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Short:A remake of Konami's RoadFighter
Author:Santi Ontañón / ToAks
Uploader:tony aksnes broadpark no (tony aksnes)
Requires:OS4 Pre 3 or better
Download:game/race/RoadFighter_OS4.lha - View contents


Fixed the error when starting the game via icon.
(was a lame mistake , just switch to shell in tool
types in the icon if you allready downloaded the
old version from earlier today)


Finally this game is ported to os4, its been on my hdd 
for a long time due to several things but 
here is a small line up:

I needed a special libSDL_sound to link the game 
as it clashed with libSDL_mixer.  
(thanks to Frak for solving that one for me)
(frak will upload his revised lib soon)

I needed LibSge , and i got that a long time ago as 
Afxgroup ported it for me but sadly i got some 
weird problems still.

So early this morning i ported another SGE game and 
that one too had issues so i decided to port libSGE 
myself and then game linked fine and no reloc 
errors etc.  (ofcourse based on Afxgroup's sources
so all in all im happy, i will upload a revised version
of libSGE soon enough for you guys who need it)

i hope you guys will appriciate this port as i 
certainly love this game.

Big thanks to Afxgroup ,Frak ,Capehill ,AlexC 
and so on, everyone who helped in getting me less
frustrated :-)

a note to poweramiga2002 aka Richard Till:  
Here you go, a drive em up game for your A1 ,
have a good time with it and feel free to
give some feedback ;).

A final note...

SpotUp , this is my nnnnnnth upload so you better give me a full
point or i will slap you real good :-P


From the orginal RoadFighter Readme.

To play the game, just select 1 or 2 players. 
Then you can choose a game level:

- GAME A: For novices. You may want to play 
          in this mode the first time you play
          the game.
- GAME B: For advanced players. 
          The game is quite hard to complete 
          in this game level.
- GAME C: For crazy players. In this game levels, 
          you will have _serious_
          problems to end the game.

In Road Fighter you drive a car. 
It is a death-race between you and a group of
crazy drivers. To play the game, you just need 
three keys: left, right and accelerate. 
All three can be redefined in the main menu. 
During the game, you can go back to the main menu by 
pressing the escape key.
You can press the backspace key if you want to 
restart a game.  
To puse the game press F1

ALT+ENTER Switches to FullScreen.

The game is divided in 6 stages. In each stage, 
the goal is to reach the checkpoints before your 
car runs out of fuel. Easy? 
You may think so, but there are many obstacles between 
your car and the checkpoints:

- Green cars: these drivers are unlucky enough to be on the
         same road where your crazy race is taking place.
- Blue cars: your adversaries, you can usually go 
         faster than them. But don't be
         so sure, they can surprise you!
- Pink cars: suicide drivers. These cars will try 
           to crash into you when you pass them.
- Trucks: you'd better avoid them
- Water: will brake your car
- Oil: wil make your car skid
- Rocks: you shouldn't crash on a rock... if you can!

During the race, you should try not to hit the borders 
of the road. But some of the other cars will try to 
make you crash...

Another important issue is the fuel. You should try to
 collect all the fuel recharges that you can during the game. 
 They are represented by the pink hearts.

  --  CREDITS  --

Programming: Santi Ontañón
Graphics: Miikka Poikela
Music/SFX: Jorrith Schaap
Beta Testing: Jason Eames, Miikka Poikela, Jorrith Schaap, Santi Ontañón

