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Short:Effects, games, and utilities. -V2.4-
Author:Joar Berntsen
Uploader:joar berntsen netcom no
Requires:68k, AGA, and included fonts.
Download:game/wb/watchNplay.lha - View contents

update is documented from version 2.2

Update, short:

+ No more old looking menues.

+ Columns game very improved!

+ 2 new games, and 2 new but still incomplete games.

update, Detailed:


+ You can now buy watchNplay through PayPal! for more info.


  30 US Dollars
  (this means you get all new versions)


  5 US Dollars

  Make payable to

  You will then receive your very own up to date compiled exes,
  and probably very fast too. (0-2 days)

- Prefs file changed,
  so registered users must delete their
  sys:prefs/env-archive/watchNplay.prefs file.

  ALL files are now also kept inside the program directory.

+ Activated newlook menues of aos3.0 and up.
  I didn't know this existed until now. :/
   Now the menues will be much more compatable
  with your workbench.

  The menu names are also changed.

+ New game, 'ColorLander'.
  Currently with 2 different gametypes.
   I used spaceascii as a subgame for this new game
  and altered spaceascii to the better.
   This is the first time I have made an automated link
  between 2 different modes/progs.
  And it looks good, so I will probably make more such links.
+ I wanted to experiment more on how to make AI,
  and instead of adding a set of rules to a game,
  I made it depend on knowledge (past experience)
  so that it could learn to be good itself.
  I couldn't go for a complicated game,
  so I made a 'tic tac toe' game,
  also known as 'noughts and crosses'
   The learning AI algo finally turned out to be a success
  and the game now has various AI knowledge files
  that can be loaded as wished, anything from easy to impossible.
   It also learns (slowly) while you play it.

+ changed position of the quit menuitem,
  by request from a supporting user.

+ 2 additional new games are 'Under Construction'

:in Columns:

+ Optimized many things, including drawing.
+ added 7 different special blocks.
  There was none before.

+ secrets. :)

+ I changed name from Columns to Coolumns
  now that I have made it more than a standard clone.

+ narrowed playfield to half, and added score features.

+ The bricks are now drawn without numbers by default,
  since it can confuse when used with the new special blocks
  that has various symbols on them.

:in Points:

+Added a menuitem that gives the points
 predefined position and movement values.

:in poker:

+Thanks to Thilo Kohler, I have now added card gfx
 with his image.include for amiblitz2.
 This gfx can also be replaced or edited.

:in Ant commander:

-I moved all ant commander code
 out of watchNplay.
  This because it had little playability
 and was very large in the source.
+I may reinstate it in the future,
 as I have the code stored on my hd. 


This program is a compilation of:


  graphical effects

  creative utilities

They all use 1 or several display boxes on workbench.


aga. can work on graphic cards.
music playing.
the included font in your fonts:


Just extract the archive anywhere.
The archive has the program directory "watchNplay".


I, Joar Berntsen, give permission for watchNplay
demo version to be included on any Amiga cover CD.
And I would really like the issue that it was included in.

E-mail address:

Postal address:

 Troaveien 14
 7670 Inderoy
 The Blue planet.

Contents of game/wb/watchNplay.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1849    2811  65.8% -lh5- 2cf2 Jul  2  2002
[generic]                   63   20001   0.3% -lh5- 7661 Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/0
[generic]                 1205   20001   6.0% -lh5- 425d Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/1
[generic]                 2351   20001  11.8% -lh5- 64cd Jun 17  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/2
[generic]                 4412   20001  22.1% -lh5- 1a6e Jun 17  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/3
[generic]                 4264   20001  21.3% -lh5- 3415 Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/4
[generic]                 4264   20001  21.3% -lh5- 3415 Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/4.bak
[generic]                 4280   20001  21.4% -lh5- 9f98 Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/5
[generic]                 4280   20001  21.4% -lh5- 9f98 Jun 18  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/5.bak
[generic]                 4280   20001  21.4% -lh5- 9f98 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/AI/tictactoe/current
[generic]                  541     993  54.5% -lh5- af40 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                   39     524   7.4% -lh5- 3598 Jun 25  2001 watchnplay/CopyToFonts/Small.font
[generic]                 1160    1920  60.4% -lh5- 6823 Jan 18  2001 watchnplay/CopyToFonts/Small/6
[generic]                 1476    2380  62.0% -lh5- 17d8 Jan 18  2001 watchnplay/CopyToFonts/Small/7
[generic]                 2739    9736  28.1% -lh5- f9cf Jul  6  2003 watchnplay/data/cardsgfx
[generic]                 1942    6242  31.1% -lh5- 2ea1 Jun  1  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/1bak
[generic]                 4465   12608  35.4% -lh5- 59af Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/Level1
[generic]                13198   18192  72.5% -lh5- c2fe Jun  9  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/Level2
[generic]                14793   26246  56.4% -lh5- 097b Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/Level3
[generic]                70318   97658  72.0% -lh5- 2705 Jun  6  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/Level4
[generic]                 7811   45514  17.2% -lh5- ff53 Jun 11  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/Level5
[generic]                  223     366  60.9% -lh5- 675b Jun  5  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/MakingMaps.doc
[generic]                 2370    7954  29.8% -lh5- 9dc8 May 30  2003 watchnplay/data/ColorLander/NewLevelStandard
[generic]                 4497    9833  45.7% -lh5- 259a Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/Guide.doc
[generic]                 1837    2773  66.2% -lh5- c6c7 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                 7911   18396  43.0% -lh5- 9d90 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/History.doc
[generic]                 1836    2773  66.2% -lh5- 7068 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                 1450    2888  50.2% -lh5- c352 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/register.doc
[generic]                 1837    2773  66.2% -lh5- 71e6 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                  564     702  80.3% -lh5- fb9f Sep 22  2000 watchnplay/sounds/Points/solo
[generic]                  487     882  55.2% -lh5- a2c9 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/support.doc
[generic]                 1836    2773  66.2% -lh5- aa91 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]               126530  431696  29.3% -lh5- 8a83 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/watchNplay
[generic]                  159     229  69.4% -lh5- 0442 Sep 14  2002 watchnplay/watchNplay.FAQ
[generic]                 5378    6406  84.0% -lh5- 9394 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]               125378  432480  29.0% -lh5- 93d8 Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/watchNplay.ns
[generic]                 5377    6406  83.9% -lh5- 7227 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                 1916    3802  50.4% -lh5- 95ed Aug 12  2003 watchnplay/watchNplay.readme
[generic]                 1836    2773  66.2% -lh5- efd2 Jul  2  2002 watchnplay/
[generic]                   33      80  41.2% -lh5- 050f Aug 11  2003 watchnplay/Write/scores
[generic]                   12      12 100.0% -lh0- 0c2a Jul 28  2003 watchnplay/Write/watchNplay.prefs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        41 files  441197 1340830  32.9%            Aug 16  2003
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