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game/demo/AttackPETSCIIRobots_img.adf |
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Explore the vast worlds, both indoors and outdoors. Along the way you will
find guns, bombs, magnets, EMP devices, and health kits, which will help you
defeat the robots. You'll need to solve puzzles, sometimes using wits, other
times using skill to stay alive and make it to the transporter pad. You'll
get to play the 10 original maps (*), along with several bonus maps for the
Amiga version.
This version was designed from the ground up for the Commodore Amiga. It
makes proper use of the enhanced graphics and sound capabilities of the Amiga
in order to provide a better graphical experience than the preceding 8-bit
versions. It also features an instant on-screen map, 16-color graphics, a
4-channel "Mod Tracker" style musical score, and even a PETSCII-only
version (*) to pay homage to the original PET version.
Petscii Robots will work on any Amiga with at least 512K, but does support
additional RAM to provide in-game music and hard disk installation for faster
loading of maps. You can play with the keyboard, joystick, or a
CD32 gamepad (*).
David Murray Original Game Design, assembly coding.
Vesa Halttunen Amiga development
Piotr Radecki Pixel art for tiles
Noelle Aman MOD-Music
Anders Enger Jensen Box and Manual design
Brendan Carmody Original Box Art
Attack of the PETSCII Robots Amiga shareware version is free to distribute.
You can buy the full version at www.the8bitguy.com.
Features marked with an asterisk (*) are only available in the full version.
Full version includes:
- all 14 levels
- 4 different in-game tunes
- CD32 controller support
- hotkey for robot locations
- customizable keyboard controls
- PET graphics and sound version
Contents of game/demo/AttackPETSCIIRobots_img.adf
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