PAWS2DAAD v2.2 (c) 1995,2019 Jose Luis Cebrián, Alexander Katz, Carlos Sánchez
SYNTAX: PAWS2DAAD [-I]<filename> [[-O]<filename>|-T<filename>]
A PAWS/Quill database extractor in DAAD Source File (DSF) format
-I must be a .SP, .SNA or .Z80 file
-O Text file where the output is written. If you don't include
this parameter results will be sent to standard output.
Other options:
-A Include compress (database compression) information.
-C Include charsets information.
-G Include graphics information.
-S snapshot type. Must be one of strings: SNA, SP, Z80
-E Expand Spectrum keyword tokens
Please remember adventures made with Quill/PAWs are copyright someone.
Make sure you use this tool for your own games or ask permission from
copytight holder.