84782 packages online
No screenshot available
A complete point and click graphic adventure game created with F1
Licenceware's stunning 'GRAC' Graphic Adventure Creator.
See below on how to obtain the best and currently ONLYavailable
graphic adventure creator.
*NOTE: disk needs to be renamed to 'GracDemo2'
requires 'Powerpacker.library'
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
28640 6435 77.5% 26-Feb-92 08:18:58 +GRAC 0.character
64610 20493 68.2% 11-Sep-95 23:10:52 +GRAC 0.object
20458 13312 34.9% 26-Feb-92 08:18:34 +GRAC 0.picture
1324 1253 5.3% 09-Sep-95 21:24:50 +GRAC 0.room
4852 3670 24.3% 26-Feb-92 08:18:26 +GRAC 0.sample
68730 23403 65.9% 29-Aug-95 23:55:50 +GRAC 1.character
9614 2762 71.2% 26-Feb-92 08:19:10 +GRAC 1.object
8438 3636 56.9% 26-Feb-92 08:18:36 +GRAC 1.picture
1608 1554 3.3% 10-Sep-95 14:32:58 +GRAC 1.room
242 102 57.8% 26-Feb-92 08:18:46 +GRAC 10.picture
800 787 1.6% 28-Aug-95 14:41:10 +GRAC 10.room
4372 2127 51.3% 26-Feb-92 08:18:46 +GRAC 11.picture
860 824 4.1% 28-Aug-95 14:41:12 +GRAC 11.room
9838 6231 36.6% 26-Feb-92 08:18:48 +GRAC 12.picture
644 642 0.3% 28-Aug-95 14:41:12 +GRAC 12.room
12204 7423 39.1% 26-Feb-92 08:18:48 +GRAC 13.picture
644 628 2.4% 28-Aug-95 14:41:12 +GRAC 13.room
8470 4111 51.4% 26-Feb-92 08:18:50 +GRAC 14.picture
8432 4510 46.5% 26-Feb-92 08:18:52 +GRAC 15.picture
13288 5805 56.3% 26-Feb-92 08:18:52 +GRAC 16.picture
11888 7006 41.0% 26-Feb-92 08:18:52 +GRAC 17.picture
13736 9078 33.9% 26-Feb-92 08:18:54 +GRAC 18.picture
6472 4294 33.6% 29-Aug-95 01:17:06 +GRAC 19.picture
19590 6439 67.1% 30-Aug-95 17:48:16 +GRAC 2.character
35452 29409 17.0% 26-Feb-92 08:18:38 +GRAC 2.picture
1020 976 4.3% 28-Aug-95 14:41:06 +GRAC 2.room
11292 10019 11.2% 26-Feb-92 08:18:28 +GRAC 2.sample
12610 4592 63.5% 26-Feb-92 08:19:04 +GRAC 3.character
37780 7182 80.9% 09-Sep-95 21:44:52 +GRAC 3.object
7970 3633 54.4% 26-Feb-92 08:18:40 +GRAC 3.picture
1732 1645 5.0% 09-Sep-95 22:47:44 +GRAC 3.room
12932 9492 26.6% 26-Feb-92 08:18:30 +GRAC 3.sample
19260 5273 72.6% 31-Aug-95 23:43:22 +GRAC 4.character
19888 12068 39.3% 26-Feb-92 08:18:42 +GRAC 4.picture
620 610 1.6% 28-Aug-95 14:41:08 +GRAC 4.room
9790 9285 5.1% 26-Feb-92 08:18:32 +GRAC 4.sample
214 136 36.4% 26-Feb-92 08:18:42 +GRAC 5.picture
560 556 0.7% 28-Aug-95 14:41:08 +GRAC 5.room
4042 3797 6.0% 26-Feb-92 08:18:32 +GRAC 5.sample
224 123 45.0% 26-Feb-92 08:18:42 +GRAC 6.picture
1292 1233 4.5% 17-Sep-95 12:24:22 +GRAC 6.room
13150 8353 36.4% 26-Feb-92 08:18:44 +GRAC 7.picture
264 261 1.1% 28-Aug-95 14:41:10 +GRAC 7.room
238 96 59.6% 26-Feb-92 08:18:44 +GRAC 8.picture
856 840 1.8% 28-Aug-95 14:41:10 +GRAC 8.room
13068 8057 38.3% 26-Feb-92 08:18:44 +GRAC 9.picture
1032 994 3.6% 09-Sep-95 22:34:00 +GRAC 9.room
300 300 0.0% 29-Aug-95 18:23:24 +GRAC.cont
840 830 1.1% 11-Sep-95 23:18:26 +GRAC.inv
75738 45405 40.0% 26-Feb-92 08:19:20 +GRAC.song
264 27 89.7% 06-Mar-92 20:15:14 +grac1.font
1832 772 57.8% 06-Mar-92 20:15:26 +8
264 26 90.1% 06-Mar-92 20:15:14 +grac2.font
3332 1733 47.9% 06-Mar-92 20:15:20 +8
98472 96062 2.4% 27-Sep-95 00:42:00 +GRACplayer2
2874 1338 53.4% 23-Mar-96 10:49:22 +Important_message!
