400 755 53.0% -lh5- 8062 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/FilterPGN.c
[generic] 581 1549 37.5% -lh5- de08 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/FilterPGN.¶
[generic] 2299 14699 15.6% -lh5- 768d Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/genmove.c
[generic] 1108 2390 46.4% -lh5- eda5 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/hash.c
[generic] 953 2313 41.2% -lh5- d435 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/hung.c
[generic] 3222 10507 30.7% -lh5- 6922 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/init.c
[generic] 1847 5395 34.2% -lh5- a606 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/iterate.c
[generic] 3172 10649 29.8% -lh5- 00e0 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/main.c
[generic] 113 237 47.7% -lh5- 3aef Apr 19 2003 AmiChess/src/modules.c
[generic] 3420 13365 25.6% -lh5- 1e88 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/move.c
[generic] 894 2068 43.2% -lh5- 0407 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/mui_board.c
[generic] 7458 38340 19.5% -lh5- 1d62 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/mui_chess.c
[generic] 771 1941 39.7% -lh5- 1c4f Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/mui_edit.c
[generic] 2512 10500 23.9% -lh5- 76b5 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/mui_field.c
[generic] 224 431 52.0% -lh5- dfc9 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/null.c
[generic] 465 1002 46.4% -lh5- c4af Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/output.c
[generic] 2497 7240 34.5% -lh5- e859 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/pgn.c
[generic] 545 1195 45.6% -lh5- acf1 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/quiesce.c
[generic] 609 1139 53.5% -lh5- 583f Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/random.c
[generic] 124 135 91.9% -lh5- 5aac Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/repeat.c
[generic] 2901 9563 30.3% -lh5- 0bf1 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/search.c
[generic] 429 767 55.9% -lh5- 2784 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/solve.c
[generic] 1194 4060 29.4% -lh5- 2559 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/sort.c
[generic] 756 1776 42.6% -lh5- 8248 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/swap.c
[generic] 1053 3826 27.5% -lh5- 787a Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/ttable.c
[generic] 817 2520 32.4% -lh5- b0bc Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/util.c
[generic] 2043 5638 36.2% -lh5- 6548 Jun 5 2003 AmiChess/src/vars.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 142 files 2101006 4011453 52.4% Jun 8 2003
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