This is the full version of MaVi, now freeware with kind permission of Hans
Raaf. MaVi is basically a player for Avi, Iff and other formats, and was
created 1997/98. More infos can be found here:
An update to version 2.1 can be found here:
Please note that there seem to be major problems with MaVi and OS3.9, but it
seems to work correctly, if you call the program from CLI including name of
the desired anim-file (see docs). Please also note, that MaVi does not seem
to work on 24bit screens. Working fine on 16bit screens.
Big thanks to Hans Raaf for coding it and making it freeware now.
Thanks also to Frank Ruthe for the original floppy-images (Hans Raaf didn't
have the MaVi-software anymore).