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Short:Quake competition servermod v1.0 beta2
Author: v2615 at
Uploader:v2615 groenjord dk
Download:game/patch/SushiCombat.lha - View contents

SushiCombatServer v1.0beta2 - Release date: 09-12 1999    

Please note: this is the full install, including custom maps ztndm1-6
as required for server & client.
Smaller size download available at 'Surgeons Quake1 Goodies':     

Main bandwidth saving features:      
(Network traffic is reduced by 50%, compared to standard quake!!)   
- wastly reduced amount of tempentities      
- reduced gibs      
  (network traffic can be further reduced by enabeleing antilag)    
Main FPS boosting features:      
(Framerate is 10-50% higher than standard quake during combat)  
- All quakeC based dynamic lightning is disabled      
- Dead bodies and gibs are removed at respawn      
- Explosion effect exchanged for teleporter effect      
- Torches/fire disabled      
  (framerate can be further improved by disabeling hitflash)   
Some special features:      
- Voting system for democratic server administration by the players  
- 3 servemodes: FFA, Match & Rocketarena - players decide what game to play  
- Every player can be voted admin and directly toggle all server vars  
- Remote Admins can toggle sys_ticrate (# of updates sent over net)  
- Players can decide to remove admins (by voting)  
- Map selection: Support for all ID maps + ztndm1-6  
- Prematch practice mode  
- Deathmatch 3 (weapons stay, fast ammo respawn) supported  
- Match countdown and simultaneous starts  
- Possibility to autokick players trying to join during a match  
- Ghosted frags (every player get's a ghostcode at matchstart enabeling them 
  to restore personal frags, should they loose their connection 
  or disconnect by accident)  
- ON/OFF toggle for powerups, traps and comments  
- Toggle for quad/pent light effect (default off)      
- Toggle for weapon kick (individual)    
- Observer cameras      
- Random respawns      
- Forced respawn after 5 seconds      
- Antilag effects filter      
- Fairpacks toggle (bypasses boomstick scripting)    
- Random map rotation in anarchy (ffa) modes  
- High performance RocketArena mode built in    
  rotatation on 9 extremely fast maps:      
         - Rage Arena  (from original fasrv12)      
         - ArenaX      (from original fasrv12)      
         - Inventory   (by 'Ohnosofa')   
         - DocRA1-5    (maps by 'surgeon')      
         - Sushi Arena (by 'surgeon)  
  (note that sky-textures on RageArena, ArenaX and Inventory has been edited   
  in order to bypass skybug on Amiga)   
- Optional Cells restriction for RocketArena (keeps cells count to max 30)   
- Option to skip 1 map ahead in arenamode      

