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Short:An NCurses based game called 'PORROG'
Author:Tom Barnes-Lawrence, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP
Uploader:"Varthall / Up Rough" <varti02 hotpop com>
Download:game/role/pfp-porr.lha - View contents

                       O    O                        O      O
                   o           o                  o             o
                  o             .               .                o
                    .                  .____.        _______   .
 ._______________________.___________  |    |__   .____.     ____.___________.
 |     __     /   ___    |    __    /__|___ __/___|__ _ |   |    |     __    |
 |    |_/    /    _|    |    |/   /   ___/ |     __//  |___      |    |_/    | 
 |    ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____|    _____|_____      |
 |____|                                                              /_________|
                                      F O R                 .____.
       .________________________ _____________._____________|    |__ 
       |     __     /   __     /_     __     |    ____/____)    __/______
       |    |_/    /    |/    /       _|    |    __/ |    |    |_/     /       
   .   |    ______/_____|___________________|    |   |____|___________/    .  
       |____|                                 |____|
  o                       .                              .                    o
   o                    o         P R E S E N T S          o                 o
         O        O                PORROG / OS4                 O       O       

                            PORTED BY ............ SPOT
                            SUPPLIED BY ... BILL MCEWEN
                            TYPE ................. GAME

--[ORIGINAL README]-------------------------------------------------------------

This is the README file for Porrog, version 0.06

 License terms

 The program is distributed under the terms of the GPL (included,
surprisingly, as the file GPL), and the specific copyright notices
are included at the start of each of the source files, although that
doesn't mean that any source files I forget to include it in *arent*
under the same copyright, because they *are* unless I say otherwise, OK?

 About the game

 Porrog is a "roguelike" game, meaning a game that is in the style of the
game "rogue" or of various other traditional "roguelike" games such as
Nethack, Angband, Omega, etc. It is being primarily developed under Linux,
so it should always be expected to work best on that platform, but is also
available for Mac OSX and more recently, for Windows (although it is cross-
compiled for Windows *from Linux*, and probably cannot be compiled *in*
Windows itself).

 It is available in binary (as in precompiled, ready to play) form
distributions for OSX and Windows (because those systems don't always have
compilers to produce binary executables), and it is in source-code form for
Linux and most (any?) other Unix-like systems. Of course, if you have OSX
*with* the developers' tools, you can still use the source-code to compile
the game yourself, if you want.

 Please note that despite being under the GPL, the binary distributions of
the game come with *no* source code, and also lack some of the development
notes that are available with the source code versions- but if you just want
to play the game, these are of no use to you, and you can *still* download
it all from Porrog's web page (see further on, or in the game's help system).

 Status of the game

 It's only playable in the loosest sense (eg- you have a character
that can move around and pick up things and fight monsters and stuff),
it's still in development and going through much testing and debugging.
There'll be *much* more later.

 You can go up and down stairs (with each level you've visited remaining
where you left it, unlike some games like Angband, although currently
you don't actually remember any of the features you'd *seen* when you
were last there), but unfortunately so far the levels stretch on endlessly
in either direction, until your computer runs out of memory, you get too
bored, or your character dies.

 It's intended that the next release will place a simple "wilderness" level
above the start, and make an overall structure to the whole dungeon. In
fact, that change was actually planned for *this* release, but other changes
came first, particularly various significant bugfixes, and UI improvements.

 There are a load of objects, many of which do nothing (weapons, armour,
containers, food, and potions all work to varying degrees). You start off
with a couple of items in your inventory (chosen semi-randomly).

 There are some basic monsters, that have a primitive AI system that means
they can wander around the dungeon and home in on you if they become aware
of your presence! They're not able to act much more smartly than that yet.

 The combat mechanics have been worked on a bit, but are absolutely subject
to change- many bits are stopgaps for until we can come up with something
better. There's quite a few bits of UI that still need reworking, although
a nasty bug in the item display code (which would make the game appear to
freeze) has now been fixed.

