84782 packages online
game/role/flare_os4_0_19.lha |
No screenshot available
Translations are cross-platform. This AmigaOS release has an Installer script,
with which you can choose to tweak some things. The linked file below contains
the source code, too.
A short PAQ (README also has useful information):
Q: More speed?
A: If you didn't set music and sound volume to zero, try that. The scaled down
"minicore" mod will help a lot because you can then choose a smaller window.
Q: Where is all the game data?
A: Download it - for example
http://sourceforge.net/projects/flare-game/files/Linux/flare.0.19.tar.gz - then
put the mods directory to the same place where Install (or executable) is.
Q: Why isn't there xyz in the install script?
A: Hey, send me that idea: thematic at helsinkilainen dot com
- Thematic
# Flare
Flare is a a single-player 2D action RPG with fast-paced action and a dark fantasy style.
It is built on the FLARE engine (Free/Libre Action Roleplaying Engine). Its repo is at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine
Flare uses simple file formats (INI style config files) for most of the game data, allowing anyone to easily modify game contents. Open formats are preferred (png, ogg). Maps are edited using Tiled.
## Copyright and License
Flare (the game) is Copyright ©2010-2013 Clint Bellanger. Contributors retain copyrights to their original contributions.
The Flare Engine is released under GPL version 3 or later.
All of Flare's art and data files are released under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Later versions are permitted.
The Liberation Sans fonts version 2 are released under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
The GNU Unifont font is released under GPL v2, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself bind that document to the terms of the GPL.
## Links
* Homepage http://flarerpg.org
* Repo https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game
* Binaries https://sourceforge.net/projects/flare-game/
* Forums http://opengameart.org/forums/flare
* Email clintbellanger@gmail.com
## The Simplest Setup
If you are building and running Flare Game from source, this is the simplest way to get started on all operating systems. Here you build and play Flare in a local folder instead of installing it to a standard OS folder (e.g. /usr/local or Program Files).
* Clone the flare-engine repo and build the executable.
* Clone the flare-game repo into your user directory.
* Copy the flare-engine "default" mod into the flare-game mods folder.
* Put the flare executable inside the flare-game folder
* The executable and the "mods" folder should be in the same directory
* Run Flare
## Building and Running (non-Linux)
See the Flare-Engine repo for instructions on how to build/install Flare:
Flare Game is installed as a set of mods for Flare Engine. Place the contents of the "mods" folder inside Flare Engine's mods folder.
* On Windows, the mods folder will be in the same directory as the flare executable.
* On OSX, this will be inside the Flare.app folder, in Resources/mods
Then enable these mods in Flare's Configuration screen.
### Building and Running on Linux
Clone the repos:
git clone https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine
git clone https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game
Move to the flare-engine repo and build:
For instructions more in detail see the INSTALL file in the
flare-engine repo.
cd flare-engine
cmake . && make
From this point we have two options:
Option 1
Install the game system-wide (requires root access):
sudo make install
cd ../flare-game
cmake . && sudo make install
cd ~ #this step is important because we don't want to load mods from the repo folders
flare --game=flare-game #alternatively, launch Flare from the desktop application menu
Option 2
Run the game without installing:
cd ../flare-game
ln -s ../flare-engine/flare flare
cd mods
ln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default default
cd ..
./flare --game=flare-game
## Settings
Settings are stored in one of these places:
Here you can enable fullscreen, change the game resolution, enable mouse-move, and change keybindings. The settings files are created the first time you run Flare.
## Save Files
Save files are stored in one of these places:
If permissions are correct, the game is automatically saved when you exit.
Contents of game/role/flare_os4_0_19.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 12641 35147 36.0% -lh5- 7994 Sep 21 2012 flare-0.19/COPYING
[unknown] 5600 6202 90.3% -lh5- e59b Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/COPYING.info
[unknown] 2236079 5896992 37.9% -lh5- 2d1a Apr 5 11:09 flare-0.19/flare
[unknown] 8583 17199 49.9% -lh5- 341a Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/Flare.info
[unknown] 4053 4944 82.0% -lh5- 32f3 Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/Flare_Amidock.info
[unknown] 5954 8918 66.8% -lh5- bfb1 Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/Install.info
[unknown] 1873 4323 43.3% -lh5- 74f6 Dec 3 02:16 flare-0.19/README
[unknown] 5600 6202 90.3% -lh5- e59b Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/README.AmigaOS.info
[unknown] 5600 6202 90.3% -lh5- e59b Sep 30 2012 flare-0.19/README.info
[unknown] 462 744 62.1% -lh5- 475b Apr 5 16:44 flare-0.19/README.AmigaOS
[unknown] 2999 9712 30.9% -lh5- 5146 Apr 5 17:11 flare-0.19/Install
[unknown] 2574 6170 41.7% -lh5- 771e Apr 5 11:02 flare-0.19/src/main.cpp
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 12 files 2292018 6002755 38.2% Apr 5 21:26
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