84782 packages online
gfx/show/LookHere-i386-aros.lha |
No screenshot available
The image viewer without warranties!
Version: 1.0
Licence: Freeware
Available for: AROS, OS4.x, OS3.x, MorphOS
1. What is?
LookHere is a program you can use to show images stored on your media.
2. Installation
Simply copy the executable <LookHere> along with the <Fonts> and <Languages>
3. How can I use this thing?
Note that the following instructions are referred to the english localization,
you can use the [?] button to show a brief explanation in your language.
When you launch the executable a button bar will appear showing the following
[?] Help/About window showing some infos and a brief help
[L] Hitting this button a requester will be opened to let you choice
a language from the ones available
[+] This is a switch, when pressed means that all files you are selecting
will be added to the current list, instead, with the switch unselected,
the currently selected files will be replaced with the next files
[Open Drawer] This button will open a drawer requester, starting from the
selected ones Lookhere will start to search for image files
recursively, so be patient if you are selecting the whole
hard disk!
[Open Files] This button will open a file requester where you can select
one or more files to view.
[Viewer] Enters the viewer mode
[Thumbs] Enters the thumbnails mode
[Slide Show] Starts the slide show
[Exit] Ends the program
4. Viewer Mode
The viewer mode can be used to view the selected images manually, you have
a button bar at the top with the following commands:
[?] Help/About window about the viewer mode
[filename] The image filename currently showed
[<<] Move to the previous image
[nn/nn] Current/Total image number
[>>] Move to the next image
[1][2][3][4] Change window dimension, [4] maximize the window
[Zm] Image zoom On/Off
[Rat] Aspect ratio correction On/Off
[Smt] Image smoothing On/Off
[Fx] Transition effects On/Off
[D] Open drawer, [+] switch is valid for this command too
[F] Open files, [+] switch is valid for this command too
[Exit] Exit from the viewer mode
5. Thumbnails Mode
With the thumbnails mode you can view more pictures in the same time, clicking
on a miniature the image will be enlarged.
You can return to the miniature screen clicking the right mouse button.
The program select for you the grid size of the thumbnails but you can
change it clicking the [+] and [-] buttons.
The [<<][>>] buttons are used to change page while the [64x64]...[240x240]
buttons are used to change the thumbnails size.
[Exit] exits from the thumbnails mode.
6. Slide Show
Enters a simple slide show showing all currently selected images, the default
pause is 5 seconds, you can exit form this mode holding down the ESC key.
[*] If you want to see LookHere in your language send me an e-mail to hijoe()tin.it
[*] If you find this program usefull and can't live without it you can send
PayPal donations to hijoe()tin.it
*** HISTORY ***
01.03.2009 This release :)
+ Added the [+] Switch to add files instead of replacing the previously selected
+ Added the [D], [Zm] and [F] buttons in the Viewer mode
+ Added the Thumbnails mode
+ Added localization routines, english and italian catalog available
+ Added [L] button to change the language of the Gui
* Fixed many bugs
18.02.2008 Unofficial release for test purposes
Uploaded using: archives.aros-exec.org
Contents of gfx/show/LookHere-i386-aros.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 43 524 8.2% -lh5- a0b2 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/diamond.font
[generic] 2054 3884 52.9% -lh5- d7fb Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/diamond/12
[generic] 3080 7188 42.8% -lh5- ea10 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/diamond/20
[generic] 71 1564 4.5% -lh5- ded8 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica.font
[generic] 1633 3000 54.4% -lh5- 8a6c Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/11
[generic] 1799 3392 53.0% -lh5- 6fbd Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/13
[generic] 2122 3936 53.9% -lh5- 7932 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/15
[generic] 2884 5228 55.2% -lh5- 08c6 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/18
[generic] 4057 7796 52.0% -lh5- ab8c Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/24
[generic] 1328 2652 50.1% -lh5- 643a Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/helvetica/9
[generic] 29 264 11.0% -lh5- 2c13 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/topaz.font
[generic] 1582 3192 49.6% -lh5- a059 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Fonts/topaz/11
[generic] 920 2577 35.7% -lh5- 1044 Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Languages/English.Language
[generic] 996 2863 34.8% -lh5- 2a9a Mar 2 21:03 LookHere/Languages/Italiano.Language
[generic] 695913 1329496 52.3% -lh5- 6e08 Mar 2 21:04 LookHere/LookHere
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 718511 1377556 52.2% Mar 3 17:58
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