 Unfortunately, there's still no objective, although there's a lovely help
system, which should be handy for those new to the roguelike genre... The
actual *pages* of the help system are still not complete, but they've
improved since Version 0.05.

 When the game ends, it always automatically writes a file named
"porrogbugs.log", with a debug log in it (in normal games, you can't
see these messages till you exit, as they may be spoily). It's created
whether there were any bugs found or not, and always overwrites
previous game's buglogs- so if you want to keep older buglogs, you
have to copy them somewhere else before restarting the game.

 It's hoped that for the next version, the game will have a thorough debug
mode, with such things as the debug log available from a set of in-game
menus. This would probably help finding the gnarly little bugs that are
hard to track down...


 Playing it!

Run the game by typing ./porrog from the directory you built it in (see below)
or downloaded it in if you have the OSX binary. On Windows, I think you have
to click on the porrog (or porrog.exe) icon wherever it is (as I don't use
Windows, I've had to rely on other people to test the Windows version for me!).

If it's not clear, you're the "()".

Keys are rogue/vi style roguelike keys:
as I hate using cursor/keypad keys- they're far too uncomfortable.
(NB- the diagonal movement keys are y/u/b/n. You'll get used to them.)
Some time I may add cursor keys as an option you can choose. Not yet.

To ease your probable confusion, there's an in-game help system accessible
with '?', and I'm rather pleased with it personally. It's browsable with
the same keys as you'd use for moving your character (plus alternatives
described in the help pages themselves). If even *that* is too confusing
for you, there's even a help page for how to use the help system!

'<' goes up up stairs, '>' goes down down stairs.
'.' makes you wait where you are for a moment.

',' picks things up,  'd' drops them.
'i' shows your inventory,  ';' shows whats at your feet.
  NB- can't yet check what "features" (such as stairs
  and altars) you're standing on.
'o' opens a door next to you (NB: this used to close *all* doors that
  were next to you, but has been changed).
'c' closes a door next to you.

'a' applies objects (only containers actually do anything yet,
 and they've been newly overhauled, without much testing)
'w' lets you wield or ready an item, 'W' lets you put something on
  NB: note that you can't drop anything you've got equipped.
'T' lets you take off some item you've worn.
'q' lets you quaff (drink) potions (NOTE this used to quit!).
'e' lets you eat various comestibles IF you have that option compiled
  into your game (which should be the case if you downloaded a binary
  version of it).

'Q'  quits,
'R' refreshes the screen if it gets corrupted,
'CTRL-p' shows a recent message history (you press SPACE to leave it, and
  j and k to scroll up and down through it),
'v' prints version info.

Finally, these are just for debugging (and probably aren't even useful
  for that any more):
'r' shows the number of room you're in,
'm' restores your health (yes, that's definitely due to be removed!),
    (correction, it *has* been now...)
'x' tries to regenerate the map (as though you've left the level
  and returned again). It has the (understood) side effect of making you
  forget where you've been!

Don't worry too much about that, it'll be gone soon.

'D' currently dumps the buglog whilst you're still playing (eventually
that'd be impossible without going into a special "debug" mode where you
can't win)

There may be other keys I've forgotten. Sorry.


 Creating the executable file

(NOTE: This doesn't apply if you downloaded one of the binary distributions,
in which case you already *have* the executable file!)

To compile:
 -edit "config.h" if you want to (eg, you can set certain #defines there)
 -then, just type make. This will create the executable file "porrog".
If it doesn't work, let me know (say what OS you're using. Please don't
go into detail unless I reply to you- I may end up getting lots of reports).

There shouldn't be many problems with different platforms if you have a
C compiler (and Curses, which is pretty common) -it's being written on Linux
and it also works on Mac OS X now (OSX users have the option of either using
the OSX binary or compiling from source).

The Windows version is cross-compiled from Linux using the MinGW32 tools,
which seem to work quite well. Unfortunately the resulting binary *doesn't*
work under Dos! I'll look into using DJGPP for this purpose...

