84782 packages online
game/wb/MenoBoxXmas.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | 3D-platformer in OpenGL-window V1.0 |
Author: | tusca nic.fi |
Uploader: | Jukka Varsaluoma (tusca nic fi) |
Type: | game/wb |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos,ppc-warpup |
Date: | 2003-01-03 |
Requires: | StormMesa3.0, 68040/PPC |
Download: | game/wb/MenoBoxXmas.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/wb/MenoBoxXmas.readme |
Downloads: | 1306 |
What it is
MenoBoxXmas is a quick remake of the OpenGL-platformer MenoBox.
(If you are about to ask "Menowhat?" then point your surfboard
to The Official MenoBox homepage:
or dig it from Aminet.)
MenoBoxXmas was meant to be ready _before_ christmas 2002, but
my studies and social life took the time instead.
But here it is, a small christmas present to all of you amigans.
It's a few weeks late, but you can always keep the package
unopened for the next christmas if you want.
The archive contains versions for 68k and WarpOS.
And again, I'm not responsible anything this game causes
to your hardware, software or to your head. Use at your own risk.
(Because of the nature of this game and some of the
backgrounds, if you begin to feel sick or dizzy,
stop playing. Or else... your head will explode.)
And the Homepage:
You'll need at least 68040 with fpu
and a functioning StormMesa installation.
A gfx-card with 3d-acceleration is also very strongly recommended.
StormMesa can be found here:
All keys you will need are the arrows-keys.
Left-arrow moves the Box left and the right-arrow
moves the Box... yeah, you guessed it, right.
To jump press up or down-arrows.
And try not to fall. That's really it.
Start the game from shell from the same directory
where the executable files are or from the icon.
For permission to include MenoBoxXmas on any software
collection (other than Aminet) or cover-cd, please
contact the author.
Oh, and it's freeware.
But if you liked it send me some email. Please. (tusca@nic.fi)
The code itself should (yeah right...) be quite bug-free,
but StormMesa, Warp3D, and everything else might cause troubles.
The game is tested with A1200+BlizzardPPC+BVision
and with A4000T+Prometheus+Voodoo3. Worked fine.
(On my defect BVision (thank you dce...) the textures
are sometimes corrupted, it's weird that resizing the
window might correct the view...)
Too big window might cause a crash or freeze.
Tons of others..?
Q: Why the game crashes?
A: Make sure StormMesa works.
Make sure Warp3D works.
Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.
Try screenmode with different depth. (8/16/24)
Increasing stack might also help(?)
There really can be hundreds of reasons...
Q: Why is it so slow on my machine?
A: Make sure StormMesa works.
Make sure Warp3D works.
Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.
In a smaller window it also runs faster,
if you didn't notice. ;)
The 68k version is quite slow on my machine (68040/25)
but still fully playable.
Q: When I resize the window it crashes or freezes.
A: Too big window might eat up too much gfx-memory,
try to resize it smaller.
Q: Hey, aren't you too late? Xmas is over and the year changed already.
A: Umm, well...
Then you just have to wait to the next xmas before playing it. eh..?
Q: A Box? Again? Isn't that a little stupid?
A: It's an abstraction! Why does anything to have resemble
something from the real world? Computer games can be
an artform, why they have to imitate anything real?
(and it was the easiest object to make...)
Q: This game is unplayable.
A: Solution for this kind of problem is obvious:
Just don't play it. :)
Thanks to
Jari Varsaluoma
Jukka Mäntylä
Harry "Piru" Sintonen
Pekka Sippola
Thomas Duin
And to everybody who sent (or are going to send) me some feedback!
Contents of game/wb/MenoBoxXmas.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3144 6131 51.3% -lh5- 0a0e Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas.info
[generic] 10725 49152 21.8% -lh5- 2136 Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju0.raw
[generic] 6061 49152 12.3% -lh5- 4e58 Jan 2 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju1.raw
[generic] 7614 49152 15.5% -lh5- 4add Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju10.raw
[generic] 34601 49152 70.4% -lh5- a8c8 Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju11.raw
[generic] 37674 49152 76.6% -lh5- 6402 Dec 31 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju12.raw
[generic] 40752 49152 82.9% -lh5- a55e Jan 1 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju13.raw
[generic] 41022 49152 83.5% -lh5- a3bf Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju14.raw
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[generic] 27200 49152 55.3% -lh5- d669 Jan 1 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju16.raw
[generic] 44537 49152 90.6% -lh5- a879 Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju17.raw
[generic] 43975 49152 89.5% -lh5- ca5d Jan 1 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju18.raw
[generic] 5510 49152 11.2% -lh5- 6fb5 Jan 1 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju19.raw
[generic] 8609 49152 17.5% -lh5- e38d Jul 30 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju2.raw
[generic] 36143 49152 73.5% -lh5- 6430 Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju20.raw
[generic] 34149 49152 69.5% -lh5- 9e73 Dec 10 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju21.raw
[generic] 34122 49152 69.4% -lh5- 5759 Jan 2 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju22.raw
[generic] 4054 49152 8.2% -lh5- e691 Jan 1 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju23.raw
[generic] 599 3288 18.2% -lh5- 4e6c Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju24.raw
[generic] 667 1085 61.5% -lh5- b658 Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju24.raw.info
[generic] 11219 49152 22.8% -lh5- 3a3a Jul 30 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju3.raw
[generic] 32031 49152 65.2% -lh5- b7de Jul 30 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju4.raw
[generic] 25579 49152 52.0% -lh5- 6e8b Jul 30 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju5.raw
[generic] 16391 49152 33.3% -lh5- 6274 Jan 2 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju6.raw
[generic] 14154 49152 28.8% -lh5- 6fd8 Jan 2 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju7.raw
[generic] 34695 49152 70.6% -lh5- 8766 Jan 2 2003 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju8.raw
[generic] 12450 49152 25.3% -lh5- b1c2 Dec 31 2002 MenoBoxXmas/dada/nulju9.raw
[generic] 13070 27764 47.1% -lh5- 3567 Jan 15 1980 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBox68k.exe
[generic] 10734 30176 35.6% -lh5- 6725 Jan 15 1980 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxWOS.exe
[generic] 1924 3817 50.4% -lh5- fb1c Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmas.readme
[generic] 3067 6147 49.9% -lh5- f497 Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmas.readme.info
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- d7a4 Aug 21 2002 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmas68k
[generic] 3077 5651 54.5% -lh5- 73d5 Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmas68k.info
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- 537f Aug 21 2002 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmasWOS
[generic] 8087 12041 67.2% -lh5- c006 Jan 3 2003 MenoBoxXmas/MenoBoxXmasWOS.info
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Total 35 files 641816 1275788 50.3% Jan 3 2003
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