Eye Viewer Berruguete shows jpg, gif, iff, png, etc. pics; play
wav and 8svx sounds and mp3 songs; explore your hard disk searching
these files that you can see or hear and copy, rename, move and
delete or doing a slide show with them.
This new version have a new interfaz with graphic buttons as the
programs of others systems.
This program is mailware if you like it, you send us one e-mail
with your name, surname and your language; we will send you, your
personal code, for enjoy the program without limitations, but the
other codes for this version are good.
Languages availables:
Spanish. English. Croatian. French. German. Italian. Czech.
Portuguese. Polish(New language available).
Also the guide is available in:
Spanish. English. French. German. Czech.
Important: The Eye Viewer not works in Amiga with O.S. 4.0 and
Amikit, Amiga or UAE with Directory Opus Magellan, but our program
is compatible 100% with MorphOS 1.4.5 and Amithlon.
Contact the author at:
E-mail: morguesoft@yahoo.es
Web: www.morguesoft.tk/ or http://geocities.com/morguesoft/