[NB: There's also "make windist" and "make macdist" to create the binary
distribution archives that you can download from the site. YOU DO NOT NEED
TO USE THOSE COMMANDS! That's for the developers (Jonathan and I, plus any
others who join some time) to do]

 Compile-Time options

TODO: CHECK this section explain it in terms of using config.h now.

I mentioned in the compilation instructions that you can set certain
#defines in the config.h file. This is so (otherwise, I wouldn't have
said it).
What these #defines are, and what they're for, is described in comments
at the beginning of the file. But if you're some sort of a newbie
to the world of c-compilers and source files, you need to know these
little facts:

 -They're called compile-time options because they only take effect
 when you (re)compile the program after changing them. IE- if you
 compile, then change them and then start the program again without
 recompiling, NOTHING will have happened! That's why I suggested you
 could edit the file *before* typing 'make'.

 -When the compile-time options were set from in the Makefile, it
 was problematic, and you had to do "make clean" before recompiling.
 Now that they're set in the source file config.h, you can recompile
 just by doing "make" on its own.

 -the options are set by lines of the form #define OPTION, where
 OPTION is the option you want to set. Unlike the scheme used in
 the makefile, you don't define more than one option per line,
 but you can define your options on separate lines. To get rid
 of an option you don't want, *comment* it by putting a  /*  in
 front of it and a  */  after it. If one is already commented
 but you do want to use it, then uncomment it again!

 -the  /*'s  and */'s can be on totally different lines, but they
 have to match up or the C-compiler won't accept it (in some cases
 it can accept it but will complain that it's dodgy).

 -I'm sure there was some other point I was going to make.

 -You shouldn't need to change the compile-time options if you just want
 to play it!!!

Porrog is written by me, Tom Barnes-Lawrence (tomble(),
with various elements of design also by Jonathan Magill;
any new versions *should* be avaiable at

End of README for Porrog.