Bugreprots to:      
Short history:      
09/12 - 99: Version 1.0beta2 
- Added fragstats (*) in console upon match exit 
- Added client auto-screenshot of match result 
- Fixed minor problems with "report" and joining match from observermode 
- Changed 'restoreghost' cmd to 'restore' 
24/10 - 99: Version 1.0beta  
- Namechange to "SUSHI Combat Server" (was formerly "TheMod")  
- New arenamap : "sushi arena"  
- RocketArena mode now rotates on 9 maps  
- Players are disarmed when servermode is changed  
- Map voting blocked in rocketarena mode - now requires modechange  
  (avoids incompatibility)  
- Added "skip" command to arenamode  
  (if players don't like map and wants to go ahead)  
- Countdown timer for matchmodes changed to 60 seconds.  
- Server made more foolproof in general - it's now virtually impossible  
  to mess up matchmodes.  
- Players admins are always in observermode - to join game, they have to  
  give up admin status.  
- Checks for committed players at matchstart  
  (players who haven't selected color/team will be observers)  
- In 1on1 mode, excessive players will be thrown in observermode when  
  countdown starts  
- Teamfrags are preserved if a player disconnects/becomes observer/joins  
  from observermode  
- New commands for Matchmodes (*)  
- Ghostcodes(**) - can restore personal frags if connection is lost  
  (Matchmodes Only!)  
(*) "blue"/"red" assigns you to a team  
(*) "reporting"(ON/OFF)- prints leading team & by how many frags at bottom  
    of your screen.  
(*) "teamscores" - dumps team frags (your team & enemy) + leading team and  
    by how many frags.  
(**) if you forget to make a ghost before countdown, codes are sent to you  
    when countdown starts.  
06/10 - 99: Version 0.99  
- Included an extra RocketArena map + patched the sky textures to avoid  
  skybug on amiga.  
- Cleaned up CheckPowerups function to ignore kascam and to perform better.   
  when pfx is on - reduces network traffic & server CPU load
- antilag toggle now shuts off bubble spawning  
- Fixed discharge messages (knows lava & slime from water)  
- Fairpacks option (always drops best weapon)   
- Cells restrict option for rocketarena (keeps cells count to 30)   
- Kill command re-enabled for matchmodes   
- "unconnected" players are autokicked after 15 seconds   
- internal check for invalid deathmatch/samelevel settings  
- new playerskin for easier team recognition   
- player, missile & bolt2 mdl placed in progs dir outside PAK   
- better apperance for online-help   
- RockerArena maps edited to bypass skybug on Amiga   
- New Arena map added (inventory by 'ohnosofa')   
22/6 - 99: Version 0.98    
- Direct admin features added for players (previously only observers)    
- Admin status is retained until admin types "noadmin",    
  or players vote to remove admin    
- Anti-lag toggle (effects filter)    
- Random map rotation for ffa modes made independent of "samelevel" cvar   
- Status of antilag, deathcomments and powerups toggle is retained   
  across levels.   
- Weaponkick switchable for every player    
- Hitflash switchable for every player   
- PFX toggle modified to turn off light at once    
- During match, observers are unlocked if one player disconnects    
  This makes it possible to replace the player    
- The "i-mode" command now lists status of toggles     
- Fixed some problems with "allowjoin" command.    
- Directed the "camera running" message to observer only    
- Fixed bug with healthpack not respawning in ffa3 mode    
- Fixed bug that could cause server-crash in ffa-modes   
10/6 - 99: Version 0.95      
- Seperate cfg files for matchmodes, ffamodes & arenamode    
- Direct admin features for observers    
- Onlinehelp revised    
- Aliases are now only sent when players connect    
- Mode3 in match modes is now a toggle and does not require restart    
- Matches now exit with a level-restart     
- Various small fixes    
- Full documentation written    
- Included short documentation for RocketArena (arena.htm)  
- Restructured the pakfiles    
25/5 - 99: Version 0.9       
- RocketArena mode works correctly! (bugfix)      
- Corpses left at disconnect removed (bugfix)      
- added online help for arenamode      
12/5 - 99: Initial beta release      

Contents of game/patch/SushiCombat.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   71      86  82.6% -lh5- 89ac Oct 23  1999 SUSHI/anarchy.cfg
[generic]                   68      84  81.0% -lh5- 8709 Oct 23  1999 SUSHI/arena.cfg
[generic]                  314     561  56.0% -lh5- d850 Oct 23  1999 SUSHI/autoexec.cfg
[generic]                 1594    3160  50.4% -lh5- 782c May 20  1999 SUSHI/docs/arena.htm
[generic]                 2287    4959  46.1% -lh5- 3d6f Dec  9  1999 SUSHI/docs/history.htm
[generic]                 7269   20392  35.6% -lh5- 1525 Dec  9  1999 SUSHI/docs/sushi.txt
[generic]                 1701    3752  45.3% -lh5- 8b3f Oct 15  1996 SUSHI/docs/tmskin10.txt
[generic]                  157     254  61.8% -lh5- ec43 Oct 23  1999 SUSHI/match.cfg
[generic]               536140 1346412  39.8% -lh5- 1193 Dec 11  1999 SUSHI/pak0.pak
[generic]              1210095 2668949  45.3% -lh5- 0a47 Oct 23  1999 SUSHI/pak1.pak
[generic]               147740  452068  32.7% -lh5- 1db0 Dec  9  1999 SUSHI/progs.dat
[generic]                  620   11893   5.2% -lh5- 92d8 Feb  2  1999 SUSHI/progs/bolt2.mdl
[generic]                 4697   57796   8.1% -lh5- edd3 Feb 19  1999 SUSHI/progs/missile.mdl
[generic]               113715  191852  59.3% -lh5- 0af0 Oct 15  1996 SUSHI/progs/player.mdl
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files 2026468 4762218  42.6%            Dec 12  1999
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