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Short:Shareware strategy game
Download:game/strat/WizardWars.lha - View contents

    Wizard Wars is a shareware strategy game for the amiga. It runs under
WB 1.3, 2.0 and (fingers crossed) 3.0. It requires about 450k of RAM, and
multitasks quite happily. It is lacking fancy graphics, sound, and could do
with improved gameplay, but otherwise it is quite playable with the sole
exception that every minute or so a requester will pop-up asking you
to register. (ReminderWare?)

    The program that came with this doc file requires 2 fonts (sapphire-14
and garnet-9), and the diskfont.library before it'll work, if you don't
have these in your fonts: and libs: directories you should copy them there.
(If you don't the program will tell you what it needs, likewise should you
not have enough contiguous memory available it'll tell you).

    The shareware option mentioned above is as always completely
discretionary, however you should support shareware authors as I know if I
don't make any money out of this, I'll find something else to do (probably
something very boring that doesn't pay well and leaves me with little spare
time. Like a job - God forbid!). Anyway, I'm only asking for £8, It would
be a fiver but after VAT, disks, postage and packing there'd be next to
nothing left for my time and effort.
    In addition to salving your tender conscience, if you register, you'll
receive back a bootable disk with the game on, a printed manual (which is
invaluable if you want to be able to play the game properly - the notes
that follow are brief and some gameplay is obscure), and perhaps most
importantly, the chance to upgrade to the 'real' version of the game when
it's completed for a few quid to cover costs.
    This 'real' version is what I'd have liked Wizard wars to be all along,
it'll have proper graphics by a real artist (and not my efforts), proper
sound by a real musician (my efforts were so bad I couldn't bring myself to
include them in this version), better gameplay (I learnt a lot from coding
this game up, I've got lots of ideas that will be included to make things
much more interesting), and basically turn this game into something that'll
rival some commercial games.
    If you don't register, apart from the fact that I may not have enough
money to pay the artists I've got interested in the project (whereupon
obviously version 2 simply will not appear) version 2 will cost you quite a
bit more than if you register now.

    Shareware fees (£8) should made payable to 'NEBULA SOFTWARE' and
addressed to: Nebula Software,
              42, Goldspink Lane,
              Newcastle upon Tyne.
              NE2 1NR.

    Like I said, you'll get a printed manual and self-booting disk back.

    Wizard Wars is a simple strategy game, you play a wizard in his tower
who creates demons to send out to destroy the other wizards' towers.
    The demons can move about (different terrain uses more movement points)
by clicking on the adjacent hex you want it to move into. Note that you
must have an active demon in order to move it, and that it must be
displayed (ie, you can't move your demon if the map window is displaying
anything else - like a targetted demon).
    Demons can cast spells at other demons, to do this click the 'target'
button until the required demon is displayed, and then click the button
with the spell written on it - each demon has 3 spells, one attack, one
defensive and one miscellaneous. Some spells can only be cast upon the
casting demon (like fly).

    You'll need mana for most things, your wizard gets 25 points each turn
plus extra for any captured cities and villages. Creating demons costs this
mana, and is different from the mana the demons have to cast spells with
(demons also use up 1 point of mana each turn simply to exist).

    Each wizard has a flag, things possessed by him will have this flag
above them on the display. The board/stats button brings up a full map of
the play area, you can make different things flash (and at different rates
using the slider at the side of the gadgets) to see who owns what, or to
see where things are. The zig-zag line (border) that can be displayed shows
what is seen on the map window on the main screen so you can see where you
are at the moment. If you set the slider to 0 (as far up as it'll go), the
corresponding things will not flash but will remain highlighted.

    The symbols on the fullmap are: v- village, c- city, #- castle,
|?|-tower (? is the first letter of the wizard's name), ?- demon (? is the
first letter of the owning wizard's name).

    The above are brief notes on how to play, if you have difficulty,
please buy the manual from me - I worked hard to make it easy to
understand, unlike the above which I suppose'll be totally incomprehensible
to you.

    If you have any comments about this please contact me.
    Andy Bolstridge, Nebula Software 1992.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  170376   50440 70.3% 16-Nov-92 01:02:24  WizardWars
    4893    2371 51.5% 16-Nov-92 23:08:38  WizardWars.doc
     914     349 61.8% 12-Nov-92 17:01:52
    1279     634 50.4% 16-Nov-92 23:13:14  installation
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  177462   53794 69.6% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   4 files

Contents of game/strat/WizardWars.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw-rw-r--  3656/200     50440  170376  29.6% -lh5- 3856 Nov 15  1992 WizardWars
-rw-rw-r--  3656/200      2371    4893  48.5% -lh5- 20ab Nov 16  1992 WizardWars.doc
-rw-rw-r--  3656/200       349     914  38.2% -lh5- f91d Nov 12  1992
-rw-rw-r--  3656/200       634    1279  49.6% -lh5- 401f Nov 16  1992 installation
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files   53794  177462  30.3%            Sep  1  1995
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