Contents of game/role/pfp-porr.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5239   12569  41.7% -lh5- ab25 Oct 30 03:28 PORROG/pfp-porr.nfo
[generic]                 8297    8297 100.0% -lh0- d934 Oct 29 23:49 PORROG/
[generic]                33136   34724  95.4% -lh5- 6932 Oct 30 03:47 PORROG/PFP.exe
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- ad60 Oct 30 03:25 porrog/porrog
[generic]               159396  159396 100.0% -lh0- 30c6 Oct 30 03:13 PORROG/porrog.exe
[generic]                 8293    8293 100.0% -lh0- 7c82 Oct 29 23:35 PORROG/
[generic]               109657  109657 100.0% -lh0- 4d79 Oct 30 03:13 PORROG/porroghelp
[generic]                  307    1607  19.1% -lh5- a5df Jul 28  2004 PORROG/screens/arrangements.xbm
[generic]                  172     249  69.1% -lh5- b32c Feb 11  2004 PORROG/screens/miniskel.pbm
[generic]                  144     249  57.8% -lh5- 4d99 Jul 27  2004 PORROG/screens/quitter.pbm
[generic]                  447     746  59.9% -lh5- 4d70 Feb 14  2004 PORROG/screens/README
[generic]                  228     249  91.6% -lh5- ca13 Jul 27  2004 PORROG/screens/saved.pbm
[generic]                  187     249  75.1% -lh5- 093d Feb 14  2004 PORROG/screens/skel.pbm
[generic]                  325    5818   5.6% -lh5- ab69 Feb 14  2004 PORROG/screens/skel.pnm
[generic]                  130     249  52.2% -lh5- e8b4 Jul 16  2004 PORROG/screens/splash.pbm
[generic]                  213    1978  10.8% -lh5- d322 Jul 16  2004 PORROG/screens/splash.pgm
[generic]                  141     249  56.6% -lh5- 98f2 Feb 14  2004 PORROG/screens/splashOLD.pbm
[generic]                 1363    9611  14.2% -lh5- 4b43 Aug  6  2004 PORROG/NOTES/quitterfullsize.pbm
[generic]                   93     117  79.5% -lh5- 4b39 Apr  2  2003 porrog/notes/readme
[generic]                  499    1036  48.2% -lh5- ad9c Apr 13  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Reorganising
[generic]                  889    1685  52.8% -lh5- 0b9b May 25  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Room_features
[generic]                 1221    2790  43.8% -lh5- e94b Jul 23  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Running
[generic]                 2167    9611  22.5% -lh5- 31e0 Jul 26  2004 PORROG/NOTES/saved.pbm
[generic]                  123     185  66.5% -lh5- 2e0a Aug  6  2004 PORROG/NOTES/testboiler.c
[generic]                  123     185  66.5% -lh5- 2e0a Aug  6  2004 PORROG/NOTES/testboiler.c.orig
[generic]                 1264    2922  43.3% -lh5- e6ad Jul 23  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Time
[generic]                 4680   12191  38.4% -lh5- ccd1 Apr 13  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Tunnelling
[generic]                 3283    8214  40.0% -lh5- 40ff May 23  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Tunnels2
[generic]                 2908    8044  36.2% -lh5- 4f6e Jul 24  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Tunnels3
[generic]                  652    1362  47.9% -lh5- 8d03 Jul 23  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Tunnels4
[generic]                  333     595  56.0% -lh5- f389 May 21  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Visibility
[generic]                  144     249  57.8% -lh5- b517 Jul 28  2004 PORROG/screens/arranged.pbm
[generic]                 2082    4411  47.2% -lh5- f520 Oct  4  2002 porrog/notes/idea_chaosmap
[generic]                 2631    6103  43.1% -lh5- 7498 Jun 20  2003 porrog/notes/idea_deities
[generic]                 3564    7792  45.7% -lh5- b369 Apr 22  2003 porrog/notes/idea_itemtypes
[generic]                 1027    1833  56.0% -lh5- f6dc Aug  1  2003 porrog/notes/idea_mobs
[generic]                  223     473  47.1% -lh5- ad91 Jul 10  2004 porrog/notes/idea_mosaics
[generic]                 1915    3910  49.0% -lh5- 093c Jul  6  2003 porrog/notes/idea_plotelements
[generic]                 3929    9340  42.1% -lh5- 9708 Oct  4  2002 porrog/notes/idea_rng
[generic]                 1647    3505  47.0% -lh5- 6fa7 Nov 20  2002 porrog/notes/idea_shapedperlin
[generic]                  618    1157  53.4% -lh5- 11d1 May 25  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Map-archiving
[generic]                  822    1497  54.9% -lh5- 9c54 Apr 27  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Mapgen
[generic]                   51      64  79.7% -lh5- 0708 Jul 21  2003 PORROG/NOTES/Memutils
