84782 packages online
No screenshot available
+ PowerBattle is a light multiplayer strategygame. It is more than
+ good old Empire but less than Civilization (currently...).
+ This is a demo/development version. You may download and test it.
+ And please send me (author) comments/bugreports.
Present Features:
* 1 MB memory required - CHIP about 300 kB
* 2-8 players (demo currently limited to 4)
* Limited visibility; Vision & Visible-From ranges for all units
* Air-, ground-, sea- & underwater units
* Limited fuel (other than ground units)
* Artillery strikes, damaging terrain
* Tech-level development (currently automatic)
* Transporters and Carriers
* Stealthy submarine units; diving & surface states
* Combat Report
* Refuelling & repairing in cities & carriers
* TerrainDamageThreatSystem: risky terrains
* Message system
* Multitasking (not well-done yet)
* Mouse-keyboard interface; Optional Panel Buttons
* Detail Map Editor
* Type Editor for Units & TerrainHexs
* LORES-LACED HIRES / DBL ?? / OVERSCAN Screenmode Support
* 3 extra map zoomlevels; showing units & production
* Special abilities: building roads, bridges etc.
* City size effects on production
* Infantry unit features: hiding, anti-tank, engineers, parachute
Finnish one-man project at the moment. Requires urgently feedback &
support. DOWNLOAD NOW !!!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
604 334 44.7% 03-Jul-95 20:55:46 Install_Docs
628 273 56.5% 28-Jun-95 21:33:38 PowerBattle.info
192 137 28.6% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Coo_Sps
768 459 40.2% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Grd_Sps
28506 11732 58.8% 27-Jun-95 19:51:42 +Help.Iff
1432 594 58.5% 28-Jun-95 19:47:36 +Hex.Def
53968 29315 45.6% 22-Jun-95 23:51:30 +Hex.Iff
6822 2392 64.9% 14-Jun-95 16:50:22 +Misc.Iff
156 137 12.1% 27-Jun-95 20:25:10 +Palette.Iff
3280 1904 41.9% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Pnl_Sps
738 547 25.8% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +air
1682 1329 20.9% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +chop1
3238 1979 38.8% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +DEEP
502 363 27.6% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +GND
1238 182 85.2% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +March
702 290 58.6% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +mechinf
1702 609 64.2% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +motor0
1986 1150 42.0% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +SEA
2338 1116 52.2% 20-May-95 01:12:02 +UWD
5786 2290 60.4% 23-Jun-95 19:48:52 +xpl4
110 43 60.9% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Sps_Def
64384 23705 63.1% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Ter_Sps
3058 1264 58.6% 25-Jun-95 12:25:28 +Unit.Def
3560 1334 62.5% 23-Jun-95 12:30:12 +Unit.Iff
7008 1617 76.9% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Unt_Sps
640 235 63.2% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Vgr_Sps
2912 1192 59.0% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Xpl_Sps
72 56 22.2% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Ztc_Sps
2640 322 87.8% 27-Jun-95 21:31:46 +Ztr_Sps
39052 16974 56.5% 22-Jun-95 23:40:24 +Grabber
1788 924 48.3% 28-Jun-95 20:46:06 +ImportantNotes
37543 5343 85.7% 25-Jun-95 18:43:22 +default
236820 77154 67.4% 04-Jul-95 21:07:30 +PB
126160 48904 61.2% 01-Jul-95 21:53:58 +PB-Eds
822 216 73.7% 27-Jun-95 20:33:48 +PB-Eds.info
2582 1607 37.7% 28-Jun-95 21:33:38 +PB.info
11573 4912 57.5% 27-Jun-95 20:06:18 +QuickManual
463 219 52.6% 28-Jun-95 21:33:44 +QuickManual.info
454 195 57.0% 28-Jun-95 20:46:56 +PowerBattle.config
153780 12985 91.5% 28-Jun-95 21:29:22 +DemoSave
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
811689 256333 68.4% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 40 files
Contents of game/strat/PowerBattle.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw-rw-r-- 3656/999 334 604 55.3% -lh5- e85d Jul 3 1995 Install_Docs
[generic] 273 628 43.5% -lh5- d32f Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle.info
[generic] 137 192 71.4% -lh5- f21f Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Coo_Sps
[generic] 459 768 59.8% -lh5- 32e4 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Grd_Sps
[generic] 11732 28506 41.2% -lh5- 7403 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Help.Iff
[generic] 594 1432 41.5% -lh5- 3d26 Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Hex.Def
[generic] 29315 53968 54.3% -lh5- c90c Jun 22 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Hex.Iff
[generic] 2392 6822 35.1% -lh5- 150c Jun 14 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Misc.Iff
[generic] 137 156 87.8% -lh5- 16fb Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Palette.Iff
[generic] 1904 3280 58.0% -lh5- 073f Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Pnl_Sps
[generic] 547 738 74.1% -lh5- ac43 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/air
[generic] 1329 1682 79.0% -lh5- a401 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/chop1
[generic] 1979 3238 61.1% -lh5- ae24 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/DEEP
[generic] 363 502 72.3% -lh5- 2b25 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/GND
[generic] 182 1238 14.7% -lh5- 99ef May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/March
[generic] 290 702 41.3% -lh5- bbbd May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/mechinf
[generic] 609 1702 35.8% -lh5- bb0a May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/motor0
[generic] 1150 1986 57.9% -lh5- abf7 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/SEA
[generic] 1116 2338 47.7% -lh5- ee45 May 20 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/UWD
[generic] 2290 5786 39.6% -lh5- aa4e Jun 23 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sfx/xpl4
[generic] 43 110 39.1% -lh5- 02d9 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Sps_Def
[generic] 23705 64384 36.8% -lh5- 28b7 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Ter_Sps
[generic] 1264 3058 41.3% -lh5- 69d3 Jun 25 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Unit.Def
[generic] 1334 3560 37.5% -lh5- 074d Jun 23 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Unit.Iff
[generic] 1617 7008 23.1% -lh5- 0384 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Unt_Sps
[generic] 235 640 36.7% -lh5- dc46 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Vgr_Sps
[generic] 1192 2912 40.9% -lh5- 4209 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Xpl_Sps
[generic] 56 72 77.8% -lh5- 4c1a Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Ztc_Sps
[generic] 322 2640 12.2% -lh5- fb66 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/Data/Ztr_Sps
[generic] 16974 39052 43.5% -lh5- f8d9 Jun 22 1995 PowerBattle/Grabber
[generic] 924 1788 51.7% -lh5- 2ef2 Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/ImportantNotes
[generic] 5343 37543 14.2% -lh5- abd4 Jun 25 1995 PowerBattle/Maps/default
[generic] 77154 236820 32.6% -lh5- 3ab2 Jul 4 1995 PowerBattle/PB
[generic] 48904 126160 38.8% -lh5- 4f6c Jul 1 1995 PowerBattle/PB-Eds
[generic] 216 822 26.3% -lh5- 8f1f Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/PB-Eds.info
[generic] 1607 2582 62.2% -lh5- 302a Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/PB.info
[generic] 4912 11573 42.4% -lh5- 4b19 Jun 27 1995 PowerBattle/QuickManual
[generic] 219 463 47.3% -lh5- 7030 Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/QuickManual.info
[generic] 195 454 43.0% -lh5- 1426 Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/s/PowerBattle.config
[generic] 12985 153780 8.4% -lh5- 9504 Jun 28 1995 PowerBattle/Save/DemoSave
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 40 files 256333 811689 31.6% Sep 1 1995
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