465 224 51.8% 14-Nov-95 21:07:44 +Important_message!.info
5572 5440 2.3% 17-Sep-95 12:24:38 +Lethal_Formula
2268 1063 53.1% 14-Nov-95 20:56:42 +Lethal_Formula.doc
465 223 52.0% 14-Nov-95 21:07:46 +Lethal_Formula.doc.info
818 416 49.1% 14-Nov-95 21:07:46 +Lethal_Formula.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
718544 409014 43.0% 23-Mar-96 10:53:16 61 files
Contents of game/role/lethal.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6435 28640 22.5% -lh5- 6049 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 0.character
[generic] 20493 64610 31.7% -lh5- 0ca8 Sep 11 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 0.object
[generic] 13312 20458 65.1% -lh5- df85 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 0.picture
[generic] 1253 1324 94.6% -lh5- 5a86 Sep 9 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 0.room
[generic] 3670 4852 75.6% -lh5- db34 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 0.sample
[generic] 23403 68730 34.1% -lh5- 3797 Aug 29 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 1.character
[generic] 2762 9614 28.7% -lh5- e504 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 1.object
[generic] 3636 8438 43.1% -lh5- 6f67 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 1.picture
[generic] 1554 1608 96.6% -lh5- 3e9a Sep 10 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 1.room
[generic] 102 242 42.1% -lh5- 21aa Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 10.picture
[generic] 787 800 98.4% -lh5- e9e8 Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 10.room
[generic] 2127 4372 48.7% -lh5- 8cea Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 11.picture
[generic] 824 860 95.8% -lh5- 7ef4 Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 11.room
[generic] 6231 9838 63.3% -lh5- b848 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 12.picture
[generic] 642 644 99.7% -lh5- 19e0 Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 12.room
[generic] 7423 12204 60.8% -lh5- 32fb Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 13.picture
[generic] 628 644 97.5% -lh5- 80be Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 13.room
[generic] 4111 8470 48.5% -lh5- 909a Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 14.picture
[generic] 4510 8432 53.5% -lh5- 39fd Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 15.picture
[generic] 5805 13288 43.7% -lh5- 2ffb Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 16.picture
[generic] 7006 11888 58.9% -lh5- c1ee Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 17.picture
[generic] 9078 13736 66.1% -lh5- e79f Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 18.picture
[generic] 4294 6472 66.3% -lh5- b97a Aug 29 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 19.picture
[generic] 6439 19590 32.9% -lh5- 3dd6 Aug 30 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 2.character
[generic] 29409 35452 83.0% -lh5- fb6b Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 2.picture
[generic] 976 1020 95.7% -lh5- 5241 Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 2.room
[generic] 10019 11292 88.7% -lh5- 5c7c Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 2.sample
[generic] 4592 12610 36.4% -lh5- c525 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 3.character
[generic] 7182 37780 19.0% -lh5- f975 Sep 9 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 3.object
[generic] 3633 7970 45.6% -lh5- 5a28 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 3.picture
[generic] 1645 1732 95.0% -lh5- b714 Sep 9 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 3.room
[generic] 9492 12932 73.4% -lh5- 7d17 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 3.sample
[generic] 5273 19260 27.4% -lh5- add9 Aug 31 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 4.character
[generic] 12068 19888 60.7% -lh5- 3b4b Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 4.picture
[generic] 610 620 98.4% -lh5- d26c Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 4.room
[generic] 9285 9790 94.8% -lh5- c208 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 4.sample
[generic] 136 214 63.6% -lh5- ecdf Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 5.picture
[generic] 556 560 99.3% -lh5- 842f Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 5.room
[generic] 3797 4042 93.9% -lh5- 2704 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 5.sample
[generic] 123 224 54.9% -lh5- 898b Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 6.picture
[generic] 1233 1292 95.4% -lh5- d70b Sep 17 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 6.room
[generic] 8353 13150 63.5% -lh5- 2784 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 7.picture
[generic] 261 264 98.9% -lh5- 04a8 Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 7.room
[generic] 96 238 40.3% -lh5- c7a8 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 8.picture
[generic] 840 856 98.1% -lh5- cf4c Aug 28 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 8.room
[generic] 8057 13068 61.7% -lh5- 5cfe Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC 9.picture
[generic] 994 1032 96.3% -lh5- 319f Sep 9 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC 9.room
[generic] 300 300 100.0% -lh0- 9fba Aug 29 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC.cont
[generic] 830 840 98.8% -lh5- 7557 Sep 11 1995 GracDemo/data/GRAC.inv
[generic] 45405 75738 60.0% -lh5- 52e2 Feb 26 1992 GracDemo/data/GRAC.song
[generic] 27 264 10.2% -lh5- a1d5 Mar 6 1992 GracDemo/fonts/grac1.font
[generic] 772 1832 42.1% -lh5- eec3 Mar 6 1992 GracDemo/fonts/grac1/8
[generic] 26 264 9.8% -lh5- 3dd4 Mar 6 1992 GracDemo/fonts/grac2.font
[generic] 1733 3332 52.0% -lh5- 05e2 Mar 6 1992 GracDemo/fonts/grac2/8
[generic] 96062 98472 97.6% -lh5- 9de6 Sep 27 1995 GracDemo/GRACplayer2
[generic] 1338 2874 46.6% -lh5- 715e Mar 23 1996 GracDemo/Important_message!
[generic] 224 465 48.2% -lh5- 76d2 Nov 14 1995 GracDemo/Important_message!.info
[generic] 5440 5572 97.6% -lh5- 8301 Sep 17 1995 GracDemo/Lethal_Formula
[generic] 1063 2268 46.9% -lh5- 715f Nov 14 1995 GracDemo/Lethal_Formula.doc
[generic] 223 465 48.0% -lh5- 5ee7 Nov 14 1995 GracDemo/Lethal_Formula.doc.info
[generic] 416 818 50.9% -lh5- d80d Nov 14 1995 GracDemo/Lethal_Formula.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 61 files 409014 718544 56.9% Mar 24 1996
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