[generic]                 1843    3868  47.6% -lh5- 36a7 Jul  9  2004 PORROG/NOTES/Money
[generic]                 1390    3199  43.5% -lh5- 9245 Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/pbm.5
[generic]                 2056    4320  47.6% -lh5- 272f Apr 26  2003 porrog/notes/profiling
[generic]                14018   84476  16.6% -lh5- 3a7a Jul  8  2004 PORROG/NOTES/PROFILING-V0.06pre
[generic]                 1596    9611  16.6% -lh5- 32ee Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/bigskel.pbm
[generic]                 2329    4747  49.1% -lh5- 535f Jul 22  2004 porrog/notes/coding_style
[generic]                 2019    4371  46.2% -lh5- 7371 Jul 21  2004 PORROG/NOTES/Curses_notes
[generic]                 2961    7599  39.0% -lh5- 5a82 Jul 28  2004 porrog/notes/functions
[generic]                 4007    8905  45.0% -lh5- ed7c Oct 20  2002 porrog/notes/idea
[generic]                 2674    5989  44.6% -lh5- efc4 Apr 21  2003 porrog/notes/idea_ai
[generic]                 4580   10727  42.7% -lh5- 4ca4 Jun 14  2003 porrog/notes/idea_ai2
[generic]                 1579    3218  49.1% -lh5- ac71 Feb 17  2004 PORROG/NOTES/TODOs/Fix+check
[generic]                  908    2014  45.1% -lh5- df4f Aug  6  2003 PORROG/NOTES/TODOs/GameMechanics
[generic]                 2898    6614  43.8% -lh5- ad6c Feb 14  2004 PORROG/NOTES/TODOs/Items
[generic]                  130     177  73.4% -lh5- 95f9 Jul 28  2003 PORROG/NOTES/TODOs/README
[generic]                   98     114  86.0% -lh5- a52c Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/tools/
[generic]                    8       8 100.0% -lh0- 7312 Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/tools/bcrules.bc
[generic]                  326     566  57.6% -lh5- e91e Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/tools/
[generic]                  171     229  74.7% -lh5- fe81 Feb 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/tools/
[generic]                  316     690  45.8% -lh5- e706 Jun 28  2003 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/Makefile
[generic]                  181     676  26.8% -lh5- a924 Jun 28  2003 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/Makefile.dep
[generic]                  322     785  41.0% -lh5- db1c Dec 25  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/Makefile.orig
[generic]                  596    1303  45.7% -lh5- e8c5 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/ortho-interp.c
[generic]                  160     240  66.7% -lh5- 8e5c Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/ortho-interp.h
[generic]                  343     992  34.6% -lh5- af28 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/perlinify.c
[generic]                   94     120  78.3% -lh5- 8011 Apr  2  2003 porrog/notes/perlin/readme
[generic]                  136     183  74.3% -lh5- 961f Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/testcos.c
[generic]                  167     332  50.3% -lh5- bbcc Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/testdraw.c
[generic]                  701    1512  46.4% -lh5- b525 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/tri-interp.c
[generic]                  191     283  67.5% -lh5- aff5 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/tri-interp.h
[generic]                 3518    7809  45.1% -lh5- 1037 Aug  6  2003 PORROG/NOTES/TODOs/AI+MAP
[generic]                 1231    2559  48.1% -lh5- e5ed Jul 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/MOSAIC-CURVES/
[generic]                 1790    3958  45.2% -lh5- d254 Jul 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/MOSAIC-CURVES/
[generic]                  473    1148  41.2% -lh5- c2cc Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/coords.c
[generic]                  283     559  50.6% -lh5- 9a50 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/coords.h
[generic]                  470     954  49.3% -lh5- 23d3 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/cosmap.c
[generic]                  173     314  55.1% -lh5- 16fb Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/cosmap.h
[generic]                  552    1098  50.3% -lh5- d05b Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/drawmap.c
[generic]                   54      55  98.2% -lh5- 0516 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/drawmap.h
[generic]                  363     673  53.9% -lh5- 2b89 Jun 28  2003 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/genmap.c
