: Program. NativeScreen.MOD
: Author. Carsten Wartmann
: Address. Wutzkyallee 83, D-1000 Berlin 47
: Phone. 030/6614776
: E-Mail C.Wartmann@AMBO.in-berlin.de
: Version. 1.0
: Date. 11/94
: Copyright. PD (Please e-mail me for suggestions !)
: Language. Modula-2
: Compiler. M2Amiga V4.3d
: Contents. Makes several games run with Picasso/EGS-Spektrum WB.
: Remark. OS 2.0> only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some games seem not to run when started from a gfx-board Workbench. But
often they run. Only the automatic screen-switcher doesn`t recognize that
there is a AMIGA-display...
NativeDisplay solves this Problem. Use a batch to start the game :
---------------------------------cut here------------------
; Example
RUN NativeScreen ; Runs NativeScreen which opens a little screen
MegaGame ; start game
RUN NativeScreen ; This causes NativeScreen to close the screen
---------------------------------cut here------------------
You can use the games icon if you change the icon into a PROJECT-Icon (e.g
with IconEd), save it as StartGame, apply C:IconX as Default Tool, make a
batch like the one above and save it as StartGame.
Now when you double-klick the StartGame-Icon IconX executes the batch and
starts your game...
Tested with enforcer, on A4000/40/EGSSpectrum and A2000/30/Picasso II
MfG Carsten.