Contents of game/race/RoadFighter_OS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                76428  111476  68.6% -lh5- 6993 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/fonts/comicbd.ttf
[generic]                27983   57040  49.1% -lh5- e5c6 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/fonts/tanglewo.ttf
[generic]                14807   83000  17.8% -lh5- a89d Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/car1.bmp
[generic]                13132   61670  21.3% -lh5- 1a26 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level1.mg2
[generic]                13244   59958  22.1% -lh5- cdb6 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level2.mg2
[generic]                11801   58637  20.1% -lh5- 8ab8 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level3.mg2
[generic]                11043   51072  21.6% -lh5- 6379 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level4.mg2
[generic]                12871   58977  21.8% -lh5- 715a Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level5.mg2
[generic]                13090   58160  22.5% -lh5- 4d6e Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/maps/level6.mg2
[generic]                 1970    2422  81.3% -lh5- 93d0 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/
[generic]                   24      24 100.0% -lh0- a199 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/RoadFighter.cfg
[generic]              1241175 3077693  40.3% -lh5- 276b Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/RoadFighter_OS4.exe
[generic]                 6410    7650  83.8% -lh5- e869 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/
[generic]                  486    1652  29.4% -lh5- a97f Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/arrow.bmp
[generic]                18906  164660  11.5% -lh5- 45c6 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/checkpoint.bmp
[generic]               107373  107373 100.0% -lh0- 7633 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/disclaimer.jpg
[generic]                  594   12432   4.8% -lh5- 7189 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/empty.bmp
[generic]                 7524   46136  16.3% -lh5- 0727 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/enemycars.bmp
[generic]                30437  294968  10.3% -lh5- 5efe Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/explosion.bmp
[generic]                 2031    9272  21.9% -lh5- f97d Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/fuel.bmp
[generic]                  531   15416   3.4% -lh5- 4cc7 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/fuel_scores.bmp
[generic]                39046   80696  48.4% -lh5- ebfd Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/gamemap.bmp
[generic]                27787   27787 100.0% -lh0- d2b3 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/gameover.jpg
[generic]                15484  164660   9.4% -lh5- 5cce Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/goal.bmp
[generic]                16210   83000  19.5% -lh5- 5d1f Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/car2.bmp
[generic]                63856   63856 100.0% -lh0- 833c Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/konami1.jpg
[generic]               137826  137826 100.0% -lh0- 0c02 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/konami2.jpg
[generic]               139494  786488  17.7% -lh5- 2977 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level1.bmp
[generic]               187425  921656  20.3% -lh5- 74eb Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level2.bmp
[generic]                44137  221240  19.9% -lh5- a196 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level3.bmp
[generic]               280347 1136696  24.7% -lh5- 1d1e Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level4.bmp
[generic]               224146  980024  22.9% -lh5- f2fb Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level5.bmp
[generic]                69809  384056  18.2% -lh5- 8786 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/level6.bmp
[generic]                  288     952  30.3% -lh5- 04ec Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/minicar1.bmp
[generic]                  332     952  34.9% -lh5- 33cc Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/minicar2.bmp
[generic]                 3873   27704  14.0% -lh5- f915 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/obstacles.bmp
[generic]                 5251  136856   3.8% -lh5- 708a Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/pause.bmp
[generic]                89131  589880  15.1% -lh5- 06d7 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/retroremakes.bmp
[generic]               108289  737336  14.7% -lh5- e61e Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/road.bmp
[generic]                71587  167480  42.7% -lh5- 902a Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/scoreboard.bmp
[generic]                 8618   23096  37.3% -lh5- d1f5 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/scoreboard_left.bmp
[generic]                24078   77816  30.9% -lh5- 52a5 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/semaphore.bmp
[generic]                16759   16759 100.0% -lh0- 498a Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage1.jpg
[generic]                17890   17890 100.0% -lh0- 6b70 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage2.jpg
[generic]                17680   17680 100.0% -lh0- 13bc Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage3.jpg
[generic]                17480   17480 100.0% -lh0- ebac Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage4.jpg
[generic]                17687   17687 100.0% -lh0- 7741 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage5.jpg
[generic]                17861   17861 100.0% -lh0- 89cf Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/stage6.jpg
[generic]                 4994   24080  20.7% -lh5- 2b2f Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/s_board11p.bmp
[generic]                 5004   24080  20.8% -lh5- 56d9 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/s_board12p.bmp
[generic]                 4550   24080  18.9% -lh5- ab20 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/s_board21p.bmp
[generic]                 4730   24080  19.6% -lh5- 3b50 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/s_board22p.bmp
[generic]                86018   86018 100.0% -lh0- 90f4 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/graphics/title.jpg
[generic]                 1628    3372  48.3% -lh5- 7d9f Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/readme.txt
[generic]                38536   46690  82.5% -lh5- 642c Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/collision.wav
[generic]                14723   16816  87.6% -lh5- 815d Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/fuelempty.ogg
[generic]                74235   74235 100.0% -lh0- 76db Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/gameover.ogg
[generic]               833549  833549 100.0% -lh0- d92b Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/game_theme.ogg
[generic]               781446  781446 100.0% -lh0- ee80 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/game_theme2.ogg
[generic]                20764   21686  95.7% -lh5- 3194 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_brake.ogg
[generic]                19013   19942  95.3% -lh5- 5762 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_crash.ogg
[generic]                17322   18281  94.8% -lh5- 3ebe Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_pass.ogg
[generic]                 4665    5268  88.6% -lh5- 035b Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_running.ogg
[generic]                 1982    6244  31.7% -lh5- 8fe1 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_running.wav
[generic]                23937   24844  96.3% -lh5- 885e Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/car_start.ogg
[generic]               420453  420453 100.0% -lh0- 9c85 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/menu_theme.ogg
[generic]                12551   13585  92.4% -lh5- 6b43 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/redlight.ogg
[generic]                72466   72466 100.0% -lh0- 013d Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/start.ogg
[generic]                16682   18197  91.7% -lh5- b051 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/takefuel.ogg
[generic]                21606   22512  96.0% -lh5- 4195 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/truck.ogg
[generic]                64874   75914  85.5% -lh5- 00ab Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/water.wav
[generic]                 6412    7645  83.9% -lh5- 505f Dec  9  2005
[generic]                17935   19373  92.6% -lh5- 2aec Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/greenlight.ogg
[generic]               133752  133752 100.0% -lh0- 49f5 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/levelcomplete.ogg
[generic]                14138   16950  83.4% -lh5- c86c Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/logo_in.ogg
[generic]                14079   16875  83.4% -lh5- 5d7f Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/logo_out.ogg
[generic]                30851   43552  70.8% -lh5- 1b26 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/menu_move.wav
[generic]                14744   15670  94.1% -lh5- 7231 Dec  9  2005 RoadFighter_OS4/sound/menu_select.ogg
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        78 files 6051870 14106757  42.9%            Dec  9  2005
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