[generic]                   72      87  82.8% -lh5- 0be5 Dec  1  2002 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/genmap.h
[generic]                  185     361  51.2% -lh5- 443c Jun 28  2003 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/main.c
[generic]                  114     154  74.0% -lh5- 1e95 Jan  1  2003 PORROG/NOTES/PERLIN/RANDPATH/avgangle.c
[generic]                  101     163  62.0% -lh5- 7acc Jul 24  2004 PORROG/help/ifoheader.ifo
[generic]                  370     661  56.0% -lh5- 2041 Jul 26  2004 PORROG/help/pantheon.ifo
[generic]                  264     414  63.8% -lh5- ca50 Jul 26  2003 PORROG/help/porrogstatus.cts
[generic]                  246     388  63.4% -lh5- ea17 Jul 24  2004 PORROG/help/program.cts
[generic]                 3006    8073  37.2% -lh5- d60a Jul 26  2003 PORROG/help/README
[generic]                  432     795  54.3% -lh5- 237b Jul 26  2004 PORROG/help/stats.ifo
[generic]                  740    1411  52.4% -lh5- 883e Jul 26  2004 PORROG/help/tempbeginning.ifo
[generic]                  603    1107  54.5% -lh5- 5a8c Jul 26  2004 PORROG/help/tempend.ifo
[generic]                  776    1504  51.6% -lh5- ea68 Aug  7  2004 PORROG/help/todo.ifo
[generic]                  315     521  60.5% -lh5- 7e43 Jul 15  2004 PORROG/help/ui.cts
[generic]                  829    1785  46.4% -lh5- 842f Aug  7  2004 PORROG/help/usehelp.ifo
[generic]                  202     322  62.7% -lh5- 07e6 Jul 22  2004 PORROG/help/world.cts
[generic]                  109     124  87.9% -lh5- c221 Feb 18  2003 PORROG/NOTES/MARKOVS/markovify
[generic]                  617    1285  48.0% -lh5- 54ca Feb 18  2003 porrog/notes/markovs/readme
[generic]                  272     272 100.0% -lh0- 5ea0 Jul 11  2004 PORROG/NOTES/MOSAIC-CURVES/bezier.png
[generic]                 3401    7180  47.4% -lh5- 1808 Aug  6  2004 PORROG/Docs/BUGS
[generic]                 4808   10653  45.1% -lh5- fe75 Aug  8  2004 PORROG/Docs/README
[generic]                 5505   11944  46.1% -lh5- 28e5 Aug  8  2004 PORROG/Docs/TODO
[generic]                 1229    2365  52.0% -lh5- c1b1 Aug  7  2004 PORROG/help/bugs.ifo
[generic]                 1927    4199  45.9% -lh5- bf93 Jul 25  2004 PORROG/help/combat.ifo
[generic]                  410     779  52.6% -lh5- bbc7 Aug  6  2004 PORROG/help/contents.cts
[generic]                 1413    2802  50.4% -lh5- ff38 Aug  8  2004 PORROG/help/controls.ifo
[generic]                  804    1625  49.5% -lh5- 83c2 Jul 24  2004 PORROG/help/copts.ifo
[generic]                 1113    2142  52.0% -lh5- 6b6e Aug 10  2004 PORROG/help/credits.ifo
[generic]                  879    1599  55.0% -lh5- aee3 Jul 15  2004 PORROG/help/display.ifo
[generic]                 2130    4528  47.0% -lh5- b42a Jul 15  2004 PORROG/help/dispstatus.ifo
[generic]                 1820    3670  49.6% -lh5- f9b1 Aug  7  2004 PORROG/help/done.ifo
[generic]                 4405    9373  47.0% -lh5- 854b Aug  7  2004 PORROG/help/faq.ifo
[generic]                  296     470  63.0% -lh5- 15ae Jul 15  2004 PORROG/help/gameplay.cts
[generic]                  299     486  61.5% -lh5- 5f26 Aug  6  2004 PORROG/help/help.cts
[generic]                  174     241  72.2% -lh5- fecf Jul 24  2004 PORROG/help/helpformats.ifo
[generic]                 2434    5296  46.0% -lh5- 18a2 Jul 24  2004 PORROG/help/helpoverview.ifo
[generic]                  171     504  33.9% -lh5- 31e3 Oct 30 03:29 file_id.diz
[generic]                 6577    9518  69.1% -lh5- 1442 Oct 29 23:35
[generic]                  356     722  49.3% -lh5- f15d Jul 26  2003 PORROG/attic/contents_ORIG.cts
[generic]                  260     544  47.8% -lh5- 6ac1 Aug  6  2003 PORROG/attic/stupid.ifo
[generic]                 8112   19117  42.4% -lh5- 7b55 Aug  8  2004 PORROG/Docs/Changelog
[generic]                  587    1020  57.5% -lh5- 6824 Aug  6  2004 PORROG/Docs/copyright
[generic]                 4365    9272  47.1% -lh5- 9fa1 Aug  8  2004 PORROG/Docs/FAQ
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Apr 12  2003 PORROG/Docs/GPL
[generic]                 6848   15669  43.7% -lh5- 797b Aug  8  2004 PORROG/Docs/NEWS
[generic]               107660  107660 100.0% -lh0- 730a Oct 29 20:27 PORROG/pfp-aop.exe
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 Total       128 files  606538  901273  67.3%            Jan  3 08:00
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